Chapter 20

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Emmas Pov.

I haven't really eaten.

I haven't really slept.

I haven't really cleaned myself.

I haven't really moved.

Its monday. Since the disaster that was Prom , Ive spent the weekend moping, not really doing anything. Im pretty sure I smell bad, and ive not eaten. Me and Regina dated in the shadows for a short amount of time , but she became a part of me so , so fast. I felt like I needed her to survive.

Today is Monday. So I have school. Except, im not going. Mary has yelled from downstairs four times already and now I hear her approaching. The door opens , im staring at the ceiling.

"Emma Swan. You have been through hell and back and never have I seen you act like this. You need to go to school. " I dont reply.

"Im leaving for work. Fine. At least have a shower by the time im back. " Soon I hear the door close and Im left all alone in this house. I decide to do as MM says and drag myself to the shower. I must of been in there for at least an hour. I haven't used my phone that much over the weekend ,  I'm no surprised that theres over a hundred messages and calls.

Ruby , Belle , Unknown's numbers , Ruby, Belle , over and over again. But no calls from the one I wanted to call. No call from the woman who broke my heart. That's right , she broke my heart yet I still wanted her to call. I text Ruby and Belle just to let them know that I am not actually dead in a ditch somewhere , I change into some clean pj's and I jump right back into bed. I still wasn't in the mood to eat , which seriously concerns me.

Reginas POV

The school day was almost over , teachers get fed up of school too. Emma didn't turn up to school. I hope she's okay I think. I mean , if course she's not okay. I'm not okay.

I'm not okay.

Our breakup hit me more than I thought it would. More than it should of , I allowed myself to become too attached to Emma , and it wasn't a good thing. I fear of what may happen if Robin ever found out. What would he do to Emma?

What would he do to me?

The bell goes. The signal that the day is over and that bell is music to my ears , I resist the urge like I have done all weekend to call Emma , but she didn't show? Maybe I should see if she was okay? No. It would make things worse. Or maybe I could go to her house ? No Regina , even worse idea. I'm so thankful Robin was away in Chicago for business , it means that the house is mine for the week, with peace and quiet. There is a knock at my door, It was Mary Margaret. Dammit. I knew she would be here at some point, I really didn't want to have this conversation right now but I knew that I would have to have it one day.

"Come in" I always hated the way Mary Margaret dressed , the way she matches the colours that don't go together, the way she made them look scarily good. She Looks at me With eyes full of sadness which only makes me feel worse. I would do anything to be at home in my bed right now, I don't have the energy to have this conversation with Mary Margaret, I just don't have the energy, not anymore.

"Hi" she mutters.


"Regina , I'm sorry to barge in like this I'm sure your awfully busy , but Emma , you see she's just not in a good way." I feel my heart ache at the mention of the blonde, I wish things were different, if I could change the way things were I would. Believe me I would. I look at Mary Margaret. We have a lot of history I feel like she knows me more than anybody, I feel like she knows that if there was any other way then I would not be sat here right now, she knows me. Mary knows I wouldn't just been messing around with Emma for no reason, I wouldn't be putting myself in danger for a stupid girl. Mary-Margaret doesn't know the situation with Robin or not that I know of, however, I do not know what Emma has told her.

"Mary , I -"

"Regina , I know you. You don't fall in love with just 'anyone' if you love someone , you'd know about it , I think your in love with Emma, but you're scared , scared of your husband. I also think that Emma has fallen in love with you more than she expected, more than she should have, more than you should have, but there's nothing to be done now, I'm willing to help you in anyway possible, it breaks my heart seeing Emma so hurt , and I can tell that just by looking at you that you are not okay either, like I said, I know you too much."

I shouldn't say anything to Mary, I shouldn't say anything at all.We have hated each other for so many years , I treat her so bad, yet she still wants to help me although she might not even care about me.

" I want to be with Emma, when I'm with Emma I don't care about all the rules im breaking , all the ways I'm putting myself in danger , putting her in danger, however it would kill me if anything were to happen to her. You're right you know me more than anyone, I have fallen for her, I think I might be falling in love with her and I shouldn't be. I've fallen Way too hard, harder than I expected and harder than I should but there isn't anything I can do. I can't explain how I'm feeling on the inside I feel like something inside me has just died, I haven't felt this way since Daniel. "

The thought of Daniel makes me sigh , I Don't know whether it was a sad sigh , Or a what the hell have I done kind of sigh. I dread to think of what may happen If anyone were to find out about Emma.

"Regina , why are you so scared of your husband?" I look away ,

I couldn't tell her.

I couldn't tell anyone.

I really was trapped.

"I can't. I'm sorry." I mutter , still avoiding eye contact. Mary kneels in front of me on the ground. She grabs my hands.

I know that she knows. I know Emma would have told her.

"I can help."

"Can you though?"

"I can sure try."

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