Chapter 3: Trouble in Busan

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^^^^^^^What he's wearing, it's such a cute outfit. I cry every time.

The busy Busan roads had come to a strong halt, the cars sitting silently still. Inside each vehicle, hold stories. Each battling the dreadful blows life targets them with as they worriedly count down the time they have left to get to their destination. Or the people who get it easy while being spoon fed with positivity. However, our focus remains on the cramped, black, run down Vauxhall (a/n: idk I'm not a car person) with seven rowdy, well make that six, boys.

"What's going on? We've been sitting here for like 30 minuets?!" Jin bellowed from the back, kicking his heavy boots against the back of Yoongi's seat, the pink haired boy not enjoying the abuse sent straight to his back.

"Do you mind? That's my back your hitting. You should know it's not good to hit old people, we have bad backs." He twisted around to tell the oldest boy, giving him a finger. Jin's face contorted, feeling heavily insulted.

"Are you calli-" he got cut off by a irritated Namjoon.

"Jin, look, you're not old. Jungkook? What's happening?" Jin huffed hearing Yoongi's deep chuckle linger on. Pursing his plump lips, he fell back into his not so comfy seat, Namjoon sighed, filtering out the obviously heavy breathing from the older, his attention back towards the driver.

"Bro, I don't know. I'll have a look." Rolling down the window and sticking his head out, Jungkook pulled himself out so he could have a look over the cars. He could see a car had been over turned just ahead of him. His eyes widened, running over a few police officers aiming their guns towards the car. What? Wouldn't they need an ambulance? Why do they need the police? Were the people in the car dangerous? Many questions pondered in the Youngers mind, all being received unanswered.

"Well? Don't leave us hanging. What's happening out there?" He was pulled back from his mind and back into the car as he heard Jin's voice, along with a hand tugging softly on the back of his white t-shirt. He situated himself in his seat, meeting curious brown eyes. He placed a steady hand on the back of his head.

'Its nothing to worry about, Taehyung.' He signed to him, he didn't want to get the poor boy worked up. He nodded his head, hair failing in his eyes before he shook his head again to move the brown locks out of his vision. Jungkook kept his hand there as he twisted his head to the others. He gaze locking with each one.

"Its a pretty bad crash, but the police are there with guns literally aiming at the car?" He ranted out with a confused expression, explaining the lingering pictures he had printed in his brain before they faded.

"And what did you tell Taehyung?" Jimin snapped. Earning a slap on the shoulder from Hoseok who was next to him. Jungkook looked at the boy who had his eye brows raised and ears open, with a blank stare and a clenched jaw.

"Jimin, that doesn't matter right now. This is serious shit, okay?" He ignored the shrug in reply facing back to the others. His hand had left Taehyungs head.

"Are you sure that's what you saw?" Jungkook nodded, grazing his lips with his teeth as he looked at Taehyung. "How do we know you-

Yoongi was cut of by a loud pop, many more sounding after the first and getting louder each time. Gunshots. Jimin covered his ears and all the boys jumped in their seats in unison. Taehyung had heard the vibration. He was also startled by the other boys sudden movements. He wasn't stupid. He knew something bad was happening.

"Well shit I guess you weren't lying." Jimin said, his voice monotone as he seemed to be in a state of shock. After he said this the atmosphere was silent. No noises or popping, but the sound of heavy breathing. After a few minuets the atmosphere was cut into by Hoseok.

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