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A girl attends Epsom

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A girl attends Epsom.

"This came in the mail for me, Alfie." I stated, tossing the ticket onto his desk.

He stoped reading the newspaper in his hands and looked down the bridge of his nose at the ticket. When he was finished reading it he met my stern gaze.

"You're not leaving, alright." Was all he mumbled and returned to reading the article.

I raised my brows, incredulous at his response. Alfie was lucky I was even talking to him after what happened here last week, let alone listening to what he had to say. I was here as a gesture of goodwill, nothing more nothing less.

"I have already made up my mind. The boat sails tomorrow morning, and I will be on it. Whether you care to join me is your own business, I just thought I'd stop by and let you know." I said firmly.

With that, Alfie folded the newspaper and turned his chair towards me, sliding his heavy boots off his desk. Now I had his undivided attention, I thought.

"Like hell you are!" He argued, "That's my kid in there."

"And mine." I countered, "All you have to do is come with me, Alf-"

Alfie stood from his chair, cutting me off.

"You do realize I have a business to run, yeah? I can't just sail across the ocean with you and leave it all behind. What I do isn't exactly legal and just. Those fuckers out there, right, will come in here and take what's mine."

I set my jaw.

"Then stay. I'm not holding a gun to your head and forcing you to come with me. You're a free man as I am a free woman." I said.

Alfie chuckled. "A free man? A free woman? Listen, sweetie. No one is free, alright. We all got someone we report to and that's final."

"And that's final?" I mocked, crossing my arms. "You're not my husband Alfie. I do as I please."

Red arouse to his finely sculpted face and for a moment I thought he was going to scream bloody murder at me, that is, until the door opened and in came none other than Thomas.

He quietly looked between the two of us, seemingly reading the scene as he saw it: two lovers in a quarrel. He couldn't have had it any more wrong.

The sight of him hurt, and I forced myself to look away, my cheeks burning.

"I meant what I said, Alfie. Take it or leave it." I concluded.

I swiped the ticket off his desk and pushed through Thomas and out the door, ignoring them both. To my dismay, however, Thomas stepped out into the hallway and griped my fingers, halting me mid-stride.

It was only for a split moment that our eyes met, but that was all it took for our souls to catch fire.

And as fast as it came it went. He let go of my hand and shut the door behind him and I kept walking. I kept my head down and fought the tears that pricked my eyes. Even Ollie offered a sympathetic look, but I didn't acknowledge it.

The Stowaway || Thomas Shelby / Alfie SolomonsWhere stories live. Discover now