Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

I have an eye for detail, I always know when things are off, and today something was most certainly off. I left Ruby and Belle when I had Mills like usual, they went off to their subject and I took my usual spot on Mrs Mills' desk. You see I learnt to appreciate that damn seat because I got to see Regina a little closely, I saw every little smile she gave me when she caught me looking. Today she avoided my eye contact, she wore these rounded glasses that made her look adorable, but it wasn't right. Neither was the extra makeup that was caked on her face, or the purple scarf she wore on this hot May morning. Something wasn't right.
"Good morning class," her voice was normal, but there was pain behind it - I could tell. She began taking attendance and I continued to wonder and worry about Mrs Mills.

I needed to talk to her today, I needed to see if she was okay, so when end of class came everybody left, and I stayed. Mills has a free period and it just so happens that I do too.
"Miss Swan, can I help you with something ?" She asks with the smallest smile on her face. I mess around with my thumbs.
"Well , I , well you know, I, um I just wanted to see if you were okay? " Her dark eyes meet my green ones and green ones instantly melt.
"What do you mean?" I decided that maybe I should just speak to her, she's not going to kill me. I hope.
"Well, the glasses, the extra makeup, the scarf? Mrs Mills I'm good at noticing when things are off, it helped me survive all of my foster families, and I think something is off with you, you said you'd be there for me so I'm being here for you. Mrs Mills, are you okay?" By the end of my little speech , the brunette placed down her pen and covered her face with her hands. I contemplate hugging her really hard but I feel too nervous.
"Emma, I don't know what to do. " The way her voice cracks breaks my heart.
I sit down in my seat again opposite her.
"I shouldn't be talking to you about this, your only a child."
"Hey, I'm almost 18 and I'm very mature, I've had my fair share of crappy things happen to me, I understand how you feel even if I don't necessarily understand how your feeling."
"Words of wisdom hey?" She raises an eyebrow and I smile in return.
"Emma, I don't know how I can get out, I'm trapped. " I begin to feel like I know what she means.
"Would all of this happen to be about your husband?" The avoiding of my eye contact tells me that I'm right.
"Oh my god, does he, does he hit you?"
"It's nothing, he mainly just shouts a lot, he doesn't hit me that much. " That poor woman, and people wonder why she can be so hard work.
"You need to get out Regina, even if he doesn't do it that much, you need to get out. "
"And go where? Huh? I have no family no nothing, my mother is a nasty piece of work, my sister despises me , my father is dead, I have nobody. Nobody except Robin. " a long sigh follows and I feel a sadness towards Regina. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this , most people hate her, but if only they see what I see, I'm sure they would love her.
"You'll find something to fight for, you'll find someone who cares about you, you'll find somewhere you finally feel at home. I did. " a tear rolls down olive cheeks.
"I shouldn't cry in front of a student, it's highly unprofessional. " she sniffles and wipes away the tear that falls.
"Come on Mrs Mills, we both know that I'm a special student , " I joke, in an attempt to lighten the mood , it works, she chuckles.
"And that you are Emma Swan. "

Deciding to speak to Mary-Margaret about Regina wasn't an easy choice, I just want to let her know that people care, so why not try and get the most caring person I know to try help, Mary-Margaret. I know that their relationship isn't exactly the best, but anybody can forgive, I'm damn sure it's MM.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about honey?" I walk down the last couple of stairs and I climb onto the breakfast bar stool.
"I think somebody needs help, like soon, I don't know what to do about it, and the only person who I can think of is you. You might not want to hear about this but please can you just hear me out? Once. " I've confused her. I can tell.
"Okay, go ahead." Her back turns as she heats up the stove for tonight's dinner.
"Mrs Mills. " Her back turns, and she is about to protest but I cut her of.
"....just hear me out. "
"Carry on " Her attention is again drawed to her cooking.
"Her husband abuses her. She needs to get out but she can't, and she hasn't got any family or anywhere to go. " Mary turns again and leans against the counter so she's closer to my face.
"Honey, that came out of nowhere. Now I love, that your empathetic and that you care so much, but sometimes there's just things we can't help. " The anger rose, how could Mary-Margaret of all people just ignore someone's needs like this?
"She gets beaten up, probably everyday by her husband, you can't just ignore that,"
"Em, if Regina wanted out so badly she could of done something about it herself- that's all I'm saying. I would love to help but there simply isn't anything that I could do to hel-"
"Because it's Regina. You would help anybody, but now your saying no. Because it's Regina. "
"Emma, that isn't what I'm saying. "
"But it's what your thinking isn't it?" I knew I should shut my stupid mouth, suddenly I was just becoming so angry, and I COULD NOT afford to lose a foster parent like Mary-Margaret. So I walk away.
"Emma, what about your dinner?"
"Not hungry, oh and by the way. No. It's not that easy, people get stuck in situations like Regina all the time, me included. And no, it's not that easy to get out, do you think I liked getting beaten until I couldn't breathe, do you think I liked getting raped? I wanted to run away more than you could imagine, but I was beyond terrified of what might happen to me. So no, it's not just a case of 'doing something about it yourself' people need help. "And I stormed away from her, away from my anger. For a while.

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