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Ever since that day, Uraraka has been stealing kisses from Izuku every so often and when he tries to tell her she runs away before he can say a word. Izuku was going to use his newfound friend Bakugo to help him tell her.

"Kacchan I need you to hold onto Uraraka Until I get there Got it?"

"yeah but whats this for?"

"Well she keeps on kissing me but I'm already dating someone so It's like I need to tell her before he finds out."

"Oh, you're gay?"


"Now Uraraka owes me 50 bucks."

"You bet on my sexuality?!"

"Yeah" Izuku scoffed as Katsuki scrolled on his phone


And the day after that they planned on telling Uraraka that the gig was over.

"Uraraka Meet me in front of school ok?"

"Yeah sure Deku! But since we're alone." Uraraka giggled and pulled Izuku closer to her

"Uraraka um wait I ne-" She shut him up by kissing him. She was her tiptoes to even reach him. (pretend he's tall rn) She smiled into the kiss and she slowly pushed him into the wall. Izuku had his hands on her shoulders trying to push her off but it seems that she was stronger than he thought and because he didn't want to hurt her he wasn't going to use his quirk. So when She tried to slip her hand Up His shirt he grabbed it and she saw this as a flirting tactic so she grabbed his other hand.  

He was getting annoyed and let out a sigh but as soon as he opened his mouth she slipped her tongue into his mouth. and that was the last straw before he could do anything he felt Uraraka get pulled off of him. Izuku immediately started coughing and wiping off his mouth.

"Oh god, that was hell" He looked up to see an angry Todoroki looking at Uraraka.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Having some fun time with my boyfriend. And you're interrupting."

"Hold on hold on hold on! I never said I was your boyfriend or that I even liked you in that way And I've been trying to tell you for so long but you always ran away."

" So you, you've been faking it. you said it was ok."

"ok as in don't worry I don't hate you but you I'm guessing like me too much to the point that you were blinded but I don't like you like that."

"Oh Well, I don't even like you. I've been kissing Todoroki too so don't feel special"

"No, she hasn't "

"Yes, you have."

"No the only person I've been Kissing is him"

"Yeah I only wanted to kiss him not you Uraraka" tears started to well up in Uraraka's eyes and then she ran away crying.

"Ugh she's a brat"

"hey she's my friend"

"I don't care I just want to reclaim your lips. Is that ok?"

"Yeah But not out here Ok"

"yeah" The two walked over to the men's bathroom.

Over with Uraraka, she ran into class crying and everyone was asking if she was ok. Uraraka wanted to ruin his life since He ruined hers so she lied.

"Deku, he forced something on me."

"What?!" The entire class yelled.

"He- He touched me and kissed me and I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me leave."

"Oh my god. I never would've thought of Izuku doing such a thing. Is this the first time this has happened?" Momo asked

"No," she said in a wary voice.

"Oh, we are going to hunt him down. where was he?"

"I saw him go into the men's bathroom last in the west wing"

"Ok come im  sure you want to see what we are going to do to him." Uraraka nodded and stood up from the floor and walked alongside Jirou and Momo. All of the class was walking with them and as they approached the bathroom they heard a conversation.

"Izuku why? Why would you do this I thought you were always so happy"

 "I- I was never happy I'm so mentally hurt and I can't stop, I know I need to but I cant."

"whats that about," Momo asked.

"Let's find out," Jirou said as she walked right into the bathroom

"Wait its-"


"What what happened" All of the girls ran into the bathroom and they saw Izuku sitting on the counter shirt was on the floor and there were cuts tracing all over his arm."

"Oh my god" Once Izuku saw that they were all staring at his cuts he tried to explain

"The- They're from my quirk. It's a backlash"

"No they're not Deku also I had no Idea you had so many. My god. All caused by me all because of me." Katsuki said.

"I don't feel sorry for you. None of us do. Not after what you've done."

"What? What did I do?"

"Oh don't play dumb! You harassed Uraraka and now you're over there trying to make us pity you. But we won't fall for that trick."

"What I didn't do anything to her. She did something to me!"

"Lies! She came into class crying cause of you"

"Ugh. I this is the first time that im glad I record things."

"What?" everyone says.

"Watch. This is proof of what Uraraka was going to Izuku not the other way around." He shows the video of Uraraka pushing Izuku onto the wall and kissing him while he tried to get her off of him.

Now I'm going to save myself a long ass chapter and sum up all that happens next. Uraraka Is told to be lying and she starts crying again and everyone tells her she's a skank or a whore shit like that. izuku tried to stop them from bullying her but he cant and then she runs off again and after that Izuku is taken over to Recovery girl to get his arm wrapped up. And yeah that's all.

950 words Jesus Christ This was long for me. Um yeah thats all. Im sorry for what is curently happening to Uraraka and sorry for what is to come. 

Updated every Wednesday and Saturday

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