Chapter 19

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From Regina :   

You had no right Emma, you do not dictate the way I live my life. You do not get to decide what I do and when I do it. Believe me when I say I cannot leave my husband , it means I cannot leave my husband. I thought you would understand. Maybe this was wrong. Maybe this is to fast. Your seventeen and im nearing thirty. This is illegal. Maybe this is the end. Emma, your young and immature and people like you and I are not meant to be together.

She was kidding me right? This was a joke?


My prom had already went downhill, I was sat in the corner on a chair feeling sorry for myself, feeling like shit wanting to run away. I'd already promised Ruby and Belle that i'd stay, going outside into the yard wasn't classed as leaving , right? Then everyone started screaming, and pointing, so I look in the general direction and notice Regina being lifted into the dunk tank, oh I had to stay for this. This seemed to excite the teens in this room , that was what the fuss was about.

I approached the growing crowd , oh I knew this wouldn't of been Regina's idea, god she would hate this with every fibre of her being , it wasnt any surprise when she was dunked on somebody's first try and I could see her face, filled with frustration, knowing she couldn't go back now. It was funny. But I did sort of feel bad. I stand , smack in the middle of that crowd, I wasn't going to do that to her, but fuck it.

Maybe we should see how Mills likes being out of her comfort zone.

When it's finally my turn , I grab the balls and look Regina in the eyes. They plead with me , begging me to put the balls back, to walk away in an expression that she knew only I would know. But I wasn't giving in that easily ; I was hurt and angry so I took my anger out on those balls , all three of them hitting the target which equaled one soaked Regina. Now I dont even look at her. I just rush outside for the air.

It was already pitch black outside, I go to lean against the wall and I'm there for a good thirty minutes , just staring at the sky when I hear footsteps coming from the school, Regina comes out dripping wet with her heels in her hands. She does not notice me, I stay silent and dont move, as much as I long to speak with her, I feel like anything I say will only make things worse, I stare at her for a minute. I watch the way she shivers, the angry moans she makes once in a while, the way she runs her fingers through her sodden hair, attempting to comb through it. I notice it all. I decide to speak up.

"You deserved that." I startled her and she jumped slightly. 

"Great. All I need."

"What? Me ? Being here at this prom you convinced me to come to? The prom I came to after being dumped ? The place I came to , to attempt to make myself feel better? Yeah, hello Regina. Its me. "

"Screw you Swan."

"No Regina, screw you, I asked you to leave your husband because believe it or not I thought  you really liked me and I thought you wanted something to come out of it. You bit my head off Regina, made me feel like I was a child and I dont respect that. "

"BECAUSE IM SCARED EMMA! YOU HAVE NOT GOT THE SLIGHTEST IDEA WHAT GOES ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS OR WHAT GOES DOWN WHEN THE LIGHTS DO. " She has a tear rolling down her cheek. I edge of the wall and slowly approach her, I hold out my hands.

"just tell me Gina, let me help you , like you helped me."

"You cant." Her voice is barely even a whisper.


"Emma no. If you become involved your life will be ruined , my life will be ruined, it's too dangerous, I do care for you deeply Emma possibly too deep but I'm not willing to put you at risk for my satisfaction. You already mean too much for me. Please. Believe me on this." a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Is this it?"

"I believe so. " Her voice is thick.

"Goodbye Mrs Mills." I turn my back to walk away.

"Em, wait.." I take a last look of the woman I love.

"I love you." Its all she says before she disappears.

I love you too. But its too late now.

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