Chapter Fifteen Minutes

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Some adultish thingy dingys! WARNING


I tapped my finger lightly staring at his pale skin. By the end of the fifteen minutes I had noted   every curve of his muscles, the very dip the fell from his hip everything. I forced myself to be distracted by something else which ended up doing nothing at all. 

Thinking a flash of thought came to my mind. I quickly grabbed a piece of paper, dated and timed it and wrote out a couple sentences. I folded it into the back of the book successfully hiding it from sight. 

I then went back to what I was doing. Not long after he grumbled and got up "You stayed?" he asked in his sexy morning voice. I just shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my glass of water. "So yesterday.." He began. "was pretty crazy"

"Yeah, where was I even sent to? Like the room where you found me" he thought for a moment probably about whether or not to tell me. 

"Our leader he wanted to see if you trusted Kurogiri enough to teleport you to where you needed to be, so while Kurogiri was passed out he, aka the big boss, teleported us elsewhere"  I listened intently while standing up and going to refill my water. "Are you leaving?" 

"Right now? No, I am currently only in my bra and underwear and I notice my clothing to be nowhere in sight." As I said that a flicker gleamed through the mans eyes and he began examining me from head to toe. 

"You know" He said with a slight groan in his voice from standing up. "These" He touched one hand to my black underwear on my waist and the other to the bra strap on my shoulder "would look much better on my" he leaned his head so he could whisper into my ear  "Floor" A shiver ran through my body and I unwillingly moved him back a bit. He held on tight to my smooth body. 

After waiting a moment expecting resistance he leaned in and kissed just below my ear, then trailing down my neck and placing a couple of kisses to the space between my breasts. "beautiful" he almost moaned against me. He then came up to face me, looking me in the eyes and leaned in to kiss me. His eyes were glazed with lust and I fell into the moment. He smiled at me as he inched closer to my lips. I was breathing raggedly awaiting his kiss. The raven haired male glance from my lips to my (e/c) eyes. He inched closer, as he was about to brush against my lips he pulled away and threw me to the ground "I win".

I scoffed and stood up thinking myself dumb for getting caught up in the act. "No you didn't." I said knowingly. 

"And how the fuck did I not win?" He asked upset. 

"Last page of The Shinning." He was confused and stalked towards the book, he flipped through the book until he saw the last page and the note fell out. 

"'8-1-2XXX 6:15am 

You are going to try winning the game today, probably thinking you won and then I will let you know that this here, you welcome! Dumbass "  

"You have got to be fucking with me!" he slammed his hands down note still placed in them. I walked up to him and patted his back. 

"Better luck next time tiger" I went to go kiss his cheek for good measure but he suddenly turned his head catching my lips with his. I tried to budge away from him but soon gave into the feeling. There was something about him that made me want to obey him every time. 

So yes as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up onto the table with our lips still locked I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling his waist closer to mine. Now only a thin layer of clothing was between me and the male in front of me. Our skin seemed to mold together as we continued in a heated kiss. 

He was the first to pull away for air. He starred into my eyes and waited for me to make a move. My chest heaved breathing in the air and starred back into his own. 

He connected our heads together and he smiled a genuine smile. "How about now." I reached up and grabbed the back of his hair. 

" I still win" I said proudly running my hands through his locks. He chuckled and kissed me again a smile playing at his lips. 

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