Chapter 3- A Betrayal of the Heart

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Hi everyone. I would first like to apologise for how fucking long it has taken me to update this I can't believe it was 4 years ago that I started this story and nearly a year since I posted the last authors note. BUT ENOUGH OF ME! On to the new chapter. Ladies, gentlemen and non binary babes, sit down grab a nice drink and a snack, and prepare yourself for another hot pile of flaming garbage ;) Enjoyyyy

A gunshot. And then silence. Not a peaceful silence but a harsh one. The deafening quiet strangling and crushing the air from the room, like a snake wrapping itself around it's prey and squeezing the life out of it. The dull thud of a body hitting the floor was a relief from the cold embrace. The steady flow of scarlet blood leaking out was a stark contrast to the dull colours of the room. Black, grey, black, wall to wall. He released a long sigh and rubbed his clothed hand against his forehead. The other held a pistol that had taken many lives previous to that night. The man turned, and placed the gun back into it's slender black casing, removed his white silk gloves and placed them in too. Another long sigh escaped his lips. There were more important things on the man's mind than the dead body behind him. He picked up the case and left with a chuckle.

Flames incased the room. A beautiful, burning inferno cascading down the walls in a waterfall of carnage. The floor was a lake of fire and destruction as the body of a once living man was enveloped within it's waves.


"Theres no way."
"Oh yes there is."
"But its not possible."
"Oh Jungkookie, you have no idea what's possible."
Hoseok threw his head back and in one go, downed entire bottle of Namjoon's finest red wine. Jungkook stared in shock and amazement as the older man chugged masterfully. After the last drop was consumed he sighed victoriously and slamed the bottle onto the table, making Jungkook jump.
Hoseok turned to him with heavy eyelids and a dazed expression, spread his arms, smirked smugly and said:
"Now that, is how the professionals do it."
Before collapsing to the floor, out cold.

Across the room, Namjoon's cold stare gazed outside of the sparkling window, his brow pulled into a frown of concentration. Yoongi sauntered over to stand beside him and lifted a glass to his lips gracefully to take a swig of whiskey.
"I've been thinking." Namjoon muttered lowly.
"Shit, we can't have that you'll get frown lines." Jested Yoongi, a small smile on his lips. Namjoon however, took no notice of his friends playful banter.
"We need to outsource. Playing with our own hand is too risky, too predictable considering our enemy is already within our ranks." Namjoon focused his gaze on Yoongi with a look of unease, one which the other man did not like one bit.
"We need to play with someone else's cards, be unpredictable... and I'm sorry Yoongi." His look turned remorseful and Yoongi took in a sharp breath as realised what Namjoon was insinuating.
"I know what she did and I know how much it hurts, but she is the only play we can make. It is risky, but unpredictable and therefore our best move." He justified.
Yoongi scoffed. He turned to the window as the sun finished setting behind the mountains on the outskirts of the city, and took another sip.
"I can't. You know why."
"Please Yoongi, if I'm going to do this I need your support. You have to bargain with her."
"Bargain what?" Yoongi seethed, "We could never persuade-."
"We can," Namjoon cut in, "I have information on the whereabouts of something she wants. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Yoongi looked down at his glass and swirled the contents. His eyes shimmering with unshed tears in the dying of the sunlight.
"She's a monster."
"I know. But she's our only shot."


Sensations. The burning of liquor, the burning of the neon lights on his skin, the burning in his chest that scorched his heart and melted his resolve. His body ached with the longing to just stop. Why can't he stop? Weakness, he thinks.

The shot glass in his pale hand slams against the bar, and the loud chatter of people hum like an engine, constantly moving and grinding. The sounds are muffled however, and his movements are slow. He has lost his place in the intricate clockwork of this city.

A deep sigh releases from his chapped lips and he rests his head in his hands, messing up his already heavily disheveled hair. Her face appears in his minds eye and he winces. She looks so beautiful. Hair shining in the morning sunlight, her face illuminated and her eyes sparkling with love.

She reaches up to touch his cheek and run her palm down to his chest. He feels the burning where she touches. Her fingers hold the gentle venom that courses through his skin and suffocates his lungs. He can't breathe and there is no antidote. Her voice calls out his name.
Just one word, but it hurts more than a gunshot. Her voice is sweet and melodic, it holds hope and joy and in the deepest recesses of his heart, he knew even then that he would be the one to destroy her.

She begged so many times for him to quit.  He always said he would, that they would start a new life together just as soon as he cleared everything up. His work was dangerous and he knew she worried whenever he left the house, holster under his blazer, another on his hip. She hated the guns the most so he always tried to keep them hidden from sight. Oh, the irony.

He shakes his head to rid himself of the memories. Shakily standing up and staggering out of the door on unsteady legs. The streets glow at night, it hurts his head.  She never liked it here, too many people and most of them drunk. A frustrated growl emanates from his chest at the resurfacing of another memory but it does little to intimidate his grieving mind. She used to cling to his arm whenever they walked down these streets after a night out. He always promised he would keep her safe. Fucking hypocrite, he mumbles.

He never should have taken the job. It should have meant nothing, just another dead gangster who bit off more than he could chew. It was never supposed to be bigger than that. But his target was owned. By a women who would never allow the death of one of her men go by unpunished. Not out of care for the dead man but because her possessions was taken from her. Selfish, greedy bastard.

In the end, he broke his promise. In the end, he failed. Tears run down his cheeks like they ran down hers as the barrel of a gun pushed against her temple. He stumbles through the streets as he remembers scrambling to reach for her, he wasn't strong enough. And now her blood will forever stain the concrete where her body fell, even after it is long gone. Her memory will stain his soul and her loving venom will continue to poison his mind. Yoongi falls to the ground sobs racking through his throat as his heart breaks and yearns for his lost love. He failed her, and he will never forgive himself.

A/N: so there you have it, Chapter 3 is finally up. A bit short, a bit rushed and a bit messy but its's there. I hope you enjoyed, stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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