Chapter 6

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"I know him" I said,
  Fury turned around slowly and menacingly. "Who the hell is he, and what is the deal with his water powers."

   At this point I've never told any other mortal besides Bruce about being a demigod. I didn't even want to tell him but I... never mind stupid ADHD.
"He's an old friend" I said
While the others looked confused, Bruce had a look of realization on his face

"He's like me, but instead of fire it's water."

Fury looked at me "Is he a threat." The words came out of his mouth like venom, at this point I couldn't tell if he was mad at me or not. "He is, if you get on his bad side." Fury looked at me. " can you talk to him?"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Convince him to come peacefully" Tony blurted. Fury looked back at him with what I could only assume with annoyance on his face.

Then fury looked at me expectedly

"I think I can." I said, "good." He said as he turned around and walked away

"However I must go alone." I added. Fury paused for a second. "Fine, but if you run off with your friend, we will find you and we will kill you."

Fury POV
While my threat to kill Leo was not empty, I certainly was not going to kill him. I was just have him rot in prison for life. Haha.

Percy POV
Knock knock
I looked up from my sandwich I was in the middle of making. I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole.

Who was that? He looks familiar, maybe— oh my god, it's Leo! I quickly go to the door but then stop, what if this was someone disguising as Leo, I know a lot of Greek monsters, but not all of them.  I grabbed riptide out of my pocket and turned into a sword.

I quickly opened the door and pulled Leo inside, and threw him onto the chair, with my sword on his neck.

"Mother of all things holy, take a chill pill dude!" He said

Yep, that's Leo alright.

"Leo, we have a lot to talk about"

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