Chapter 2

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(Hello everyone, made it to California safely, I'm only going to be able to make 1 or 2 chapters for this series. But don't worry I will start regularly writing on Friday. Anyway, love you all and enjoy the The chapter

Percy POV

Seeing Leo launched out to ocean angered all of us. There was no calypso he could go to. A fall that long will hurt even a son of Poseidon. He will die on impact. The battle took place in a large abandoned throne room with a glowing fire in the middle with around 575 monsters in it, including 13 giants.

We all charged with fire and fury. We killed all the monsters we could. But then like it was nothing a spear impaled Jason's knee. It isn't fatal, but it immobilized him. Piper quickly ran to his side, fending off monsters from the two of them. But then hazel is thrown into the fire pit... along with franks life stick.

I quickly throw water at the fire pit but it only reaches hazel.

Before I could make it reach franks stick I'm hit hard with a giants club. Making me fly in to the old marble throne wall.

Hazel tried to put out the fire on the franks stick (A/B: hahahaha this hilarious, well besides frank dying, that's bad. But still kinda funny) but it didn't work. Frank just looked her "love you" he said. He just dropped like he passed out. He didn't pass out. He died.

It all collapsed. While Annabeth was lprotecting me. ( it turned out I had more than a few broken bones.) She was grabbed and thrown at piper. She dodged but it was only a distraction. There was a large crack. Emotions came out at me like a tsunami. The love of my life was dead.

While she was still looking, shocked by Annabeths death, she didn't notice the giant club speeding in her direction until it was to late. She dodged most of it, but it still hit her sending her flying right on top of Percy (warning this is NOT for the weak hearted!)

With all the force that the giant could muster the giant smashed his metal club onto the sun of Jupiter. His death was painless yet gruesome, his hands glued to the club by his own blood. His intestines hanging from the club like a noose hanging on a fan. Tiny white spots which I could only assume are his crushed eye balls dripping a unknown liquid.

While what's still a recognisable face was smushed against the red weapon.

But the worst was pipers face, a face I thought could only be seen in Tartarus. Hazel now stood next to us. Our faces contorted with anger. We fought like demons.

Finally it was all over. Gaia was back to sleep. But with a cost. Hazel was the first to talk.

"I failed..." she said. "No hazel we all failed." I said. Piper seemed deep in thought. "We didn't fail, we won. Our partners don't want us to sulk. We need to move on." Piper said, trying not to break down in tears.

" I know," hazel started sobbing " but I miss frank, I—" she was interrupted by a arrow to her eye.

What Hazel death looks like.

"Hazel!" Piper screams while I rush the killer, a foot dracaena and stabbed it in the heart. "Let's go to to camp half blood." Piper said in a shaky voice.

I awoke with a start. "Piper!" I yelled. "Oh gods oh gods. I hate the fates, I miss everyone. There is literally no one to go too. Not after piper. I should have dodged the pistol whip. Now pipers dead.

I should have seen the dracaena. But now hazel is dead.

I should have... I should have... I couldn't do anything. I'm not the hero everyone thinks I am. I'm a failure to my friends and family. Even my parents are dead.

Then a knock on the door. Gods damn it. Probably a Mormon missionary. (No offence to Mormon missionaries) I open the door to see a emo looking red head who looked liked she was forced to go to prom.

Then there was a guy who seemed a little to obsessed with spiders.

Next to him was a guy who looked like a wannabe demigod archer.

In the background I also noticed what looked like a assassin furry. He was holding some weird camera.

"Wrong asylum." I say with a sly smirk.

The Emo prom girl stepped forward "we are here to detain you."

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