Chapter Thirteen Taken

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The movement was minimal but enough to catch your interest. Though from where you had been leaning you couldn't see much, so instead you climbed a tree and began to push your finger into your left eye socket. 

Throwing the eye into the air a new one grew back immediately. You tsked a bit as the eye grew back. Closing your eyes you looked through the eye that was ripped out it floated in the air a couple feet from the floor. You had no depth perception seeing as it was a single eye but regardless you continued to control it as it floated through the air. 

The present you could hear footsteps while the eye ball was still looking. The eye turned the corner just to get hit by someones knee. The eyeball rolled off to the side while you were brought back to reality 

TO: Dabi 

Hey can't call, they are right below me. 

TO: Unknown

I wish I was right below you rn.

TO: Littlebitch

*Changed Dabis name to littlebitch* 

Go fuck yourself.

TO: Sugartits

*Changed Unknown to Sugartits*

But that's your job :(


hello (y/n)? 


You could still see his texts but decided to ignore him. God he is so immature  you thought to yourself. Cute but immature. You hopped down from your tree and began walking away. Suddenly the entire forest was ablaze with fighting and the sounds of screams. 

Running down a path way you could feel someones presence, quickly you jumped into a bush and waited. Soon feet found their way past the bush where you had been hiding. You mentally cursed and waited for the peoples sounds to die down. 

Flipping through contacts on the phone you found Kurogiris. 


I'm done. Get me out

He didn't respond sending an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. A familiar sound resonated nearby and you quickly without thought dived towards the sound. As soon as you did  a bright light shined and you were in your bedroom. 

A sigh met your lips as you plopped onto your bed. At the moment it had to of been the softest most luxurious thing you had ever felt. You turned over and grasped a pillow smiling into it. After the days events you needed a good rest. 

Between the hot head earlier in the day and now the attack it had been... rough. Annoying people, annoying thoughts. 

WAIT!   you suddenly though remembering you had left your other eye behind. Quickly you sat up against the wall and tried to focus on the eye. 

A blurred image filled your head and after focusing soon it became clearer and clearer. Suddenly it was all there. You could control it as it rose above the trees and watched as a blondie was taken captive in a... marble? Out of nowhere the eye began to pain your skull. Positioning it a bit you could see a bird had grabbed it. 

"Why does everything have to be so difficult" You stood up and set to going downstairs.

Before you could even make it that far a rampage of curse words flew from some boys mouth below. Deciding it was best that he couldn't see your face you went upstairs and found what Kuro had set out as your villain costume.  

It was a dark one piece, the neck came all the way up to the top of your neck. The arms were open  and the back was all the way out, a dark (f/c) cloth was held on with a metallic band hanging loosely around the waist and hanged all the way down to your ankles. Your shoes were black greek sandals that trailed up your leg to the knee.  A masked trailed up your face that came to the bridge of your nose, leaving only your eyes available for viewing. It was a bit revealing for your taste but regardless it was better than revealing to someone your identity when it could come back to bite you. Even if you were a no one. 

Pulling your hair back was the final touch. You looked at yourself in the mirror and when you couldn't recognize yourself you nodded and headed down stairs. "GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" A young screamed echoed through the empty halls. You found it amusing and decided to float in on a chair of your arms super comfy, super intimidating. 

You floated in and found a blonde boy losing his shit. Sitting crisscross apple sauce you put your elbow on your knee and placed your face into your hand. "Who is this little spit fire" you asked Kurogiri as you floated along side of him. 

"The target for the latest attack" he stated matter of factly. 

"Oh?" you questioned eyeing the male. 

"Excuse me but the only person you should ever  look at that way is me" the annoying Dabi said to you. 

"Shut up" you said leaving no room for a response. It wasn't often you showed this strength but when you did it was powerful. "What is your name?" you asked the boy. 

"Fuck.You.Bitch"he spat out.

Showing him a cold face you glared at him. "Now that isn't nice." you jumped up as your seat made its way under you. "Why do you need him?" you asked the man in charge. 

"We need more in the ranks." the male with hands all over him said.

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