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'Blood so much blood oh god ahhh it hurts its gonna stain the floors or my clothes.'Izuku ran over to his dresser as he held tissue paper to his rapidly bleeding wound. He shuffled around some clothes and comics then came across a blue All Might bag.  Izuku ran over to his bathroom, a place he could clean blood off of easily, and opened the bag. He grabbed a sanitizing spray, took off the tissue and sprayed it on his arm. He hissed at the pain trying not to be loud considering it was 11 pm.

 Izuku grabbed a gauze from the bag and put it on the open wound.  He looked around the bad trying to find his medical wraps. Once he found it he tightly wrapped it around his wrist. He knew he was safe now, he just needed to clean the evidence that he would have ever been in danger in the first place.  Izuku finished and put the all might bag back into his dresser then went to bed hoping that they didn't have hero practice tomorrow.

-The next day

Izuku woke up to a burning sensation on his wrist. 'The Aftermath' Izuku sighed and got out of bed. He knew that the dressings had to be changed once or twice a day to keep it from getting an infection, and since he knew this he grabbed the All might Bag and took it with him into the bathroom to clean and redress it after his shower.

Izuku had finished showering and redressing his wound. He got dressed in his uniform and went to the breakfast table.                                                                                                                                                           "Oh hi, honey. I didn't realize you were awake" Inko put the eggs on a plate that also had sausages on it and gave it to Izuku.                                                                                                                                 " Here eat up, you need fuel. Especially today, you have a hero trip today. Let's hope it doesn't turn out like the last one." Izuku stopped eating ' A field trip, that means hero uniforms.' " Mom I'm not feeling too well I think I shouldn't go." 

Izuku coughed as real as he could by putting his hand by his mouth when he did.                                   "Izuku honey you know can tell when you're faking and right now you are. Look." She walked over to  Izuku and held his arm.                                                                                                                                    "I know you're scared that a situation like USJ but they heightened security. You shouldn't worry." Izuku was tense as his mother's hand was a little too close to his cuts.               "A-alright mom I'll go."  Inko chuckles lightly and takes her hand off her son's arm.                  "Here I'll take your plate. " Izuku hadn't realized that he had finished his food while his mom was talking.                                                                                                                                                                                  "Oh alright, I'll go to school now. bye, mom." he stood up and walked to the door. As he was putting his shoes on his mom said from the kitchen                                                                                  "Don't hurt yourself sweetie" As he left the door he thought ' too late for that.

Izuku got to school and sat in his seat, he wasn't first, Ilda was there as well as Todoroki, Denki, and Kirishima. Izuku sat waiting for more people to come in while he was pressing down on his cuts trying to make sure they weren't bleeding so he could take the wrappings off and just hide his wrist.                                                                                                                                                                    "No that's a bad idea, my outfit would rub against them and make them bleed. Not only would that be bad it would also be uncomfortable. I cant look uncomfortable cause then people would ask and"-                                                                                                                                                                              "Hey Izuku! Hello?"                                                                                                                                       "ahhahhah. Oh, you scared me Uraraka. haha."Izuku laughed.                                                                        "Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, you were mumbling about something making something bleed?"Izuku stopped laughing ' SHIT!'                                                                                                                                                    "Oh I'm really clumsy and I fell and scraped my knees while training. And I didn't want there to be like a lump of bandages so I thought let's take it off but my outfit would rub against it. The thing is It didn't hurt much yesterday but now it does. I should've guessed that yesterday since the aftermath always hurts more than the initial pain."                                                                                        "Yeah duh. Anyway, are you excited for the trip today?" Izuku shrugged.                                                    "I Guess."                                                                                                                                                                                    "What do you mean ' I Guess ' this is going to be awesome. The teachers are going to let us fight low-class villans so we can get used to fighting actual people instead of each other or teachers. Its gonna be so much fun! You should be so excited! you can show off and show people that you're a great hero." ' Real villains'                                                                                                                                "We're fighting real villains?"                                                                                                                                            "Yeah, are you pumped now!"                                                                                                                                       "HELL YEAH" 

Thank you for reading the first chapter of Stitched up scars. I hope you enjoyed.                           Word count- 722                    

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