Gender bend

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After another thrilling and dangerous mission of saving a planet from the galra, Pidge locks herself in her lab to experiment with new samples she got. She tested them on plants and robots she made to see what would happen to living and non living that came in contact with the elixir.

While everyone minded their business there was obviously that one paladin that was just too curious for his own good. He made his way in when she finally left to go eat.
Papers scattered across her desk with beakers and test tubes. On another table sat a rather large porcelain cup, the contents of it was a bright purple in color. He smells it and the hint of lilac hits his nose.
"Hmm. I didn't know Pidge liked tea." He enjoyed the scent. He looked around the room waiting for Pidge to pop out from somewhere; like she usually did.
When she never popped out, he took a sip; then another as it tasted good until the whole thing was gone.
"Oh man that hit the spot." He sighed. Then darkness came over him.
When he came to voices wrecked his ears as they overlap each other.
"What's, what's going on?" He groaned.

"Who are you?" Asked Shiro.

"Haha very funny guys. What's going on here?"

"How did you get on the ship? Where is lance?"

"Okay knock it off seriously. It's me lance, best pilot around, sharpshooter, and lover boy." He gave them his flirty smile.

"Lance?!" They all screamed.

"Pidge how did he get like this?"

"Like what, what do you mean?" It was then he realized his voice was a little different, higher in pitch and not so masculine.
Allura gave him a mirror and he smiled flirtatiously until he realized yet again this was him, or now her.
"Holy space cows. I'm a girl!? How is this possible??"

"You were in my lab and drank one of my experiments." Pidge glared at her.

"I thought it was tea it tasted really good."

"Ugh now I have to figure out how to change you back."

"And what if I never change back? I can't flirt with girls as a girl. Or could I?"

"Lance! Don't do anything stupid, just stay in your room and do nothing, got it. Absolutely nothing." Shiro ordered.

"What's the female name for lance?" Asked hunk.

"Lance with an ie. lancie." Said Keith.

"Shut up just call me lance."

"What about lancarella." Keith grinned.

"Shut it mullet, I may be a girl but I'll still kick your butt."

"I don't fight girls."

"Awesome let's fight then."

"Lance stop it. Go to your room right now." Allura sounded like a mother and pointed her finger.
When lance got to her room, she noticed her clothes didn't quite fit anymore. Her breast pushed the tight fabric and revealed a small part of her stomach. "Woah look at these babies. And their all mine." She started to play with them and made them bounce, then got curious and lifted her shirt up.
"Wow boobs, my first pair of boobs." She gleamed. "And their mine." The smile faded. "It's not the same." A knock came to the door making her jump and pull the shirt down.

"Haha, your voice sounds the same to me." Keith laughs.

"Shut up I used to sound masculine not girly."

"Yeah whatever you say."

"What do you even want?"

"Allura told me to stay here with you so you don't do anything stupid."

Keith x lance (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now