Chapter One Introductions

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Old chipped wood that used to be painted white. A window that was so dirty only a faint light could be seen through it. This was the image of what (y/n) had starred at for the past nine years. You had been left at this home for the unwanted, along with all the other children left here by criminals. By villains. 

The only people who had worked at the dark and forgotten mansion was a three manned staff. The leader was an old woman who had a quirk allowing her to bind her victims. She was as old as the building itself and loved just as much. Her gray hair was pulled into a tight bun which held back many wrinkles, it was almost like natural face lift. The woman was wicked and held a thick accent. It was evident she wasn't from around here. 

 The second in charge was a man, he held a thin face with a long nose and beady eyes. His quirk was electricity, he was a sadist and loved to punish the children that lived in the sad excuse of a home. He was known as "Mole", Mole was a freak. Often he would call out random children saying that they were being bad and would take them to the 'Hole'. It wasn't an actual hole it was basement. You had only been down there once before and that was to clean up a bit. When Mole had called you out to go into the dungeon you had thought for sure it was your turn to be... controlled. But instead he just watched as you had worked, cleaning the blood and other nasty, indistinguishable things off of the walls and floors. The walls were padded in order to quiet whatever happened in the room, with a large cage in the center of it. The cage held  metal arm shackles and a large pool of water. Behind the cage there was a solid metal door that always remained locked. You knew there had to be a large room behind the door seeing as when you had knocked over a bucket while cleaning, screams of many children could be heard from behind the door. 

The third man that was one of the helpers was a large man. He had a dark complexion with large muscles and a placid face. He never showed much emotion unless it was towards a child he was interested in. Once he found one he liked, he would use his silencing quirk to quiet them as he heaved them over his shoulder and he took off towards the attic. You and the other children knew when this was happening because often the house would shake and later a child would be found curled in a ball in a corner or laying in their bed trying to disappear. These children were never the same, many lost their ability to speak.

The whole situation was fucked up. But no one cared for the children in this home. You were all children of villains that no one wanted. Often when someone came to the home to find a child you would all have to stand outside stark naked, no matter the time or weather. Then one by one the person would look each of you over before moving on to the next. If they asked you to show your quirk you would have to. 

Each time a student was chosen the head mistress felt pride knowing that she was the one who had raised you, and when no one was chosen you would all be punished. First water would be sprayed on you until she thought of you as clean and then Mole would give you and your fellow children bursts of shocks until one of the students fell. That student would then be taken to the basement.  

You had been unwanted as a child at the age of eight, you showed no quirk. Seen as a disappointment, you were sent off to this home.  You ran your hands through your hair as you remembered the last nine years of your life. It wasn't great here. Many of your friends had died, or gone missing. Only one or two had been adopted and the rest you had no hope for their return.

Sliding off of the creaky old chair that you had sat on you stood up to grab a mop. As long as you were kept busy, you weren't thought of as a burden. As long as you didn't show your quirk you wouldn't be a target.  

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