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Aizawa had left and gone back to school and Izuku was sitting in his living room watching tv. Nothing new was in the news. He left it on in case of a villain attack. He grabbed his phone to check what the notification from earlier was. He saw that the news story had updated. 'That fast wow. What trash do they have now.' Izuku read the update which read 

" Student teacher relationship confirmed. The student in question can be seen closing these blinds and in the background, Eraserhead can be seen placing two bowls down insisting that they were having a lunch date in his house and he wanted it to be private. Why else would he close the blinds? Heres the Picture." Then there was the picture of Izuku closing the blinds."The strange thing was someone saw Eraserhead heading back to school but no one saw the student. Where is he? Is he still at his house? Let's find out. Watch the live video."

Below there was a live video of them walking over to Aizawa's house. 'Shit uh, Oh I know' Izuku started to make himself and the area look as if he were sick. He put tissues by the table, He put Tylenol on the table and a blanket and pillow on the couch. He grabbed His duffle bag and emptied it. he put it near the couch and then he heard a knock on the door. He grabbed the blanket and put it around him and got ready to act. he opened the door so he could see them all and leaned on the doorframe.                                                                                                                                          "Yes?"                                                                                                                                                                                          "Hi! We're with Star news, Whats your name?"                                                                                                         "Izuku"                                                                                                                                                                                       "Well Izuku why are you in your teachers' house? A student teacher relationship I presume?"         "What no, I was really sick today but school Is important to me so I went anyway. He Saw how miserable I was so offered to take me to his house since my mom is working at the moment. He gave me some of my favorite food to make me feel better and let me rest here." The news crew had all their faces screwed up as if they were trying not to yell at him but they still had a smile.                                                                                                                                                                                                      "So Aizawa was just taking care of you?"                                                                                                                    "Yeah." the newscaster turned to the camera and said,                                                                                      "You heard it first here, Though his hard exterior he is truly a caring person." 'idiots' 

The next day cause I'm a lazy fuck.  Deal with it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

 Aizawa had woken up to Izuku making breakfast for the two.                                                                           "Hey, Izuku"                                                                                                                                                                              "Hi Aizawa sensei. Can you grab some plates for us?"                                                                                          "Yeah, sure," He said as he walked over to the cabinet and grabbed two plates and set them near the stove. Izuku picked up the pan and put some eggs on both then placed it on a burner that wasn't on. He turned the burners off then grabbed a plate then served himself some bacon.  "Have as much bacon as you'd like, I made a lot." Aizawa nodded and grabbed the other plate and grabbed some bacon. They ate silently then Aizawa spoke.                                                                      

"During breaks stay with me and don't hang out with people."                                                                  "Not even Uraraka, Todoroki or even Ilda?"                                                                                                               If you want to talk with them it has to be around me. I need to keep an eye on you cant have you cutting"                                                                                                                                                                                      "But it helps!"                                                                                                                                                                          "If you go to deep you can die and I don't want your mother to have to deal with that!"                        " Why do you care about her?!"                                                                                                                                        "Because she and I were friends. She was his high school when I was in middle school and she helped me when I was bullied. Shes too fragile you to die. She needs you"                                                "Fine, Just for my mom." The two shared a look then ate in silence for the rest of the time.

Izuku walked along side of Aizawa. He saw some students look and whisper about him and Aizawa. He felt awkward as he slowly got closer to Aizawa until he got to class.                                      "I have to do something. This is the only time I'm leaving you alone, Understood?" Izuku nodded then walked into class over to his seat. Then Hell began In class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              That's is. 714 words this time. I'm trynna fix my computer but for now, the chapters will be short since I hate the feeling of my moms' computer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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