Chapter 1- A Spy in the Midst

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The sound of glass smashing filled the room. Neon lights illuminated a group of huddled figures and gunshots reverberated off the walls deafening those nearby. Screams echoed in the ears of the perpetrators but they did not still in their movements. The men made their way across the room stepping carefully and crouched with their guns held steadily ready for an attack from the enemy. By now the population of the club had fled out of the doors leaving only one to cower behind an upturned table.
"Suga." The speaker nudged his head forward and Suga took the hint, slowly making his way to a table that had been thrown over. He stopped just in front of it, flicked his platinum blonde hair out of his eyes and looked to his leader for confirmation, a nod came his way and Suga slowly reached his gun round the table and pointed it against the head of the man that wept silently behind it.
"I think it best if you just come with us quietly and not make a fuss." The leader spoke. The man pulled out a handkerchief from his waistcoat pocket and blew his nose loudly before stuffing it back in and standing up on shaky legs.
"RM. What do you want from me? What can I possibly give you? I have nothing, I'm nobody." RM stepped forward and lowered his gun.
"I think that you of all people should know why we want you, Mr Kwon. Now stop asking questions." RM's cold gaze found the mans watery eyes and one of his more built men grabbed Mr Kwon's arms dragging him outside. RM once again nodded and him, Suga and the rest of his men followed suit. Once he stepped outside RM picked up his pace and quickly made his way to a parked van, the rest following silently. The built man from earlier opened the boot of the van and shoved the cowering Mr Kwon in, hitting his head in the process.
"Careful, Jungkook. I think sometimes you forget your own strength. We need information from him and we can't get that if he's knocked out." Jungkook blushed a light pink and mumbled a sorry before slamming the door closed. RM climbed into the passenger seat followed by Suga. While Jungkook and the two other men sat in the back. RM turned to the driver.
"Back home then."
"Did you really need to cause such a mess in that bar? You could have done it more stealthily! Honestly, I worry about you lot." The driver sighed and glared at the road ahead, his hands tightening around the steering wheel. "But it just makes things easier. If everyone else was there our guest could have escaped. Don't worry about it, Jin." RM smiled softly and lent over to give Jin a kiss on the cheek. "Don't try and lull me into a false sense of security, Kim Namjoon!" RM chuckled and apologised. "How come Jin hyung is allowed to use real names when I get told off for it?" Jungkook spoke up with a whiny tone, a small pout working its way onto his lips. "Because RM hyung has favourites." Said the young man to Jungkook's left. "No I do not! Speak for yourself V, you always defend Jimin even if it means arguing with me." V blushed and huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Jimin, the man to the right of Jungkook, had a small smile plastered on his face.

The journey home had no other disturbances other than a few muffled shouts from the boot. The six men fell into a comfortable silence and soon enough the bright lights of the mansion they called home began to peak on the horizon. It certainly was a sight for sore eyes. It was a modern style mansion with a huge glowing blue pool. The walls were mainly windows but some were white and black. Lights surrounded the estate and it seemed to be glowing from a distance. The van made its way up the drive and Suga sighed in content earning several murmurs of agreement from the others. The boys all made there way out of the van and Jungkook grabbed Mr Kwon from the boot and dragged him towards the house. RM unlocked the wooden black doors that were about twice his height and the width of all six of them standing next to each other. They stepped in quietly and RM instructed Jungkook to take their guest down to the cells in the basement where he would be staying the night.
"Bring him some food and water too. We don't want him to starve." Jungkook nodded and walked of with Mr Kwon over his shoulder shouting profanities. RM sighed and rubbed his temples and leaned over the marble island in the kitchen. Jin frowned slightly and came over to give RM a shoulder massage. RM smiled to himself and eventually turned to Jin. He leaned in and pecked Jin's lips as a thank you.
"Get a room!" Everyone in the room jumped at the sound of another voice.
"Hoseok! You scared us!" Jin said startled. RM wrapped his arms around Jin's waist. Hoseok ignored Jin's scolding and walked over to the island where RM, Jin, V and Jimin stood.
"So, Namjoon. Was the mission successful?" Hoseok inquired.
"To an extent." He replied. "He wasn't there. It seems that you didn't collect the right information." Hoseok's jaw dropped.
"B..but I was sure! I checked many times! That was where he was going to be!" Hoseok slammed his fist on the marble and let out a groan of annoyance. Namjoon removed himself from Jin and made his way over to stand next to Hoseok, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
"I know how you feel. We all do. But we must focus on what we do next." Hoseok sighed and nodded.
"What about Jungkook?" Everyone looked up.
"What do you mean, Taehyung?" RM frowned.
"You know what I mean. What if he finds out? Because he's going to eventually at some point. You are going to have to tell him. He's not going to take things lightly." RM sighed and leaned further onto the table. The others followed suit.
"I know that he will find out eventually. But until then he need not know who we are after. Do you understand? Jungkook will not find out that we are after-"
"After who?" At that moment Jungkook strolled into the pristine kitchen. The other boys quickly shot up from their leant positions, startling Jungkook.
"No one!" They answered in unison.
"Geez, you guys are acting weird." Jungkook walked past the others and went into the living room silently, but not without giving them all a judging look.
"Great! Now he's suspicious." Jimin whisper shouted wrapping his arm around Taehyung's. Namjoon groaned in frustration and then sighed in defeat. Everyone then retired to the living room to join Jungkook. Namjoon and Jin took the seats next to Jungkook while Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung occupied the second sofa. Taehyung wrapped himself up in Jimin's arms and the two began to cuddle and whisper things to each other, much to the disgust of Hoseok.
"So what's the plan with Mr Kwon?" Jimin asked.
"We find out what he knows about the leak. See if we can get a lead on who exactly is gaining all this information on us. Luckily Hoseok was able to wipe the files before they reached their recipient. No data on us has got far. But someone out there knows a great deal about us ,it's Suga and Jungkook's duty to find out as much information as possible tomorrow." Namjoon answered.
"So we have a spy in the midst?" Suga asked.
"Yes. We certainly do."

~~Later that evening, an unknown location~~

"They have Kwon." Spoke a gruff voice from the darkness. A few feet away stood a man, young, handsome, and clothed in some of the most expensive materials. He sighed and shook his head before reaching down to pick up his white, silk gloves. He pulled them on gently and clutched his hand into a fist.
"I guess we will have to rethink our plan then. Call a meeting, One. Make sure it's swift and don't forget to notify the attendees of our predicament."
"What about him?" One stepped out from the shadows. He was tall, broad and muscular with a wrinkled face that held a permanent frown.
"Send him an invite as well. We might as well get his opinion too. He is as much a part of this plan as any of the rest of us are—" The mans voice faltered. "In fact, visit him after the fight. Tell him face to face. We can't have any misconceptions." One nodded stiffly and exited the dark room ordering several other men to follow him, all smaller in height and in muscularity. He slammed the door and the man from inside the room heard his heavy thudding footsteps echo down the hall followed by the pattering of the other men. Another sigh escaped his lips and he reached down to lean over the table. His eyes glistened with excitement and a grin spreading out across his lips.
"The game is afoot. And I am already many steps ahead of you, RM."

A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating yesterday, something came up. This chapter is shorter than I was hoping it to be. I will try and make future ones longer! Comment if you liked this chapter and I hope that you continue to read and enjoy this book!

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