Chapter 17

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One month. A month of bliss and every second is pure heaven. However , it was a month of secrecy , hiding, but all the months to come that I spend with Regina Mills , will all be my favourite.

There's a thing happening soon. Something that's not really a big thing to me but kind of is a massive thing so yeah. Shit. But anyway , in two weeks I have prom and I didn't want to go , but MM is making me. So are Ruby and Belle and so is Regina. I don't want to go , I won't be able to dance with the one I truly want to dance with, I won't be able to enjoy the night. Regina offered to help out so she could see me but still - it won't be the same.

"I hate this. I hate them all. " somehow my friends persuaded me to come prom dress shopping with them and I hate it. There are so , so many dresses of different styles and colours around me but I can't see a single one I like.

"I think red." Typical Ruby, she holds a skimpy dress in Scarlett red up to her.

"Hmm, I don't know , maybe yellow? " Belle mutters.

"Ugh! No yellow is gross , why not red? Well I mean I'm wearing red so like ? Blue?" Ruby doesn't make eye contact so she doesn't see Belle roll her eyes.

"I think it will suit you." I say , despite the fact my car is bright yellow , I don't really like the colour and to be honest , I didn't think it would suit Belle.

"Emma do you seriously see nothing that you like ? " Belle asks. And I don't , I've never cared for dresses and I've never looked forward to prom before. I had zero interest in being here in this dress shop. After here I was due to meet Ingrid at her shop, ice cream sounded heavenly to me right now.

"Ugh ! Fine if you don't make an effort , I'll do it myself. " I agreed , I've learnt that just agreeing to Ruby is the best thing to do. Even If it means her picking me out a dress that's probably going to be more my skin than dress.

3 days later, Regina's POV.

Detention , with the one and only Ruby Lucas. I used to quite look forward to seeing the look of utter hate for me when I gave Ruby Lucas a detention. Now it just Irritates me. Normally , me and Emma would use these lunches to 'catch up' this would be our time. Now I have to deal with Ruby , and her lack of clothing.

"Right." Her voice , snaps me out of my thoughts. I push my glasses down to the tip of my nose and glare at the teenager ,


"What is your favourite colour?" Huh?

"Excuse me?"

"I said what's your favourite colour because Emma is the most useless shopper ever and refuses to choose a prom dress. So I'm doing it. What is your favourite colour?" Ruby knows ? Nobody was supposed to know! I was sort of at a loss for words ..

"Earth to Mills.."

"What , uh, black?" I reply,
Ruby nods with a slight twinkle in her eye.

"You know what Miss Lucas, I'll excuse you from this detention but this is a one off , disrupt my class once more and your butt will be out of her and into the principles office faster than you can say full moon. Are we clear?...
I said are we clear."

"Yes Ma'am. "

"Get out of here. Oh and Miss Lucas?"


"You don't breathe a word of me and Emma to anybody. Is that also clear?"

"Crystal." She smiles sarcastically and sways out of there. That girl is a nightmare.

Now prom. I've never helped out , I couldn't think of anything worse, being surrounded by teenagers that spike the drinks and leave drunker than my sister on New Years. I decided to help this year , for Emma. If I'm expected to get through the night , I might be spiking that punch bowl myself. That's fun. On a brighter note , there was only one more period left until I can leave.

I toss my keys in the little bowl by the door. Robin's car was in the drive which is just amazing.

"Regina ?" Here goes...

I head round the corner into the kitchen where Robin is leaning against the island with a glass of alcohol in his hand.

"Hi, your home early." I smile .

"I had a headache , your home early too."

"I won a case , a big case. So I wanted to celebrate." I smile again.

"Why did you come here , you can go to the bar if you want ? I won't be much fun." I attempt to get him away.

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with your wife huh? Trying to get rid of me ?"

"Of course not Robin , I'm not feeling very well but you deserve to have a proper celebration , I don't want to ruin that for you. "

" Maybe I wanted to stay with you, if you don't feel very well, let's go to bed." He winks which makes my stomach churn.

"You mean , go to bed? Or go to bed -go to bed?" I ask.

"Whatever you want." What I want to scream is no, I want to kick him out and chuck his stuff out of a window. But I open my mouth and find myself saying.....

"Take me to bed." He places his glass on the island, and leads me to the bedroom.

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