2. Back at Hogwarts

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Harry's p.o.v.

Soon after the sun started to disappear behind the horizon did Harry feel the train lowering speed before stopping at the small train station near hogwarts.

"finally, I'm hungry. I hope there's chicken!

"Are you coming mate?" Everyone was already gone from the compartment and Ron was waiting in the hallway.

Together we walked out of the train onto the platform.

I see Rons eyes dart to the left side of the platform and turn my head to see what he's looking at.

At the end of the platform I see the big, hairy, half giant gamekeeper of hogwarts waving and smiling enthusiastically at me. A wave of happiness enters my body when I see him. I'm finally back home. I'm happy to see Hagrid again. We hadn't spoken after the war. Hagrid had written me once, but writing is not really the best way to communicate with the half giant, if you know what I mean.

So I make a mental note to visit Hagrid some time soon.

Ron and I walk towards the carriages who will bring us to the castle. Most carriages are already filled with people. After waiting for a couple of minutes I finally spot a carriage that is not entirely filled. Ron and I hurry towards it and get in.

As soon I look up to see who we share our carriage with, I desperately wish that we had waited a couple more minutes to find an empty one.

My happy mood disappears abrupt when I see the blond Slytherin prince sitting right in front of me.

I glance at Ron who sits down next to me and then also looks up to see that we share or carriage with no other than Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini. Rons smile dissapears instantly from his face. He turns his head to me, shock evident on his face.

I'm mentally preparing myself for an insult from the slytherin prince, but instead an awkward silence set in.

I look back to the Slytherin to find pearcing grey eyes looking back at my green ones, so I quickly look away. Now I'm looking at Zabini who is looking with a confused look on his face at Malfoy. He probably doesn't know why Malfoy is suddenly so silent towards his school enemies either.

"So..." said Ron next to me, trying to start a conversation.

Even when there is a small chance we are gonna have a pleasant conversation with the slytherins, I agree with Ron that everything would be better that this uncomforable silence.

I waited for Ron to say someting more, but he seemed to be at a loss of words. Now he was looking at me with a pleeding look to come up with something.

So I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"How were your Hollidays?"

Ok, stupid question. I should not have said that!

I change my mind. The silence was a lot better than awkwardly trying to start a conversation with these two.

But to my surprise there came a reasonable normal answer to my question.

Malfoy was again just blankly staring at me, which became a little creapy actually, but Zabini opened his mouth.

"Even if you guys might not read the papers, if you would use your head you could guess that we didn't really have an awesome holliday" he spat, but it sounded less hateful then what normally came out of the Slytherins mouths when they were talking to me.

Ok I know it is not really a polite answer, but I didn't really ask a thoughtfull question eather.

After this short conversation we fortunatly returned to the awkward silence, wich in my opinion was a Thousand times better than the short conversation we just had.

Draco's p.o.v.
The rest of the trip to Hogwarts they kept silent, thank Merlin. Why does Potter make it so hard already to not bully him? He didn't have to get into the same carriage as me! Bloody hell. This is gonna be a long year.

I feel Blaise looking at me. I know he is gonna ask for an explanation as to why I'm suddenly so 'nice' to Potter. But what can I tell him. I don't know either why every time that Potter look at me I'm at a loss of words. When he looks at me with those emerald green eyes. Wait no, that's irrelevant information.

No, the only reason that I don't know what to say is because I can't decide if I should be nice to him now or that I should throw an insult.

Harry's p.o.v.

"So, he didn't say a thing?" Asked Hermione after Ron and I explained what happened on our journey to Hogwarts.

"No, he was just staring. Like he didn't know what to say?" Ron answered and then took a bite of his chicken. We were sitting in the great hall. The first years had just been sorted en now we were finally eating.

"Hmmm, but what did you ask him exactly? Asked Hermione with that motherly look on her face as if she knows we didn't really ask a tactful question, which was true by the way.

I quickly looked at Ron and shot him a look as to NOT tell Hermione, but he didn't get it.

"Harry asked if they had a nice Holliday."

I looked down at my lab, dreading Hermione's answer.

"Well, that isn't really a tactful question, is it?" Said Hermione as predicted. "It's quiet obvious they didn't have a nice Holliday. Don't you even read anything?" She asked with an exasperated tone.

"We had better things to do than reading." Ron retaliated. "Don't you think we just deserved some peace after the war to just have fun? I'm not gonna waste my time with reading."

"Reading is not a waste of time, Ron! It is important to keep up with the news. If you had read the daily prophet you would have known that both Zabini's parents were send to Azkaban as well as Malfoys dad."

"Hey! I knew about Malfoys dad. I testified at his and his mother's trials. If it weren't for me they would be in Azkaban too." I say, taking part in the discussion now as well.

"That is exactly my point Harry. I think he feels like he owes you and can't decide if he could still bully you now or not. He probably doesn't know how to act towards you."

I and Ron stare shocked at Hermione, mouths agape. When I realise that, I quickly shut my mouth.

"No, that's not possible. It is Malfoy we're talking about right?" Says Ron, still with a shocked look on his face.

"Maybe you're right Hermione. Your theory explains why he acts so weird." I say

"You think she is right?" Ron asks me, still not believing any of it.

"She might be, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time." I see my answer is making Hermione blush. "So what should we do with him?"

"Maybe you should go talk to him Harry. Maybe we could make a truce. Then we might actually have a peaceful year." Said Hermione wisely.

"Making a truce with that git? He doesn't deserve that!" Ron clearly didn't feel anything for Hermione's idea.

"Euhhh Hermione, you don't really think that we could just go talk to him right? He's still Malfoy. We've never ever even had quite a normal conversation." I say doubtful.

"But things aren't the same. Everyone has changed. We might give him a chance before he decides that he is still allowed to bully everyone. If you two stop your rivalry he might stop bullying others too."

"Hermione I think you might have a little too much fate in Malfoy." 'And I think that you kind of lost your mind somewhere during the war.' But obviously I didn't say that out loud.

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