6. Quidditch

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After waking up in the same bed as Malfoy I was a little out of it. I kept thinking back to last night, when we stayed up late doing school things. I actually liked doing school things!

It was just relaxed. Not thinking about the war. Just doing homework together.

And then we fell asleep on the same bed! That made the whole thing a lot weirder. Malfoy and I being civil with each other, okay. But Malfoy and I SLEEPING TOGETHER! Oh Merlin, that sounds even more wrong.

And the worst of all is that I liked it. I liked how he sat close next to me and helped me with my homework. I liked not having nightmares for ones. And I liked how I woke up with a warm presure against my chest, how Draco's grey eyes slowly opened and looked tiredly into mine.

Oh Merlin...

This is bad...



Hermione shook my arm.

"Harry, are you listening to me? Where are you with your head?"

"Sorry 'Mione, what did you say?"

Hermione looks at me with a worried look. "I asked you if you had finished your potions essay."

"Ohh actually yes, I finished it last night." I look into my bag and grab my essay to hand it over to her. She often checks mine and Rons homework to prevent us from unnecessarily losing more house point.

"Wow Harry, this is actually really good!" She says after a while.

"Why do you sound so surprised? You know I have always had a secret natural talent for potions." I reply with a smug look on my face.

Hermione looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Okay, Malfoy helped me."

"Malfoy helped you?"

"Malfoy helped me." I smile.

Hermione then just looks at me with a slight smile as if she knows something I don't.

I decide not to ask her, because Ron enters the great hall and sits down next to me at the gryffindor table.

"Morning" He says, before putting all sorts of food on his plate.

"I talked with Seamus and Dean last night, and we thought it would be fun to organise quidditch games with the eight years." Ron says with his mouth full of food. "You know, because we aren't allowed in the house teams."

"Manners Ronald!" Hermione gave him a fierce look.

Ron just ignored her, because honestly, Hermione says that every day.

"Great! I really missed playing quidditch!"

"So you're in?" Ron asked.

"Ofcourse I am!" I reply.

"We just need to spread the news and ask who else wants to play and then ask McGonagall for permission."

"Maybe we can play after school today? With the ones who want?" I suggest.

"Okay, let's just tell everyone in class and ask them to come."

And with that we started our last schoolday of the first week back at Hogwarts.


Finally, the last class of the day was over. I walk with Ron back to the dorms to grab our brooms and put on our quidditch robes. We had been asking a lot of the eight years to come to the quidditch pitch after class, but I was the whole time thinking about how I wanted to ask Malfoy to come along.

I really don't know why I want him to come so badly. It is probably because he is the only other decent seeker within the eight years.

Ron and I part ways when Ron opens the door to his own room. I walk into my own room to be greeted with Malfoy being already there.


"Euhh, Malfoy?"

"Yes, Potter?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come along to the quidditch pitch. We claimed the pitch for the eight years today. We wanted to play a little for fun, because we aren't allowed in the house teams."

I smile crept across his face. "I heard about that, yeah."

"So you'll come?" I ask him eagerly.

"I'll come."

So five minutes later I, Ron, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Draco and also Blaise were walking down to the quidditch pitch to be greeted there with most of the other eight year students.

I see a couple of students look with disgusted looks at Dra... Malfoy. Malfoy just looks guiltily at his feet. He does that a lot lately.

"Let's split up in two teams!" Ron says to everyone.

We split up in two teams, so that every team had a seeker, a keeper, two beaters and the rest could be chasers.

Malfoy and I ended up being seekers in the opposite teams and Ron was keeper in my team.

The game starts and Draco and I set off and rise above all the other players to start looking for the snitch.

It feels amazing to be flying again. I look over at Draco to see him enjoying this as much as I do.

Then he flies away and I follow him. He increases speed and then suddenly makes a looping.

He looks over at me, challenging me.

I gladly accept the unspoken challenge, already forgetting the snitch. I decide to do the move I'm best at. I increase speed, then lower the front of my broom till I'm flying almost vertically down to the ground. A split-second before I would crash into the pitch I pull up to keep flying a meter above the ground.

But right then I see a bludger coming straight in my direction. I quickly turn my body so I'm hanging upside down on my broom to avoid the bludger.

As soon as the bludger passes, I climb back on my broom to look where Draco is.

He is right next to me with a worried, but impressed look on his face. Then he gets a smug look on his face "Is that all you've got Potter?" and he spirals his way up in the air again before making three loopings in a row.

Impressive, I have to say, but I'm not giving up so soon.

And then I get an idea, something I've never tried before. I spiral around Malfoy to gain some speed and then fly in a straight line and perform the move Viktor Krum did in the opening of the World Championship Quidditch years ago. I turn my broom around, trow my legs in the air, leaning just on my arms and then land easily on my broom again.

I am meeted with Draco looking at me with his mouth agape. When he realises that, he quickly closes it.

"P-Potter... H-how... Euhh... Wow..." He stuttered. He never stutters.

I was actually quiet surprised myself. I didn't expect that it would be so easy to fly again. Without training for more than a year and I never tried that trick before.

"H-Harry!" I hear someone stammer under me, it's Ron.

I look down and see that everyone has stopped playing. They are all watching me with amazement. 

"That was amazing! You could play for England, Harry, with those skills." Dean says.

And then it broke loose. Everyone talked for the rest of the evening about that "Harry is such an amazing flyer" and that "Gryffinfor would win the quidditch cup easily this year if they would let Harry play."

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