Chapter 22

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Hey guys! It's been a while !! Who's ready for an update? - C


I was stood in front of the woman's house, the woman I fell for. However , there was no sign of Madame Mills herself.

"Surprise dear" it's Zelena. I adore her voice.

"Why am I here?" I turn abruptly to Mary and begin my interrogation.

"Your having your prom. And this time , it's going to be perfect."

"I - I want to leave. Please. "


"Mary I want to leave."

"Your not leaving. Suck it up," I felt very uncomfortable, I wanted to go home instantly

"Are you kidding me right now? She broke my heart, you watched me cry, you held my hand?" 

"Em, she loves you. And you love her. We have the Robin Situation under control. Trust me. Now go! I have places to be! " I'm giving her a look that screams 'I hate you but I love you'

" I've never seen her that way Emma. My sister is a cold hearted bitch to most. She truly loves you. I can see it. Please , go in there and let her prove herself to you. " I nod. I smile at Zelena and she smiles back, her eyes twinkle in the sun. I've never seen eyes so blue before. She holds her hand to me but before I take it , I hug Mary - Margaret so hard she almost topples to the ground. I whisper an 'I love you' in her ear and then I take Zelena's hand. MM drives away and I'm guided through the mansion and into Regina's garden. It's just as amazing as the inside, with trees and flowers , even a pool! 

And her.

Standing there.

Waiting for me.

Her dress was black but a lot fancier than the last one. Her lips were a delicious apple red colour and her hair was up , which I had never seen before.

I had seen her a thousand times before yet she still managed to take my breath away. Zelena disappears into the house and I make my way over to Regina.

"Emma, your stunning." Her eyes look me up and down and I do the same. I don't say anything back , I simply just smile.

"I need you to know how sorry I am Emma. I realised that my life without you is not much of a life. I haven't lived. I didn't live until I found you. You've showed me happiness even though some days I live in fear. I know that everything I deal with behind closed doors is all worth it ... because I get you. I need you to live, I need you to need me too."

I try so hard to prevent any tears from falling.

"I need you Regina." She takes my hand and pulls me into a soft, yet passionate kiss. I feel my worries slowly drift away with the wind.

"Dance with me?"

"As you wish."

The night had come to an end, Regina and I had spent the evening in good company, we laughed, we ate, we drank and we danced. Now we were in bed.

I was in a guest room.


A guest room.

I'm not sure if I should be complaining about this but I can't help feel a little disappointed , I was messaging Belle and Ruby on our group chat telling them about my night.


Belle : your kidding right?

Emma : She didn't make me she just kissed me goodnight , handed me some pj's and dropped me off here.

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