Chapter Three Decisions

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Later that night, once you had finished you sat in your usual position staring out the dirty window. Something snapped in your memory remembering what was happening down stairs. You grabbed the rag that was your clothes and proceeded to clean the window to the best of your abilities. You choked on air as you forcefully scrubbed away at the scum.

Why is life so wrong.

You thought to yourself, finally giving up and collapsing down on the floor. Staring blankly off to the floor just ahead of you a hand touched your shoulder. It was too dark to see who it could of been before a voice broke the dark silence. "Thank you"a boys quiet voice said braking the silence. The boy was silent for a second. "Whatever you saw tonight... saved me or any other child in here from having to see whatever it was" he was trying to comfort you.

You looked over to the boy who had to of been seven or eight years old and forced yourself to smile. "Yeah, no problem." You stood up and ruffled his hair. "Let's go to bed" You told the boy as you headed back to the little cot that rested in the corner of the room.

Morning had finally come and you stood up trying to stretch out your sore muscles before the same boy as last night came bursting into the room. "Someone is looking for three children!" as soon as everyone could register his words they all began to cheer and get ready. They stretched in order to be able to use their quirk to their full extent. Meanwhile you for the first time were hopeful. After yesterday's excursion you figured now would be a good time to leave the place where you had been held for the past nine years. You made a direct line towards the kitchen and grabbed a butchers knife.

Heading outside you stood in a line with the rest of the children. You had all been lined up from youngest to oldest, so you were towards the end. Since the adopters wanted so many people, many children that you hadn't seen in months came stumbling out of the house. No doubt from the basement. You made no eye contact with any of them and waited to be ordered to strip down like usual. Except this time it didn't come. A car drove up about eight feet away from all of you. Everyone waited quietly starring attentively forward.

Two men stepped out of the car one was nothing but black mist and the other had grey hair and hands all over him. "This is Mr. Kurogiri, and Mr. Tomura." The headmistress relayed to the miserable looking kids. "They are looking for three villains in training." at this the large group of children straitened up trying to look impressive. The men asked the head mistress something incomprehensible before she smile and responded. " Our most reliable child is (y/n), other than that the rest are...  bit underwhelming in that category." she said smirking with pride at the (h/c) haired, (e/c) eyed girl.

"Hmm" the man mumbled. He looked around at the girl and then to the rest of the group. "I will take her. But... I need to see the rest of their quirks first before deciding on the rest" The mist of a man said to the woman. She nodded and snapped her fingers. One by one each child showed their quirk to the man. Some showed him a fire quirk, other water, some showed some other weird version of a quirk. When the line came to you, you stood there unmoving.

"Your quirk?" the man with hands on his face asked. You kept looking forward not responding. "Kuro..." The man annoyingly said to the gas man.

"Please show us your quirk Ms.(Y/n)" you nodded and walked over to where you had set the knife down on the porch. The Mole inched forwards towards you until the gas man held up his hand stopping him in his track. You grabbed the large knife breathing a bit deeper to try to stay calm. You made your way back to your spot and stood there for a second.

"Let it happen" You said as you raised your knife over your dominant arm. Some children gasped as your arm fell onto the floor. Almost immediately another arm grew back into its place. Doing this a few more times to each arm, you raised your already grown arms as the arms laying on the grass floated into the air made a circle behind your back. Each hand individually flexed and then picked you up levitating you in the air. Once you were brought back down you jerked your head slightly and the hands disappeared.

Everyone who had witnessed your quirk had gawked at your power. "reliable and strong." He nodded and the mistress moved you out of the line up. You were stuck standing between the big man and Mole. There were two final people who came at the end after you in the assembly line. One was a boy who looked emotionally disturbed as he kneeled and sent up large pillars of earth into the air. He kicked them sending them flying and looked on with a bored look on his face. He was extremely thin and his brown hair was mildly long. The man again nodded sending the boy to stand next to me.

Finally there was a girl who walked over to where the knife was that I had dropped and picked it up. She ate the metal and her eyes shimmered a dangerous glimmer. She looked to Mole and finger gunned him."Boom" She said quietly sending an actual bullet through the males skull. She smirked and blew the tip of her finger as if smoke was rising. Her ginger hair fell into her face as she bowed to the adults. 

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