Chapter 8: Three men down.

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"It's the end of the fucking world, that's what's happening." Jimin said as he looked at everyone's faces. His eyes lingered on the tall blue eyed boy as he watched his face turn up into a sarcastic smirk that held no humour, just pain.

"What? People have gotten so fucked up to the point where they bite people to death? That shit doesn't just happen." Baram pointed a long finger at him, cocking his head to the side and moving closer. Jimin stood his ground as he wrung his clammy hands together, not liking the way the brooding man seemed to grow in stature as he took long strides towards his group.

"Well it did just happen. We all fucking witnessed it, I don't know what it is but those things you think are people, are not people." He said sternly, eyes only wavering a little, looking around the room. Baram stopped walking forward towards the ginger, the ginger relaxed. However, the next words that flew from his chapped lips made him feel sorry for the man that had once held a gun to is head.

"What the fuck, what the actual fuck is happening?! Two of my friends are dead. Dead." He gritted his teeth together, turning in a circle as he gestured to the body's on the ground, unmoving. Meanwhile, what the others hadn't noticed as their eyes were set elsewhere, a certain little girl had. The smallest in the group was facing away from the rest, her delicate skull resting softly on another's hard shoulder. She moved her long blonde hair from her view as it blocked her vision. She could see clearly now, as she saw something move, sending an unnerving feeling down her small spine.

Jungkook looked up, feeling a hand slide it's way into his, holding it tightly. The owner of the dainty hand stood quietly next to him. Head bowed with his straight brown hair hanging down, tickling his nose as he side glanced the boy next to him. Pleading him not to say anything to worsen the situation. The other moved their hands behind his back so no one could see, before speaking up.

"We know. And we are so sorry this happened, but you have to believe us-" before he could go any further, Baram reacted quickly, giving the boy no time to prepare himself for the fist driving full force into his sharp jaw. Taehyung took a big breath in when he witnessed his friend get hit, quickly going to his aid. On the other hand, Jimin took it differently.

"You don't get to be sorry, if you knew what was going on why didn't you tell us earlier?! You could of stopped this!" He spat, shaking his fist to rid the pain. After he got that sentence out, Jimin didn't think twice about sending his own blow into the perfect blue eyed boys face. Wishing to make him look less perfect than he already was with a few cuts scattered here and there. Now, if it were any other time, Jimin probably wouldn't have been able to knock him down because of his heavy build. Luckily though, he caught the taller of guard while he was peering at his bruised fist. Tripping over his feet, he went tumbling backwards into the shelf that had the comics on. The one Hoseok was unfortunately standing in front of. Which meant the blue eyed boy had taken the red head down with him. Hoseok hissed when he felt his ankle role awkwardly on its side. He tried to get up but a hand knocked him down again as blue eyes used him to lift himself up. He was about to fight the carrot top back but a small, manicured hand landed flat on his chest, creating the tiniest, flimsiest wall between the two. He knocked it down with little force, moving her aside briefly before kicking the ginger in the back of the head while he was busy helping the red head up. The kick to the head had knocked the boy unconscious as he laid beside a cringing Hoseok with a foot twisted the opposite way. Yoongi looked towards his three friends that had been left hurting because of this one man. He knew they needed to leave as soon as they could, fuck helping them, the boy thought as he made his way over to a unresponsive ginger, it made the other feel weird as he was always the one yapping on about something.

"Hobi, hows your ankle? Can you stand?" The pink haired boy patted his leg softly, looking from his ankle to his eyes, with a worrisome look. As Yoongi helped the boy up, Namjoon picked up the unconscious ginger, putting him in a seating position. He realised he needed some ice, but he couldn't get it himself as he was to busy making sure the ginger didn't topple over. He looked at Yoongi, who was helping the boy who had his eyes shut tightly in pain as they tried to hobble over to a bench. No good. He looked at Jin, but he was busy with the girl. He saw how the girl seemed to be troubled, pointing over towards the other end of the shop, he heard Jin asking her what she was pointing at. His mind got interrupted when someone stood in front of him, blocking his view completely. It was one of the men from the gang, holding an ice pack, Namjoon thanked him, forgetting about the two people that had now started walking away from the group.

"Would you please stop this! W-why do you always have to fight!?" The crying girl yelled, contradicting what she had just said by smacking the mans heaving chest. Baram, took the hits. Each one reminding him that it's his fault two of his friends laid on the cold ground, lifelessly. If he had only done something sooner, been the leader he was brought on this earth to be, maybe they wouldn't be dead. He only really hit the raven in the face because he needed to let of steam, he knew if the ginger had carried on talking he would've hit him first, but the Raven just so happened to raise his voice. Then he put the blame on him, even though he really blamed himself. His thoughts continued, hurting him more than his lovers fists colliding into his rib cage. She slowed her movements before she pushed him away, but she wasn't leaving him. She wondered why she always left him but never went far. She always came back, she knew this and so did he, as he watched her run off with swollen, red and puffy cheeks.

Taehyung sat next to a bruised up Jungkook as he watched his sister run off after a heated moment with the blue eyed boy, and not in the sexual way. She looked as though she really hated him, Taehyung still wondered why she was with him instead of being in London, especially if this is how he acted. He didn't even want to think about what he might have done to her. He shuddered at the thought, looking to Jungkook, waiting for a bunny smile to calm him down, but that didn't exactly work as seeing his friend with a busted lip and a blooded nose made him want to break there and then.

Jungkook noticed the other looking at him so he wiped his nose, the blood spilling onto his hands before he wiped it on his faded black jeans. Taehyung cringed. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders, letting a pained, closed lip smile form onto his damaged features.

"I'm fine." He spoke aloud, before clearing his throat and shuffling around awkwardly, signing it to Taehyung. The other only shook his head in return, his hair sat stuck to his forehead from the sweat, he needed a shower. He slipped a hand into the pocket of his black ripped jeans and pulled out a brand new packet of tissues. He pulled one out before carefully dabbing it onto the blood that still managed to drip down the ravens soft skin. He turned his head with his other hand and frowned when he saw the nasty shade of green and purple skin forming on his jaw. Jungkook looked into the boys eyes as he continued to care for his wounds. The boy was so focused on the task that Jungkook saw every detail, as the dark and light browns mixed like chocolate in his big innocent eyes. He noticed how long the boys eyelashes were, and how the boy pulled his pink lips into the softest looking pout. When Taehyung had moved to aid his nose, he flickered his gaze up to Jungkook's briefly. The younger reached his calloused hand up to hold the brown haired boys slimmer but bigger hand. He slid his slightly paler hand softly over the tan skin to the tissue and bringing it away from his face. After letting the bloody tissue drop, staining the ravens white jumper, the taller rested a hand on the others warm cheek. He was about to lean in when a tummy grumbled, making the two lean away from each other.

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