[Chapter 36]

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It's been a year already, Jiwoon is now 5 years old while Jungyeon is 1 year old. At the moment, they were in the car, Jungkook driving, Chaeyeon sitting next to him on the passenger seat while their two children are sitting in the back seat.

As Jungkook was driving coming back from a family picnic, Chaeyeon decided to put on the radio. When the radio was turned on, the channel for telling stories was on. Wrong timing it is ... for them. Especially for Chaeyeon.

Radio Channel

"So? Ms. Jung? Can you please tell us your story?" - Radio Man

"Of course." - Ms. Jung

Before Ms. Jung could speak her story or you could say her personal life. She took a deep sigh and cleared her throat.

"It was 3 years ago, I was married to the man that I love. We were lovers back in high school and you can say that it was young love. We didn't know anything about love and of course we rushed through our relationship and because of our carelessness, I got pregnant at a young age. We have to get married due to my pregnancy." - Ms. Jung

Ms. Jung had to take a break from her sad story as she wipes away the tear that was streamed down on her cheek.

"We thought that we were the one for each other. Once I gave birth to our first child, that's where everything changed. My husband and I were distanced from each other and my child has to be raised by myself." - Ms. Jung

"And what was your child's name?" - Radio Woman

"My child's name is Hyerin." - Ms. Jung

"You may continue Ms. Jung." - Radio Man

"At first I thought we were distanced from one another was because of our work but later on I found out that it has nothing to do with our work schedule. It has to do with who we are. My husband is from a high status family while I'm from the low status class." - Ms. Jung

"And what did you do, Ms. Jung?" - Radio Woman

"I have to do what I need to. I divorced him and took my child with me." - Ms. Jung

"And what did you learn from your experience, Ms. Jung?" - Radio Man

"That low class and high class will never get along. No matter how much you may love one another, there will always be something in your way, stopping you. I thought that our love was strong enough to suppress those hardships but I was wrong. Due to my stubborness, my life was ruined." - Ms. Jung

"Well then, Ms. Jung. Thank you for having your time in sharing your story." - Radio Man

Radio Channel End

Before the radio man could talk again, Jungkook turned off the radio as he worriedly eyed Chaeyeon. She looked out her window as she secretly wipes away the tears that had trekked down from her eyes. She may not know it but Jungkook saw her wiping away her tears.

"You don't need to listen to them Chaeyeon. Her love story is different from ours. Every love story is different." - Jungkook

"I know." - Chaeyeon

"Then why are you crying?" - Jungkook

Chaeyeon then turned to him as he held onto her hand in comfort.

"It's just that her love story didn't went the way she want it to be. I thought the same way as she did with our love story and what did my decision do to us? It separated us." - Chaeyeon

"And yet I'm still here. We have a family now, Chaeyeon-ah. That's how much I love you." - Jungkook

Chaeyeon flashed him a smile as she brought his hand that was holding onto hers and brushed it against her cheek.

"I know. That's why I came back to you and stopped your wedding with RyuJin." - Chaeyeon

Jungkook chuckles as he tried to focus on his driving.

As all four of them got inside of their house, they noticed that the lights were on. Jungkook and Chaeyeon glanced at one another.

"Stay behind me with the kids." - Jungkook

Chaeyeon nodded as Jungkook walks in front of them and picked up a metal bat along the way. They heard a noise coming from the kitchen as Jungkook tries to attack anyone that comes out from there only to protect his family. The person then came walking from the kitchen when Jungkook takes a big swing but before Jungkook could hit that person with the metal bat, that person caught it with his hands while he screamed in pain.

Chaeyeon then came walking out from Jungkook's back and stood beside as Jungkook also stood in front of the doorframe.

"Yoongi oppa!" - Chaeyeon

Jungkook immediately dropped the bat and walked up to him to see if he was alright.

"Hyung! I'm so sorry. I didn't know that it was you." - Jungkook

"Well then next time .. ask." - Yoongi

They were now sitting on the couch as the kids were taking a nap. Chaeyeon was bandaging up Yoongi's left hand.

"What are you doing back in Seoul, oppa?" - Chaeyeon

"I heard that you had two kids so I came by to visit my nephew and niece." - Yoongi

Chaeyeon then gave him a poker face.

"Wow. So if I didn't have kids, you wouldn't even come?" - Chaeyeon

"Exactly. Why would I come and visit you when I see you everyday, video chatting." - Yoongi

Chaeyeon then chuckles in seeing her oppa still the same as always, even after a few years of not seeing each other in person.

"I'm just happy that you're back." - Chaeyeon

Yoongi gave her a smile as they both exchange hugs. Yoongi then looks up to see Jungkook and decided to tease them, as always.

"So? When is your third child coming?" - Yoongi

Jungkook looked away in shyness as Chaeyeon playfully hit him in his chest. Chaeyeon and Jungkook looked at one another and suddenly hugged one another in a romantic way as Yoongi starts to cringe.

Now this is what love and family is. In love it doesn't matter of what you think of it. It only matters of how you use it. This is what Chaeyeon and Jungkook went through. They went tough path, rough in losing someone that they cherish, and even faced threats due to differences. This is what love and family means to them. No matter what happens, they will always come back to one another because they believe in one another. Believing in one another is much more stronger than love and that's what Jungkook and Chaeyeon did. They believed in one another and that bond made them stronger. 


MAY 28, 2018 

This book has finally ended. Thank you for supporting me in reading this book. Again, thank you and I hope that you guys will continue to support me. Your support is my motivation in continue to write my stores. Thank You. I Purple You all, my readers!!! 

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