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Hi yall, I'm sorry for this chapter btw.

Izuku had been feeling well for the past week. He didn't know why. But he was happy about it. He and Katsuki were going to the gelato place they were never able to go to over summer.

"Yo this place is so far. How did you find out about it?" Katsuki asked as they went about an hour away from where their houses were.

"I used to walk here when I was down. It has such nice scenery so it helped me feel a little bit better. One day I was feeling really bad and I came here crying. I was walking and someone asked if I was okay and before I could answer I was pulled to the gelato shop. She gave me gelato and we talked for a bit. Her name was Yamamoto Yui. She was really sweet and so are her parents, they own the place, and I come here every so often so we can talk and hang out." Izuku explained as they neared the gelato shop

"Oh wow, that's cool. But is the gelato good?"

"Yes of course it is! it's so smooth and sweet!"

"Okay, if you say so." The boys soon were walking into the shop.

"Hi, Mr Yamamoto!" Izuku said cheerfully as he walked up to the older man at the counter.

"Oh, hi Izuku. How are you? I haven't seen you for a while. I thought maybe Yui did something stupid to you." The Man said as he closed the cash register and walked out from behind the counter.

"I'm doing well. Sorry I haven't come in a while. I was planning on coming over summer but never could since I was busy. But I wanted my friend to try your gelato. I've been saying I would bring hi here but was never able to."

"Oh is that so. Well, I'm glad you're here now. What flavours do you two want?"

The boys got their gelato and Yui came down and started talking with them for a few hours. When it started getting dark the Boys started heading back. Some reason Izuku started feeling a bit off. He didn't know why. He just got an off feeling. 

Do it

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I - never mind."

"Okay dude"

Go to the store. You know what you need

Izuku stopped dead in his tracks.

" Yo, you good?"

"Uh, y-yea I'm fine. I forgot I need to buy somethings. You can go ahead. I'll head back on my own okay?" He said, glancing at a corner store 

"Oh okay, Izuku. Call me when you get home okay"

"Yea will do Kacchan" The two part, and Izuku starts walking to the store. His heart slowly starting to speed up. His breathing becoming shaky. Walking into the store and walking over to the small hardware section. 

Get the utility knife. Three of them. And tape

Izuku does as the voice says. Grabbing three utility knives. Reaching to grab some white tape.

Get black tape

He follows the voices commands. He walks to the cash register.

"Hi is that going to be all?" The male cashier says as he starts scanning the objects.

Get it

"can I get a pack of cigarettes?"

" You got an Id?"

"Yea," Izuku says pulling out his wallet and a fake ID hidden behind his real one.

"What's your birthday?"

"November 17th 1999"

" Alright. We have some new things in, we got some weed products if you want those instead." as he gives izuku the ID back

"Yea give me the strongest one"

"Alright, that'll be $28.99" Izuku handed the man the money and grabbed the bag of things. He walked out and started walking to an abandoned building. He walked over to the stairs and went to the rooftop. He opened the bag and grabbed out one of the joints that he bought. (pretend you can buy whole ass joints.) And pulled out the lighter he carried with him everywhere. He started smoking in his 7th-grade year since he was over everything by then. He smokes whatever he can. Nicotine or not, he couldn't care. He needed the buzz. 

A 20 minutes later he texted his mom knowing that there was no way he was going home high.

Hey, mom, I'm staying over at a Yui's house. So we can catch up okay?

                                                                       That's alright. Thank you for telling me honey, Stay safe!

Putting his phone up he grabbed the bag, putting it in his backpack and started to make his way down back onto the street. Walking around till he found a cheap motel in a sketchy part of town closer to his house. As he walked to the door someone came up to him

"Hey kid what are you doing around these parts of town? Especially this late?" I was Aizawa

"Izuku are you just not going to answer me?" He was just staring at the door handle. He pulled open the door and started walking. 

"Kid, what the hell, are you listening?" Aizawa grabbed Izuku's arm and made Izuku look him in the eyes. Looking at Izuku he saw his eyes were red and his pupils were hella dilated. 

"What the hell kid are you high?!"

"Excuse me men, if you aren't here to get a room get out!" The desk lady said. Izuku pulled out of Aizawa's grasp.

"Sorry I-"

"Sorry we'll be leaving, You're coming with me," Aizawa said pulling Izuku along with him. They walked a bit then Aizawa stopped and looked at Izuku

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing I was just gonna go get a room"

"Why are you even around here? And why are you fucking high?!"

"I was getting gelato with Kacchan"

"Alright, where the hell is he then? Did he smoke too?"

"He went home"

"You're not answering me. Why are you high?"

"Why not. Can I go?"

"Did Katsuki smoke too?"

"No, he went home before I did"

"Why aren't you going home?"

"I'm not going home high"

"Ugh jeez, kid. You're coming home with me. There's no way in hell I'm gonna leave you here alone while you can't even think straight!"

"Why do you even care?"

"You know why I care. You're like a" Aizawa stopped in his tracks.

"I'm like what?"

"You're like a son to me. I don't have kids. I probably never will. I don't ever get the need for kids like most people do. But knowing you I feel really parental over you. So you're coming with me." Aizawa and Izuku walked to his house With minimal conversation. 

"You have some explaining to do. But you'll do it tomorrow. Go get some rest."

1103 words

Hey yall uh hope you enjoyed this and yea. Also yall should add me on discord or follow me on tik tok.( I'm pretty basic on tik tok tho) Whatever. My discord is*chomp*#6765 and my Tik tok is Sour_beans so have fun with that. 

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