Chapter 3

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Peter POV

"Sorry I don't play roleblox prison escape." He says slyly. "Okay, bye." Natasha responded. Then we went Around the corner. Then into the forest across the street. "Are we doing a stakeout?" I asked excitedly "yep." Clint said popping the p and the end.

" I brought oatmeal, so don't worry." T'chala? T'chalae? T'chotchkes? I think it's T'challa. Yeah I'm correct. Yea so he said something about oatmeal.

2 and 1/2 hours later

We followed him down to a cemetery. Which is not surprising considering that ALL of him family, that we know of, is dead. Which is weird, makes me wonder if this kid is involved. Like a new Thanos.

We laid out the plans:

PLAN A: T'challa will record the whole thing. Clint will shoot a tranquilizer arrow at the authorized target. When the target goes down. Peter(aka me) will web a cocoon type sack around the boy. Me and Natasha will carry him to the airship 1 and a half miles away.

Plan B: if the dart fails Natasha and Clint will move in for a strictly no killing fight. If they somehow fail. I  will try to web him up, while T'challa will call for back up. Consisting of sam and The trainee.

? POV (not the bad guy)

After training for around 2 years as a "Avenger in training"  I'm gonna have a part just for me.  My code name is fire fist. But only one of them knows who I am. Also apparently Tony aka freaking IRON MAN.

My past is the thing that came up again and again. Which prolonged the training but that was alright. After what happened I just couldn't go back. Especially from what happened a year ago. 1 month ago cynthia my fiancé, got pregnant. I know we are moving things fast but I like fast.

Anyway I was siting next to sam when the raid up buzzed on.

"Sam Wilson and Leo Valdez this is black panther, we need backup, Clint and Natasha are down. And me and peter can hold him for long." "Copy" sam responded. I looked at him with a smile behind my mask "Showtime."

(Sorry for the short chapter. I will update tomorrow or Tuesday)

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