4. Nightmares

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Harry's p.o.v.

*In a dream*

I'm walking in Godric's Hollow. Next to me are my mom and my dad. I'm happy. I see Remus and I see Cedric and I see Sirius and Dumbledore. Then we get to my old house. It is still intact. But then suddenly everything gets dark. I can't see. I feel my mom and dad getting pulled away from me. I hear my mother scream. Then I hear him, Voldemort, and he is laughing. Suddenly the darkness disappears, but I'm all alone. I feel so alone. But then I hear voices.

"Potter, Potter"

I follow the voices. They lead to the graveyard. And I see everyone standing there, they are ghosts.

"This is all your fault." My mother says.

Everyone looks angry at me. They are saying it is my fault. It is my fault they are dead. It is true. If I hadn't been there, Voldemort wouldn't have attacted my parents. He wouldn't have killed Cedric. He wouldn't have attacted Hogwarts.

"Potter" they shoud angrily

Hmm, normally the people here call me Harry. It is probably because they are angry. The only person who calls me by my last name is Malfoy. Malfoy...

"Potter wake up!"

Suddenly I wake up. I'm shaking a little and I'm soaked wet from sweating. Malfoy is sitting on my bedside. A worried look plastered on his face.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask, looking at my lab.

"No, I was still awake. What happened?"

"Ohh nothing."

"If you mean by nothing, that you had nightmare, then I believe you."

"Okay, yes I had a nightmare. So what?" I snap.

"Do you have them often?" he askes

Then I look up at him straight into his eyes. It is only then that I realise how beautiful his eyes are. Bright grey with a kind of twinkle in them. I get lost in his eyes for a couple of seconds before shaking myself back to reality.

You don't describe Malfoy as anything like beautiful!

"ehm... y-yes, I've always had nightmares since somewhere after fourth year. It became worse during the war though."

I expect him to go laugh at me any minute now, but instead something else happens.

"How can you still go to sleep?"

I'm surprised by his question, but answer it eather way.

"I don't know. I think I got kind off used to it. You can't possibly go trough life without sleeping." I smile weekly, but why does Malfoy want to know all of this? I ask myself. Is he gonna use this information against me or something?

"But why do you want to know all of this?" I question him.

"Uhm, yeah... w-well, I uhm..."

And then it falls into place.

"You have them too." I say, more as a statement than a question.

He looks down at his lab and nods.

"Ohh" I don't know what to tell him. It's not that I have found a solution or so to our problem.

"Where are your nightmares about?" I ask

"I can't tell you."

"You can trust me. I won't tell anyone. It helpes to talk about them sometimes." I don't really know why, but this is true. I really wanna comfort Dr-Malfoy for some weird reason.

And for some other weird reason I almost called Malfoy Draco. What is wrong with me?!

"I can't tell you." he repeats

"Ohh" I say slightly disappointed. "Well, if you ever want someone to talk to, you know where to find me." I smile at him.

"I think I'll just go back to bed." He stands up and lays down on his own bed. "Ohh and Potter..."


"Thank you."

"For what?" I ask.

"Being nice."


"Dr- Malfoy?" I say after some time.


"Thank you too." I smile at him from across the room. Then I turn around so I'm facing the wall and go back to sleep.


In the morning we get all dressed in silence and then I walk with Neville to the great hall. We sit down at the Gryffindor table opposit Ron and Hermione.

They both immediatly look up to us and look at us expectantly.

"What?!" I say

"Well, how awful was it? You know... with Malfoy." says Ron

"Ohh actually it wasn't that bad." I reply putting some toast and an egg on my plate.

But Ron freezes on the spot with his food on his fork and his mouth already half open.

"Harry and Draco made a truce." Neville adds to the conversation.

"What?!" Ron is perplexed.

"Yes, I think Hermione really was right earlier. He seems to have changed." I say.

Hermione is smiling widely at me.

"I heard the eight years aren't allowed to play in the quidditch teams." I try to distract Ron before he can get angry at me for being civil with Malfoy. And I know that I would get Rons attention with that statement.

"Yes, it's so unfair!"

And so the conversation went on about quidditch for the rest of breakfast.


The first day back at school was actually quite boring. The teachers used the first lessons to repeat the stuff we had learned in previous years. That was no problem with DADA, I practiced that a lot last year. But it was some time ago that I had learned about some wizards who were already death for decades now with history of magic and Herbology wasn't easy eather.

Now it's finally the last lesson of the day. Potions with the slytherins... ugh.

I sit down next to Ron when professor Slughorn starts the lesson.

"Welcome back everyone. We will be brewing Felix Felicis today."

I smile to myself at the memories of that potion.

"You will all be brewing this potion with a partner. And no mr Finnigan, you may not choose a partner yourselves." Slughorn said when Seamus already had looked at Dean to silently ask him to partner up.

I look at Ron and he had the same amazed look on his face as I probably wore. Slughorn always had let us choose our partners ourselves. And with all the house-unity stuff going on this year I can already guess who my partner will be. My thoughts are confirmed a moment later when I hear Slughorn call my name.

"Harry Potter and...

Draco Malfoy."

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