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I'm rewriting the chapters, enjoy.

The paladins of Voltron were infiltrating a galra ship, as usual Pidge was on course for the control room to take over the ship.
It was only a ship of robots so once power was down and rebooted they were now their bots.

Everyone was still on alert for any galra just in case.
Lance found Keith at the end of the hall, "Keith. Keith." He whispered and waved his arms around for him to notice.
"What is it? Why are you whispering?"

"I spotted a galra."

"What where?" He looked around but saw nothing, when he turned back to lance; his slender finger was pointed in his face and he had a shit eating grin gracing his mouth.
Keith looked at him annoyed and pushed him aside. "Dumbass."

"Hey I thought it was funny. Gotta lighten the mood some times."

"Not by making fun of me and my heritage."

"Oh come on buddy, don't be such a baby about it." Lance had put his arm around the shorter boys shoulder easily and gave him a smile.
"Get off." The red suited fighter pushed the slender blue clad boy. This made him push back, soon they were fighting, punching and kicking each other until the other was K.O.

Keith had lance by the shoulders against a wall, gripping tightly he picked him up from the wall and slammed him against it, and then again each time lances head bounced off making him dizzy. Until the wall gave out and they both fell into a small room. Lance was on his back almost unconscious, with Keith on top of him trying to catch his breath from the shock of falling.

An air lock sound hit his ears, when he looks behind him the wall had been replaced.
"No!" He scrambled to get up and banged on the wall. "Open open, no let us out." He cried out.
Lance came to and saw that they seemed to be trapped in about 6 by 6 room with a 5 foot tall ceiling.
He had to bend down slightly to not hit his head. "Damn." He sat back down and tried his communicator, it was static. He laid on his back,  it it didn't last long in begin comfort.

The floor was cold as ice and lined with little pebbles for not slipping.
Keith gave up on the wall and realized just how small the space was. He curled up in the corner with his knees to his chest and closed his eyes. His breathing was erratic and lance stared dumbfounded at him.
"Dude what's wrong with you?"

"It's small in here, I- this is too small for me." Keith shook. Lance saw the fear in his eyes and was overwhelmed. Keith, the hothead loner emo who hardly ever showed emotion unless it was anger was showing a side lance has never seen before; weakness. The weakness was none other than claustrophobia.

"Are you, claustrophobic?" He was slow to say the word worried he might start to panic.
Keith looked at him so plainly after having such fear in his eyes.
Lance made his way to him and sat down in front of him. "Wow, Keith fucking kogane actually has a phobia." He sounded proud to find out his weakness. Only to immediately regret it when Keith started to cry.
"Oh shit this is serious. I didn't think it was that bad."

"Of course it is, I'm in a tight small space, I need to move and I." He chocked up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun of you. It's just, I've never seen you show anything."
He subconsciously reached his hand to caress Keith's arm that held his knees to his chest. He twitches at the touch and and looked away with a tint of red on his cheeks.
"Lance." His voice was light at first lance didn't think it was him speaking.

He unhinged his arms from his legs and attached them around lances waist as he laid his head against his shoulder. "K-Keith, what are." The Cuban halted his speech when he felt the pale arms tightened around him.
It was silent between them until something told lance to hug back and made Keith twitch in surprise, he let out a small yelp.
"Are you okay?"

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now