Chapter 2: Bumpy Ride

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Chapter 2: Bumpy Ride.

The car ride was pretty silent. The only thing heard being the sound of heavy rock music drifting from Jimin's earphones as he tapped his fingers to the beat of a heavy bass drum. The two that sat in the back were facing away from each other- not talking. There was an lingering uneasy air that drifted between the two. The taller, Namjoon, wanting nothing more than to say he's sorry, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Call me a coward- he thought to himself. Most of the time Namjoon expresses the way he cares through his actions, but struggles to express it through words. He will most likely give someone a hug when their upset, rather than giving them comforting words, as he never knows what to say. He turns away with a sigh looking out the window at the similar streets they always drive past.

Beanie boy, had took of his beanie letting his dyed pink hair flow freely. It was bowl shaped and managed to cover his eyes just about. He took of his gloves, running his hand over a tattoo on his thumb. Call it cliché as it's just a tree, but that's an important tree. It holds meaning to the cold looking pink haired boy. The boy had come from a poor family and got kicked out young. He lived on the street for years until he met the boys, that's when everything changed. Yoongi knows the streets from inside out, like the back of his hand.

Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out some sweets, he offered some to the boy next to him.

The red head with a pretty, wide smile took them with delight stuffing them into his mouth like a child would. The rest always said he was different. That he was the innocent one of the group because he acted most like a kid at times. There was certainly time when he wasn't as innocent, as shown in the ally way. Certain things would trigger him, the sweets being one example. Or if the boy was scared. The boys don't know much about his past because he never told them. It's not that he doesn't trust them, he basically just never got round to tell them and they never really asked. They made friends because of his bubbly personality. Hosoek was different. He didn't have the best upbringing either, the reason he acted the way he did was because as a child he was neglected, and when he was with the boys sometimes he slipped into that state of mind. (He's not a little! He just acts younger than he is sometimes, but not like a toddler or anything like that.)

In the front of the car sat the brunette and the raven boy. The one thing that stood out between the two was the similar, if not the same rings, on both their fingers. Silver, with some writing on that was too small to see. The brunette was seen fiddling with it, twisting it round his long slender finger. After a while of messing he shifted in his seat pulling the sleeve over his hands and covering the ring completely. He started to fidget again, leaning on the window then changing positions again to lean his head black on the seat, sighing softly. This continued, the raven noticed he was obviously bothered by something as he looked away from the road for a second.

"Hey, what's up with you?" He questioned, he was hoping for a nod or something to indicate how he was feeling, but then he realised, he can't hear him. When was he going to stop making that mistake?

"He can't hear you, dumbass." A voice drifted to the front from the middle seat, Jungkook looked passed a sleeping Yoongi with his mouth wide open he was scared he would actually catch flies. Hoseok was resting against the pink haired boy sleeping soundly unlike the other. Finally his eyes wondered over too carrot top, his forehead creasing together. He wasn't frowning at the ginger though, he was frowning at himself.

"I know, I just. Sometimes it slips my mind." He mumbled out the last part, but it was loud enough to be heard. Jimin didn't bother with his excuse of an answer, looking out the window.

"Wait-how did you hear what I said if you were listening to your Emo music?" He looked back towards the road raising a curious and confused eyebrow. Jimin laughed, it wasn't a real laugh though, it was one of those laughs you do when your annoyed.

"They fucking stopped working after 5 minutes in this shitty car- And can you go any slower?" He spat sarcastically. The raven in the front clenched his fists around the steering wheel, shaking his head, also 'laughing'.

"It's called being a safe driver. Something you obviously don't understand."

As if sensing the tension in the air the brunette placed his hand over clenched knuckles that where wrapped securely around the pink- yes pink steering wheel. It was his sisters car. His car was under repair because the sulking carrot top, who no longer had his beloved music, crashed it not too long ago. He blames himself for letting his drunk friend drive his car. His eyes flickered down to the tanned hand then to a comforting smile dancing on a tanned face, his features softened and his hands loosened before looking towards the road again.

"Kook, I'm sorry. Can you let it go? If I stop making fun of your granny driving?" Jimin spoke after a while, with a sly smirk. He meant well, this is just how they acted together. It was normal.

"Sure, and stop saying sorry Carrot top. It's annoying." He repeated Jimin's earlier statement with a smirk.

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