Chapter Seven Tongue Hurt

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You had woken up fairly early especially for being up so late. Your clock read four fifteen. So you got up, made the bed, brushed your teeth and went to find something to wear. You had noticed the note laid inside the wardrobe, which hadn't been there before. It read.

(y/n), Wear something for training.

You placed the note aside and rummage through the closet and decided on a pair of black workout leggings and a loose (f/c) colorer workout shirt. You also had on a sports bra and had retrieved a pair of running shoes from within the closet. After getting dressed you brushed back your hair, finishing up the last touches you headed down stairs. You had arrived long before anyone else, except for Kurogiri he was working on making breakfast. "Can I help" you asked, trying to be polite.

"Oh, (Y/n) of course. Please cut the fruit for me." You nodded and began to slice. The next person down was Andrew. His hair was a mess and he was still dressed in a black shirt with red flannel pajama pants. "Andrew, I do not consider pajamas to be a suitable outfit for anywhere outside of their room." Andrew got the hint and ran back upstairs. 

You watched him leave before continuing the chopping. You began to hum slightly while working and Kurogiri didn't seem to mind. He was busy cooking the rice, fermented beans and boiling eggs. "How was your rest?" He asked with his back facing you.

"Not without interruption to be honest" You said placing some strawberries into a bowl. Seeing as your job was done you placed the knife into the sink and started to wash the dishes. You looked around a bit at all the alcohol on the wall and the darker mood of the bar you were at.

"Yes we have quite a few people who tend to be a bit rowdy." He checked his watch "Two minutes" he was speaking more to himself than to you. A loud thump could be heard as Andrew made his way down. Next came Kamalani she made it almost the entirety of the way down before tripping and slipping down the rest of the way. "Tomorrow you will not run down the stairs, you will will walk calmly down them with at least five minutes to spare" the two responded with a "Yes".

After breakfast had finished the two sat on the bar stools with full bellies while you worked on the dishes and putting away the food. "Okay, it is time for the run down of the day" You grabbed a paper towel and wiped off your hands. "We are going to be going to a separate more desolate part of town where no one lives in order to train you. But before that we are going to have you meet some of the members. Until they wake up I have some tutors for you. (Y/n) a lot of your training will be in your room." you sat leaned against the counter listening. "That is why you have the largest room. I have a trainer coming by who will be teaching you some martial arts and workout routines later. Now, head back to your rooms. I will be checking on ea-" the woman from last night came down the stairs interrupting Kurogiri.

She obviously felt uncomfortable and was doing the walk of shame. Bruises and bitemarks had found their way all over her body and he hair was a mess. As soon as the front door slammed behind her the man from last night made his way down stairs. He was in a tight black tea shirt with his hands in the pocket of his pajama pants. He noticed your group and paid no mind until his eyes rested on you. As he walked over to where you were in the kitchen he didn't break eye contact. He stood a few inches away before opening the fridge and grabbing out some fruit. He placed the bowl on the counter and leaned on it a few inches away from where you were placed.

"As I was saying, I will check on each of you later" you yelped as the back of your leg was kicked and you bit your tongue. The force from falling had caused the bite to be huge and as you could feel your tongue begin to heal blood dripped out of your mouth. Kurogiri seemed to not have noticed as you spit blood into the sink, got a drink of water and spit it out. You could hear as the male beside you chuckled a bit.

You wanted nothing more than to hit him. But instead you calmed yourself down and walked to the other side of the bar. "That is all for now" once he said those words you headed off, back upstairs. You had failed to turn around, if you had you would've noticed the way the male was watching you retreat almost like that of a cat with a mouse.

"No Dabi. You will not touch the girl. She is not one of your "over night friends". She is one of us now" Kurogiri scolded.

"Fine" he said to the black mist with even more determination. He wasn't one to sit back when he wanted something. Even if it was the company of a certain hard ass, who by all means was unattainable.

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