Chapter 4

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Peter POV

The guy walked into a cemetery. He placed a flower on one grave and just as he sent the second he bolted up and turned his head to our group. I was in my spandex suit because my metal one was in the dry cleaners.

"Come out" He said "I know—" he was cut of by the arrow of clint. He caught it. Clint didn't see that. He walked out of his hiding place looking back at me. "That, kid, is how you sh—" he was cut off by the arrow of himself. "Fail" Perseus said as Clint dropped to the ground with his own tranquil dart.

"Who's next" he said, Natasha walked out in to the open.

"Kid, your under arrest!" Natasha semi yelled. "Uh, what happened to kidnapping me for no explanation?" Percy said while smirking.

"Peter, don't bother" Natasha said. I hated being the last person to be in line for a fight it—Jesus H Christ, he just took out black widow, k...

I looked at black panther. We are going to need backup.


I've heard of insane. I mean, I knew Percy Jackson, but knocking out both Clint and Trainer Natasha? This guy must be strong.

Speaking of them I wonder how they are. After I found calypso, I didn't want to go back. Speaking of calypso she mad a name for herself with S.H.I.E.l.D. I am proud, she is one of the worlds best hackers. Which is weird. But hey, why let 3,000 years of being stranded on a inescapable island get in the The way of a little hacking.

Man, we were there quick. By time we got there peter was out cold. I like peter, reminds me almost like no one I know.

And cat suit guy, which I never met before was fighting this guy. "Stay there I got him" he said, while panting... I swear I'll never get super heroes with the, oh so good strategy of attacking one at a time.

Cat guy threw a right hook at man, man dodged and used sulk attack. The Charzard respo— Ok I'm done with this fight. I blast the two with fire. "No!" Sam yelled. Before I could stop, something not so amazing for what I've seen happened.

He countered with water, then I saw sea green eyes stare at me from under that hood. Holy floppy jalopy, it's Percy frigging Jackson.

Listen I know I said 1000 words, but I took a big break. And a lot happened, so I just wanted to get this out to you guys as fast as possible. Hope you understand, love you all

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