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Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated I wanted to make sure this episode wasn't all over the place like the last one so I waited till I got a good chapter.

As soon as Izuku was in everyone's point of view chaos began. Aizawa was not too far to have heard all the yelling so he went back to class and stop the chaos.

"Class, class quiet down. MIdorya sit, we're starting class now." Then that was the end of it.

                                                                      I'm lazy and tired.

The entire class had this aura during class so obviously as soon as lunch started they crowded around Izuku. Izuku thought they were going to ask about the news story but no.

"Dude where were you yesterday after Bakugo exploded in your face?" Kaminari asked 'Oh'

"Yeah, Deku where did you go? I was worried" Uraraka asked

"Midorya we were all worried," Momo said as the rest of the class nodded

"When I ran off I cried in a storage closet then Aizawa saw me. He drove me to my house and made sure I was ok then left. I didn't want to face anyone so I stayed home, now I'm back and doing just fine. As long as I don't annoy Kacchan Ill be fine." Izuku smiled and Began eating again.

"I'm going to go ahead and say this but, am I the only one who wants to protect him," Momo said

"No I feel the same way," Uraraka said. Some of the students Agreed with the two and Izuku laughed.

"Why does this happen to me? This is always hilarious. Usually its family not friends but ok." Izuku had a Bright smile on as he and the rest of the students finished lunch then went back to class. When Izuku got back to class he saw a very angry looking Aizawa.

"Oh shit" Izuku said quietly. 

"Midorya." He stood up and walked over to Izuku.

"Remember what I said." Izuku nodded in response. Aizawa chuckled.

"Then why didn't you listen," Aizawa said as he put on an annoyed face.

"Uh, I-"

"DEKU PROTECTION SQUAD HERE!!!" Uraraka and Momo yelled and In the Deku protection squad was Momo, Uraraka, Ilda, Kamirari, Tokoyami, Kirishima, And Todoroki. They all grabbed Izuku in different places and kept him away from Aizawa.

"Um, what? And Todoroki can you let go of my leg?" Everyone looked down to see Todoroki with his arms and legs wrapped around Izukus' leg. Todoroki just held on tighter.

"Whatever, But what are you guys doing?"

"saving you from Aizawa."


"He was yelling at you so we needed to stop it."

"No, he was Just telling me something, Relatively loudly." Izuku mouthed 'help me' to Aizawa who got the message quick

"Alright stop molesting the poor kid, I was reminding him that he had to Eat lunch and spend all breaks in my office for protection since the incident with Bakugo. I was annoyed that he had forgotten so I wanted to make sure I was clear when I meant always. So I guess you can add me into the Deku protection squad." Aizawa gave a small smile then the entire protection squad yelled.


"Oh god" Izuku laughed.

End Of the day.

Izuku was walking home when Kacchan came over to him.

"So I heard you have a protection squad Deku. But they're not here."Kacchan said as he looked over at his hand and made small explosions.

"They cant save you from what I going to do to you." Kacchan grabbed Izukus arm and pulled him closer to him since he was relatively far.

"Ahhh" Izuku Pulled His arm away and held It. 

"What I didn't even squeeze that hard I mean What could have made you- What?" Kacchan looked at his hand and saw smeared blood on it. Izukus blood.

"Deku Give me your arm."

"Kacchan I can-" 

"GIMME YOUR DAMN ARM!"Izuku reluctantly put his arm in Kacchans Hand. Kacchan pulled up his sleeve to reveal many cuts and burns tracing his arm.

"Deku what the hell?"Izuku was looking away. He couldn't face Kacchan. 

"Deku you're coming with me. My parents aren't home for the week so we'll be fine." Izuku nodded then started walking. He then remembered something. 'Shit I'm living with Aizawa right now.-' His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Izukus' phone ringing and him reaching for it.

"Whoever it is, tell them you're busy."

"I cant Kacchan I-" 

"Gimme it then I'll talk with them then."Kacchan growled. Izuku did as he said and handed him his phone.

"What do you want?"

"Bakugo why do you have Midoryas' Phone?"

"Why are you calling Deku?"

"Kacchan, tell him your address. He knows and I'll explain everything " Kacchan Sighed 

"Listen Aizawa just come to the address I'm sending. No questions. Deku will explain everything.

Im done, hope you enjoyed and sorry I hadn't updated in a while.

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