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     You looked back at the forest for a moment and decided that going back was a bad idea since you forgot to grab a flashlight. You punched yourself mentally for doing that. you looked back at the gun and deicided it would be a more effective weapon. you put the knife back in you pack and held the gun in your hands. you had never shot a gun before and had no idea how many bullets were in it. you took a deep breath and turned the safety off. you pointed the gun at the zombie that was nearest to you and aimed it. you kept both of your eyes open because you had heard your dad talk about how you got a better shot that way. you held your breath and pulled the trigger. a bullet shot out and hit the zombie right in the head causeing jackson to yelp and brush up against your leg. it was had caused more force then you were expecting but you managed to not fall over. the sound the gun made caused the zombied to walk twords you.

    you freaked out for a moment but quickly aimed the gun at the closet zombie and shot. you shot it in the leg causeing it to break off. it fell over but kept dragging itself closer to you. you ran out of the bushes with jackson following behind you and ran down the road. you ran until you reached a shopping center atached to the road you were running on. you could keep going or you could look at the shops that were there. you thought there could be other people there who could help or hurt you.

go to 8 to keep running

go to 9 to go inside the shopping center

My Zombie Apocalypse (Chose your own adventure)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now