He Saves Me From my Ex, now it's a Arranged Marriage? [Chapter 15]

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When I'm sad I write. D: I don't want to go into details-but some people I know found out about my wattpad account. O.o How embarrassing. Now I'm sad. XD

Wow. Two posts in one day. I'm proud. =3

Chapter 15!!! Gasp.

"That's not right," Matthew muttered under his breath. "She's her STEP daughter." I rolled my eyes,

"That ain't my sis. My sis wouldn't be a bleached-blonde." I slammed the door in their faces, and swiftly clicked the lock. I could hear them pounding on it noisily, cussing a couple times and screaming my name angrily. Matthew looked at me with no emotion, before unlocking the door.

"Wh-" I started, but they had already raced in.

"AZURA CARTER!" My mom screamed, her face red, "YOU DO NOT SLAM THE DOOR IN YOUR MOTHER'S FACE!" I looked at her hardly,

"You've never been my mother." I stormed upstairs, slamming the door as hard as I could. I jumped on my bed, grabbing my iPhone. I called Ella.

"Hello?" someone asked through the line.

"Hai. Ella. Get. Down. Here. NOW."


"No questions. Now." I heard her rushing, getting things together. Then, I hung up and waited. I laid on my bed awkwardly, my head on the ground, my feet in the air, and my stomach on the bed. What seemed like forever, I heard someone open the door. I came face-to-face with Ella.

"I heard. Snuck in," she whispered. "I could hear them arguing." she shut the door quietly and clicked the lock.

"Yeah," I said finally. Tears threatened to flow.

"I can't go back to the monst-oops, I mean my mom." She looked at me sharply,

"Why not?"

"She doesn't...Like me at all. I haven't been her daughter since she remarried."

She nodded, understanding, "Yeah. She was arguing prettyyy hard, girl."

"Uh huh." I winked playfully, trying to change the subject, "Still with Dylan?"

"Yes!" She bounced up, brightening my mood to see her so happy.

"Did you see your so-called sister? She acted like a total sl-" I cut her off,

"Jerk. Daddy told me not to swear."

"I thought it was mommy?" I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Oh yeah. Right." She said quickly. I giggled a bit.

"Movie-time?" I asked, pointing to the small-flat screen.

"Duh! What do you have?"

"I dunno. Let's look for some DVDS."


MATTHEW'S POV: OMG! XD This is special. I probably won't do his POV much.

What? This was not possible. I couldn't marry...it. That wasn't right.

"I can't marry It-I mean, Katelyn." Azura's mom looked at me angrily,

"Why not?! It's in the contract!"

"My father didn't agree for "Step" daughters, Mrs. Carter." She seemed like a...Lunatic. I could see how freaked out Azura was when she had called me. This woman wasn't right.

"Let's call him up and see!" she cried belligerently. Uh oh.

"No!" I said quickly. Katelyn winked at me. I couldn't help the bile that rose-oh shizz-I might be falling for Azura! NO WAY! I would totally be chasing this girl a week ago! Wait. What happened to me?! I'm a player! Hold on...Am I? Would I change that for Azura? Maybe...

"Yes. Let's call him." She took out her cell-phone, and before I could say anything, or even dive at the cell phone, she said,

"Hello? This is Mrs. Carter. Yeah. The mother of the girl your son is marrying. No. Yes. I have problems. I just need you to come to your son's house. Right away. Ok. Thanks." She hung up, smiling victoriously at me. I groaned in my mind.

Azura's POV:

We ended up watching Marley and me, and I didn't even hear the door open and slam. I was too busy bawling my eyes out. Ella was doing the same. I probably looked like a mess. I kept on crying. Why did he have to die?! He was such a good dog! Noo!

"W-why d-di-d he h-ave to die?" I sobbed. Ella sobbed harder,

"I-I don'-t-t k-now!" Sobs were raking my chest. Then, I heard a scream that made my heart thump.

"AZURA!" it...it was...My ex.

"AZURA!" it was...another dude? What the fudge?

HAHAHA cliffy.

Kay. It ain't what you're thinking. Her Ex isn't the dad...

:o Enough said. XD

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