Chapter 24

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"Your FUCKING kidding me!"

" Can you keep your voice down please , I don't want her to hear you."

I was on FaceTime to Belle and Ruby, of course I had to tell them what went on last night after our conversation ended.

I'd been awake scarily early this morning for Emma Swan so I crept away to the guest room I had so nearly slept in to call my best friends.

Belle was a morning person , Ruby was due to work so I knew that they would be awake and sure enough , Belles face appeared on the screen after two dials and Ruby's in five.

It was just three girls. Three best friends , having a general conversation.

Then I drop the bomb.

"I had sex with Regina."

Belle doesn't get a word in before Ruby screams down the phone.

"Your FUCKING kidding me!"

" Can you keep your voice down please , I don't want her to hear you."


"You so underestimate me Ruby ,"

"Was it , you know good?" Belle was so cute. The perfect person to talk to, curious but not in your face curious like Ruby.

I find myself telling Ruby politely to 'shut the fuck up' more often.

"It was good." I admit.

"Just good?"


"Rubes you've never had sex with Mrs Mills let Em speak."

"No the sex was good , she literally made me orgasm too." I was shocked considering I've had maybe two orgasms prior. It barely happened. That's how you know the sex was good and sex with Regina last night, it was in the words of Ruby 'fucking phenomenal'. There was still a feeling deep inside that I couldn't seem to shake.


Not my regret.

God. No.

Her regret. Regina's regret. She may wake up and think what the fuck did I do? She may feel sick at the thought of sleeping with her student. I know we have expressed our feelings before but never intimately, until last night. What if I was bad.

Really bad.

"Are you okay Em? You don't seem too sure of yourself?"

"Yeah I'm all good, really good actually , I'm gonna go though before Regina notices I'm out of bed , bye love you both!" I tap the red end button. I only have the silk shirt on buttoned up just enough to cover my boobs. I had no pants on at all. I creep back to Regina's room and I pray she's asleep - she's not.

"I thought you might have run away."

"With no pants?" Her eyes roam over my exposed legs and centre.

"Come." I obey her like a pet. Like I'm too deep in now , like I'll obey her every order from this moment on. I'm completely hooked on Regina Mills , and I refuse to complain.

I crawl on the bed and she holds her arms out for me to collapse into. Her embrace is warm and even this early in the morning , her scent is still so strong , of apples and perfume and ... sex.

"What's the matter my love , I sense a shift in your energy." Regina knows. She just always knows. That's what I love about her.

"I'm okay really"

"Do you regret it?" I look up at her.

"What? NO. I mean god no! It was the best night of my life I could never regret it!"

"Then tell me Emma what's going on In that pretty head of yours?" She strokes my hair so lovingly , I could fall asleep.

"I was panicking."


"Because - because I thought you might have regretted it. I thought that maybe you'd wake up and become disgusted that you slept with a teenager, I thought I was bad." She continues to stroke my head, comforting me as well as she can.

"You see my dear Emma , your issue Is that you think too much. Turn your thoughts off. I do not regret our actions last night and I certainly do not regret the partner in which I participated with. I told you I was here for the long run and I told you that I loved you. My dear allow me to love you. Don't panic."

I don't say a word and simply melt deeper in her arm. I'm in over my head and I know it! But I'm here for it.

I will always be here for it.

I could stay in this moment forever, in the embrace of my lover, feeling warm, and feeling safe. It's something I've needed my entire life.

"What about you my love?" I look up at Regina.

"What do you mean?"

"Your eighteen , I am pushing thirty five, if you want to run Emma , I'm giving you a free pass. If you run , just know there's an old woman in the world who loves you , and she would really like it if you didn't."

I sit for a moment. Taking each word in.

I could run.

I have before.

"I could run. Maybe I should , it would be easier for everyone if I ran. Your husband. You.
Yet, there's this old woman , she really makes it hard to leave. It doesn't help that she's sat naked in front of me. So Regina , I don't want to run. I don't ever want to run away from you."

She glares at me seductively.

"Running requires Energy my love , and you need all of the energy you can get."

A/N , I NEED FRIENDS! Private message me your snapchat names and become my friend!

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