Chapter 6: The Danger is Rising.

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This is what Baram looks like. He originally came from England and his birth name is Calum. He came to Korea when he was very young so that's why he can speak it very fluently. His name is Baram because in Korean it means 'wind' and 'breeze'. He is like the wind yano sometimes strong and forceful but also sometimes soft and calm to the people he cares for. His friends nicknamed it him so he fit in a bit more. Okiidokii, continuing on.

All the boys simultaneously breathed out as their shoulders relaxed. Taehyung ran up to his sister with out a thought, hugging her tightly. He noticed how his older sister wasn't as chubby as she used to be and was pretty skinny. Taehyung frowned when he felt the bones digging into his skin.

From across the room Jungkook watched. His arms itched to comfort the boy, almost feeling envy that he went to his sister before him. Then again, it was his sister. That he hadn't seen in a year. Jungkook pushes the thought aside, making his was over to them.

Taehyung pulled away, looking at his sister.

"I was so scared Nari. I still am." He signed to her. He didn't bother asking about why she was so skinny. Nari frowned at her brother.

"I know Tae. It's over now. There is no need to be afraid anymore." She reassured the boy. She looked passed Taehyung to see a tall raven haired boy walk up to them. Taehyung followed her gaze and turned round, wrapping his arms securely around the boys middle. Jungkook complied, resting his hand on the boys brown locks. He looked at the girl with slight anger.

"What was all that then? Are you with these men?" Jungkook looked into her eyes, eyes that reminded him so much of Taehyung, who was still strapped to his front like a koala.

The girl sighed, "Yes." Was all she said. Jungkook gritted his teeth.

"Well you're not exactly mingling with the right crowd." She shook her head. Of course she knew that. The brown haired boy turned around in the others arms, facing his sister.

"What happened, Nari? You were gone for a whole year. All this time I thought you were in England? But what? You have been with these men? Why?" He signed, carefully. His hand movements wavered slightly once he saw his sisters eyes glisten. The small girl couldn't take it anymore. She collapsed into her brothers arms. Crying softly as she gripped his shoulders.

"I-im s-so s-sorry, T-Tae." The other rubbed her back comfortingly. Jungkook stood behind them awkwardly, chewing on his nails.

"I-I was kidnapped. I-I know it sounds bad because it is. It's so bad. They took me and did horrible things to me, Tae. T-then I went and fell in love. It's so toxic but I can't help it. I-I love him." Through all the emotions building up inside of her, she forgot to sign to Taehyung. Instead she just weeped into his shoulder. The brown haired boy only hugged back, he knew she was telling him something that was hard to admit but he just couldn't hear what she was saying. He looked back at Jungkook for help.

Jungkook wasn't exactly great at sign language. He knew the basics but he struggled to find time to learn it with school and everything going on in his life. He hated himself for it, because he should always find time for Taehyung. His mind was bombarded with thoughts of what they had gone through not to long ago, he couldn't even think straight.

Jungkook raked his brain to remember what he had learned. However, before he could do anything a scream was heard from the back of the shop. A girl, maybe about 11 years old, ran into the group from the many aisle of the shop, tears steaming down small puffy cheeks. She had ran into Jin and cowered behind his legs, grabbing onto the fabric tightly with small hands. Jin, confused with pouted lips, turned around and kneeled down to her height and asked her softly,

"Hey, little girl. What's wrong?" She looked at him, then lifted a shaky finger to point behind him.

"M-monster." Thats when the groups focus shifted from the crying girl to the shuffling thing appearing from the dark shadows of the shops aisle. Jin stood up and turned around, moving backwards with the girl behind him, Namjoon doing to the same but making sure Jin was behind him.

Baram sighed, seeming too laid back considering the danger that was rising and spilling over the pan. Not that he knew that, though.

"Really? A drunk guy, I could really do without this shit yano? Peter, get him out of here, would ya?" The guy nodded, walking over to the thing. As it neared him, Hobi shouted out.
"Are you crazy? Don't go near it!" The guy only laughed as he approached it. Before it's grabby hands got ahold of the short male, he pushed it so it fell over. He laughed as he watched the thing struggle to get up.

"Jesus, how drunk is this guy!" He bellowed, almost falling over him self as he found the thing to be oh so entertaining. That wasn't the same for the seven boys though. Just then something clicked it the ravens head. He looked towards Nari who was, smiling?

"You don't even know what's gone on out there, do you?" He watched as the girls smile dropped slowly, looking at the taller with confusing features. She moved her hair out of her face.

"What do you mean?" After she said this their attention went back to the 'Drunk' guy and Peter.

"Ahhhhhhh, what the fuck! The guy fucking bit me! What a piece of shit." Peter said as he held his wrist to his chest and walking away from the thing, but it only grabbed him again. He struggled to get out of his grip, signalling for help from his friends. They held up their guns, the leader watched from afar wanting them to handle the situation themselves because he knew they would.

"Hurt him again and I will shoot you. Mother fucker." A women said as she cocked the gun to her pistol, moving forward slightly with careful steps. The leader laughed knowingly at the wife of Peter, folding his arms. His gaze then drifted from where everyone's eyes were focused on, to Taehyung's sister and a certain raven. The only other eyes that weren't on the scene playing out in the middle of the shop. His jaw clenched slightly when he saw the worried look on her face as she talked to the raven boy. They were pretty close and the man with the buzz cut did not like it one bit. He rubbed his stubble, beginning to head over to them, but suddenly the scene had got a lot more intense and worrisome for the leader of the gang. His mission of ripping that raven prick away from his lover going out the window, as his blue eyes witnessed blood spewing out of his friends neck. The drunk guy had chomped down on his unprotected neck mercilessly. The women with the pistol didn't think twice as the a shot rang out, the bullet traveling through the air and into its heart, surly killing him instantly. It's body hit the ground with a thud. The women quickly ran up to her husband holding him on the floor as she applied a cloth to the gushing with red wound on his neck.

From the side Jin picked up the little girl who was full on bawling, into his arms, hiding her face from the scene.

Heavy boots hit the floor, pounding into everyone's skull, as well as the screams and cry's of the couple on the floor. Unfortunately, though all the emotions, what the couple did not notice was the dead rising. Going in for its main course, before anyone could do anything and before the boots reached the two they stopped as its teeth attached onto a second victims neck.

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