(8)More truths

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Kacchan and Izuku where sitting in Kacchans Living room waiting for Aizawa to show up. 

"So when he gets here are you going, to tell the truth, or lie?"Izuku didn't respond

"Deku answer me!"

"I-Ill tell the truth! I won't lie. There's no point in lying"

"Good."They soon heard a knock on the door. Izuku was going to answer it but Kacchan stood up first so he answered the door leaving Izuku feeling weird and alone.

"Get in sensei, I wanna hear the reasoning between this whole situation."

"As would I" Aizawa walked into the living room and saw Izuku sitting on the couch. Aizawa walked over to Izuku and started asking questions but to no avail.

"Ill answer everything in a moment sensei." Aizawa sat down by Izuku sending a glare to Kacchan. 

"So What do you want to know, uhh Kacchan you go first since I'm sure you have a lot"

"Damn straight I do. First, why was Aizawa calling you?"

"Well yesterday when you blew up in my face I felt miserable and Aizawa had figured I had um, you know cut and he had my mom pack a bag for me. And since yesterday I've been living with him."Kacchan put on a softer face. 

"But did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Cut idiot. Did you cut?"Izuku moved around in his seat then barely whispered his response.

"Yes."Kacchans' Eyes widened

"I-I'm sorry. For what I did. And now I'm guessing I'm the reason you started? Cutting an all." Izuku nodded.

"Damn, I can't believe I had made you like this, I can't believe that this had gotten so bad. I can't believe you had been through so much pain from me to cause it to yourself."

"Kacchan I've always wondered why you did it, Why you hated me so much."

"I was mad, that time I fell off the log that one time you went to make sure I was ok, I saw that as a threat and It made me furious at how you thought I was weak but It was never true. I'm sorry, De- Izuku. Can we be friends like before? " Izuku was stunned at how sincere he was. 

"yeah, we can. But to make it up to me you must become part of the Deku protection squad. Aizawa's in it too."

"Sure I'll be part of it." 

"Now Aizawa what questions do you have for me."

"Why were you with Bakugo and why did he answer your phone, How did he find out about your self harm?"

"Um so I was walking home cause I forgot I was living with you, Then Kacchan um was mad because of yesterday and the fact I had a protection squad. So he was going to blast me but when he grabbed my harm he well pressed too hard and a cut reopened."

"WHAT!" Aizawa stood up and quickly grabbed Izukus arm, pulled up the sleeve and saw a few deep cuts with dried blood around them. He shot a death glare at Kacchan

"Do you have gauze?"

"Yeah, I'll give it to you" Kacchan got the first aid kit from one of the cabinets in his Kitchen then gave the kit to Aizawa. Inside there where sanitizing wipes, a sanitizing spray, gauze, and some other things I'm too lazy to type. (Shit I broke the fourth wall) Aizawa grabbed a sanitizing wipe and wiped his entire arm then put gauze on all of his cuts. He saw how he was very precise about where he cut. Never near the joint or too high on his wrist. Never near the Vein as well. He wrapped the entire arm in Bandages then sat back down.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, how many people know about this?"Kacchan asked.

"All might, Aizawa, You, and recovery girl. That's all."

"Ok, so no other students know?"

"Yeah none of them"


Aizawa stood up and grabbed Izuku.

"We'll be going now."

"Oh, Okay well have a good night De-Izuku."

"You too Kacchan"Aizawa and Izuku walked to His car and started driving home

666 Words Dude That's (669) cool. I quit for today. Anyway, this story will be updated every Wednesday and every Saturday. 

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