Chapter 7: Dont look.

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When Baram reached the scene, he stumbled at bit at the sight of all the blood. Emotions running wild, he brought up his gun and began to aim it at the thing that was biting into Peters wife. Peter lay on the ground, the loss of blood making him want to close his eyes and let the darkness take over, but he continued to watch helplessly as his wife cried in pain. Some men in the gang stood still, shocked. Others ran forward, dragging Peter away to attend to his wounds. He struggled, not wanting to leave his wife, but it was no use as he had no strength left to fight.

As far away from the scene as possible stood the seven boys. Jimin held onto his pocket knife that was situated in his jacket pocket, the ginger was even sure he might have drawn blood, but the boy didn't even wince. His eyes skilfully scanned the shop to see if anymore of those things were lurking in the shadows, as keeping his friends out of harms way was his number one priority.

Yoongi held Hoseok's hand tightly in his own. Hoseok didn't know if he could look anymore without passing out. Yoongi didn't want anymore horrifying images to take over his mind, but little did he know, it was something he would have to get used too. The two of them turned around, the red head trying to focus on all the different comics that sat perfectly, unharmed, on the shelf in front of him. Hoseok thought about how if it was a different scenario he would turn into a little kid again and start flicking through them excitedly. Hoseok thought he could do exactly that when this was all over, anything to make him feel better.

Jin now held the still unknown girl in his arms as he shushed her gently to keep her cries quiet. He berried his face into Namjoon's shoulder as the tall blonde dug his nails into his palms. He tried to look away from all the blood but he just couldn't, it's like it stained his mind permanently and he couldn't wash it out.

Taehyung's sister looked at Jungkook, knowing he knew what was happening. The words he had spoken from earlier fitting together like a puzzle. She quickly left them, running towards Baram who still held the gun shakily in his pale hands. Taehyung tried to grab her arm, but his fingers only brushed across her wrist as she slipped away from his grasp. Taehyung was about to run after her, not wanting her to get hurt, but someone caught his wrist, pulling him back.

"She'll be fine, trust me okay?" He signed, reassuring the brown haired boy as he knew Baram wouldn't let anything happen to her. He studied the way he listened to her earlier. How he had stopped his men from hurting Taehyung, just because she told him to. She seemed very important to him. He just hoped his assumption was right.

He did however relax, when he saw Baram hold a hand out before the girl could get close. Taehyung watched with confusion, who was this man to his sister? He thought.

Baram's ears picked up at the sound of light but quick feet slapping against the ground, he didn't take his eyes of his target. Only holding out the hand that wasn't occupied.

"What are you doing?! Shoot it!" Nari screamed as she shook the arm that was stretched across her front, the gesture making him snap out of his shocked state as he regained a steady grip on the gun. He tried to focus on his target, but it wouldn't keep still and he was scared he would hit the women instead. Finally, he was able to lock onto his target and pull the trigger. The bullet entering its brain as it then fell to the floor, the women falling with it.

"Fuck! Medic!" Baram screamed, as he fell to his knees pressing on the wound. The medic came over and took his place, Nari was sobbing quietly as she held the women's head in her hands, he placed a hand on her shoulder before running over to check on Peter, the other victim of the vicious attack. However, when he approached, a cloth was no longer held on the wound. The lonely red cloth lay flat in a one of his friends hand as he sat by Peter with a sad look on his face. The rest of the gang gathered around.

"T-there is no pulse, sir. He's gone." Baram got onto his knees again, as he slammed his fist into the floor.

"How did this even happen?! What the fuck just happened?!" The people around him didn't have an answer, they only shook their heads and kept quite. Respecting the man who laid dead on the floor.

"F-fuck man, she's gone too." Baram stood up, he looked at the married couple who were alive just a few minutes ago. The couple that used to make him want to throw up because of how cute they were together. The man who never took anything seriously, the one cracking the jokes. The only time he would be serious was when his wife was hurting. The women, who's name was Meredith, was a fighter and she protected him more than she protected herself. He walked over the attacker that now laid dead too, and kicked its head and body, letting out all his anger, until it was mostly just mush on the floor.

"What the fuck happened?! Can someone fucking answer me!?" He spun around, eyes with fire in them as his face reddens with every ragged breath he took.

All seven boys looked at each other simultaneously, a look of uneasiness on their faces. Jimin looked towards Jungkook, Jungkook giving him a nod back in return. Nari watched them, dry tears on her cheeks from witnessing someone who had befriended her, be taken from the world so brutally.

"It's the end of the fucking world, that's what's happening."

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