7. Trust

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Harry's p.o.v.

After a couple of hours I'm finally able to escape the crowd and head towards my dorm, hoping to get some time alone. People have been talking about my 'amazing flying skills' for the whole evening and I really can't stand the attention anymore.

It's nice sometimes when people compliment you, but it gets really uncomfortable when it goes on for too long.

I open the door to the room, to find someone already there. That surprises me, because it is only like 9 o'clock and it's a Friday.

The person turns out to be Draco. He is laying on his bed, reading something.

"Hi, what are you reading?" I say while walking towards my own bed. I lay down with my clothes and shoes still on, too tired to change.

"A book" He says without looking up.

"I could see that myself."

"Then why did you ask?" He asks smugly.

"Ugh, sod off Malfoy." I say, "'m tired."

I AM tired. I'm tired of people. I just want to be alone. Oh well, actually I just don't want to be around people who worship me.

Draco surely doesn't worship me.

I don't want to be around assholes either.

But Drace hasn't been an asshole lately either.

Ugh, I guess he can stay.

"What got you in such a mood?" Draco asks


"What" He looks up from his book "You finally got tired of your fans?" He mocks.

"Actually yes, I don't think you noticed Malfoy, but I never really liked the attention I got."

He looks at me unconvinced.

"Yeah sure, as if anyone would believe that."

I sit up straight.

"I'm serious" I say.

"What you want" Draco said before going back to reading his book.

It was silent for a couple of minutes. I lay back on my bed and close my eyes for a while. All that could be heard was the sound of rain clattering at the windows in the background.



"I'm bored"

"That's your own bloody problem, Potter."

Okay, he clearly doesn't want to talk, but I do, so I decide to just keep talking to him till he's gonna respond normally.

"Did you hear about the unity parties?"

No reaction...

"Well, did you?" I say, trying to get him to answer.

"You aren't gonna shut up, are you?" Draco says. I shake my head no. He then places his book on his bedside table.

"Why are you even talking to me?" He then asks

"Well, I'm bored and I'm tired of everyone talking about me right now. But I don't want to go to sleep yet and I don't know what else to do." I say frustatedly. Draco is just the only source of entertainment for me right now.

"What about the mudblood and the weasel then?"

"Don't call them that!" I say harshly. "If we're going to have a truce than you can't keep treating them like that."

"Okay." He says quietly.


"I said okay. I'm willing to try this truce thing, as you call it."

I'm taken aback by that. Draco has changed so much in such a short time, that I don't really dare to trust myself to trust him. And at te same time I already trust him so much that it scares me. I just feel too comfortable with him, which makes me uncomfortable. Ughh... I'm not making sense.

"So, what do you want to do?" Malfoy asked as I stayed silent.

"I don't really know actually. What do you normally do with your friends?" I answer him.

"Not much actually. Just talking. Most of the time I mind my own business."

"Talking it is then." I say.

It was silent for a minute. Both of us not really knowing what to talk about. Then Draco spoke again.

"I know you are gonne be angry at me for calling her this, but... the weaslette. What was her name again?"

"Ginny" I answered, curious about where this conversation was going.

"You two still...?"


He nodded.

"No" I replied to his question, looking at the ceiling in thought. "We broke up before the war and we never got back together. I don't know... I just don't feel it with her you know?"


"What about you?" I say turning my had to look at Draco. He is laying with his head on the pillow and his eyes closed.

"What about me?"

"Has anyone caught your eye? Or are you still with Pansy?" I ask.

"Pansy?" He says surprised, sitting up and looking at me. "You think I am with Pansy?"

"Or was?" I say unsure, also sitting up.

"Eww bloody hell no! Never was, never will."

"That bad?" I smile.

"Have you seen her? Yes that bad! I can barely call her a friend."

"You have better taste then I thought then." I smirk. "And is there someone you do like?"

"No" He answered, but there was just a bit of insecurety in his voice that made me doubt his answer.

"You do!" I exclamed loudly.

"N-no, I don't."

"Tell me! Who is it?" I urged him.

But he said nothing. I suddenly saw the panic in his eyes. Pure panick in those silver orbs. But why?

"Hey, hey, don't panic." I stood up, walking towards his bed, stopping right in front of him and crouching down so we were eye to eye. "You don't have to tell me."

His eyes calmed down a little. He blinked and I saw a tear stream down his cheek.

"Whatever you are panicking about, you don't have to tell me. But if you wanna talk to someone, I'm here."

I looked him in the eye and then did the thing I had never imagined myself doing.

I hugged him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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