3. Sharing dorms

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Harry's p.o.v.

Hermione kept insisting that I should talk to Malfoy as soon as there was a good moment. Eventually I agreed, because there wouldn't be a good moment to talk to Malfoy either way. And it was the only way to make Hermione shut up.

McGonagall is holding a begin-of-the-year-speech, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm just staring out in front of me to watch Malfoy. He's not paying attention either, just staring at his empty plate. Suddenly his eyes shot up to look directly into mine. I quickly look away and focus my attention on professor McGonagall.

"As you all know by now, not all of our students have been able to come to Hogwarts last year during the war." All eyes shoot directly in my direction, but gladly McGonagall continues her speech. "Also the students who have been here didn't get proper education, so that's why I've decided to invite all of those students to redo their seventh school year. However, there aren't enough dorms to fill all of our current students, so we created a new common room and dorms for the eight year students. You may follow me now to your common room, where I will tell you who your new dorm mates will be. After we left, I expect the prefects to take the first years to their dorms."

"Wait, does this mean that we will be sharing dorms with other houses?" I whisper to Ron and Hermione.

Ron has a disgusted look on his face. "Imagine what would happen if we have to share a dorm with Slytherins."

"And we surely will have to share the common room with them, Ohh no, this is bad." I say. 

"Hermione you don't think McGonagall would put us in a dorm with Malfoy do you?"

"I don't know, you never know with McGonagall. She asked me to organise unity-party's with all the houses already, so she might as well put all the houses together in dorms."

Harry's p.o.v.

We just arrived with all the eight years in our new common room. And now McGonagall was about to tell us who we would share a dorm with.

"May I have your attention please?" She started. "I will announce who will share a dorm with who now. I have to tell you that it is not possible to switch rooms, but no need to worry, everyone of you will be roomed with at least one of you former roommates."

'Ok, this can't be good.'

"Boys first, dorm 1..."

"Ronald Weasley"

I look at Ron and then back to McGonagall, expecting to hear my own name to.

"Seamus Finnigan"

"Dean Thomas"

"Anthony Goldstein"

"Terry Boot"

I stare at McGonagall not believing that she would place Ron and I in different dorms. What was she thinking! It is not the end of the world or something, but why the bloody hell would she do that?

My attention was drawn back to McGonagall when she proceeded to tell us who would room with who.

In the second dorm were a couple of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students. Then she proceeded with the third dorm.

"Neville Longbottom"

"Harry Potter"

Suddenly everyone was quiet.

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