Chapter Ten Training

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You woke up about the same time as yesterday. Looking over to the male who had his arms wrapped firmly around your waist, you tried to free yourself. He only tightened his arms. "I need to get up you jerk" you said trying to remove his hands, to which you instantly regretted as he let you fall onto the ground.

"Oh sorry princess, reflexes" He said giving a pitiful excuse before flashing a cocky grin. Dabis deep voice sent a thought running through your mind that you quickly threw away. 'hot'.

"Reflexes? I didn't know being an idiot was a reflex but hey, you learn something new everyday" you concentrated a glare in his direction before standing up and grabbing a new set of clothes for the day and making your way to the bathroom. Quickly you changed before walking back into the your room and finding the male asleep again.

A pillow swiftly made its way to his face promptly waking him up. He looked around confused. "You're awake good! Now get out." he looked bored at you before laying back down. You had no problem with it seeing as you had a water bottle laying on your desk and you didn't mind your bed getting a bit wet.

You opened the bottle before walking over to his figure on the bed and poured the entirety of it on his face. Boy was he pissed. He bolted up as steam rolled off of his skin. "Sorry you were kinda stinky, do you take showers?" you placed a finger to your chin trying to think about it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He screamed at your smirking face he was still sitting and you made your way closer. Before getting too close, you remembered last night and were warry.

"Now that you're awake, L.E.A.V.E" you sternly said at him before you threw the last few drops of water that was left in the water bottle on him.

His tee shirt that was once dry stuck to his toned body and you couldn't help but check him out. Yeah he was an asshat but that didn't mean he wasn't hotter than hell. His wet hair stuck to his face as he glared at your figure. Before he could say anything about you checking him out, you retreated down stairs.

Breakfast had taken along time seeing as you had to socialize. "(Y/N) today you will be training with one of our villains who can control their quirk." Kurogiri said to you as you cleaned up a bit, you just nodded.

It didn't take long for your trainer to find you it was a male completely in costume, yesterday you had met him. It was Jin, which was completely understandable seeing as he could make duplicates and you could do that with your own body. "Heya there (y/n)" you flashed him a happy smile before waving to him.

"Hello Jin thanks for helping me out today!" You sweetly said to him as he put his hands against his cheeks and squeezed them earning an odd look from you.

"So cuuuute!" he said. You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment. "Okay!" he said going back on topic. "We are going to be training in an abandoned part of the city, So stick close to me and if you see anyone else do not hesitate to kill or run back to me. They will not think twice about killing and rapeing you" A chill ran down your spine as he said the last part in a dark tone.

"Having said that, Let's go have some fun!" He clapped his hands together back in his usual chipper mood. "Kurogiri please open the portal for the training grounds."

Soon a black purplish portal opened up and you were transported to a town that seemed to be at war with earth. Buildings once inhabited now were overgrown with ivy and trees. It was pretty, but unsettling. "Okay so real quick here is my quirk" he picked up and duplicated a daisy. "And before you ask no... I will not duplicate myself."

"Okay guess it is my turn. Got a knife?" the male shook his head no and you sighed. "Okay give me a moment" You walked to the closest building where a large piece of metal was sticking out, you grabbed the metal, shoved it in the joint of where you arm meets your shoulder and ripped down.

"(y/n)! What the hell!!" he screamed thinking you were killing yourself. You shushed him as your arm hit the ground and another one immediately grew out. You did this a couple of more times until you felt it was sufficient. Looking over at your instructor he looked ready to throw up. " Okay I get it you can cut off your body parts forever... I'm gonna be sick" he said holding his stomach.

"Trust fall" you said staring at him, as you fell backwards the hands and arms you had cut off caught you with ease and brought you up about three feet in the air where you laid on an arm-bed.

The male stared for awhile before clapping and shouting. "That is amazing! You are amazing!" you smiled laying on your belly with your attached arms hanging off the bed. "Gross but amazing!"

"Just what every girl wants to hear" you laughed out immaturely. The male groaned. You sat up wiping a tear away from your face. You sat there for a moment and in the next you felt your neck snap as a cement wall met with your head. Your eyes looked around unable to move your body, while looking the broken pieces of skull and neck found each other and healed themselves.

As you stood up Jin was in a defense position. Your arm bed was lifeless on the ground with a male standing on top of it. Flames could be seen all over him. "Endeavor" the male said trying to sound strong but an obvious crack made its way through his voice.

"Shit" you said as he snapped his face to you.

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