Chapter 4

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After that day. Jahrid and I barely talk so we could get ready when he will leave now.

He will leave same time when mom's surgery is held. I wonder what time is his flight we had three days left now.

I've regretted to know that he's leaving. It's a bad news to me. Along with my feelings for him.

Someone called me. It's Senior again. "Hm?"I asked. "Take a look with the liver cancer... Please my girlfriend is upset now"he asked.

"Tsk, sure it will give me some more experience and I never thought you had a girlfriend with that ugly face of yours"I said then hung up before I'll get scolded by him.

I went to the ICU to check his patient that it got nothing to do with me!

"Where is the liver cancer patient?"I asked the doctor who is in charge of the ICU. "He's in the bed four"he said pointing the bed. I nodded then went in.

I saw Jahrid checking the ulcer patient that just woke up. I bit my lip. He's just caring.

He just cared for me because he's my friend not like he had feelings for me. I checked the vitals of the liver cancer patient.

He just went to an operation a while ago. He's probably having a hard time. Since it's a cancer.

"Is that your patient?"someone asked. But now I had feelings for him. I recognized his voice.

"No, but I got asked to check on him"I said while turning to Jahrid. He nodded.

A nurse went near to us. "Senior said that you should check him everytime because he went to septic shock in the middle of operation"she said.

I furrowed my eyebrow. I heard some beeping beside me. I quickly turned.

"The blood pressure is dropping rapidly and heart rate is slowing"Jahrid said. He went near to the patient and went to cardiac arrest.

He pressed the patient's chest again and again. "Charge 200 joules"he said to the nurse.

The nurse lended it. I bit my lip. I'm supposed the one to look after him. "Shock!"he said.

He pressed the chest again. "Checking heart rythym"he said and checked the neck of the patient. He took a sigh of relief.

"He's back"

The nurse beside me is relieved too. I'm the only who isn't relieved. I will be scolded for just standing here when I'm the one who is asked for this.


"You're the one who I've been left to the patient, Euphiemia. Why is Jahrid taking it over!?"he shouted at me at his office with Jahrid. "I just took over, Sir"Jahrid said.

I opened my mouth to say something but Senior is shouting on him. "Are you Euphiemia!?"he asked while shouting.

"I'm sorry, Sir. It just it went so rapid-----"

"Stop with the excuses!"he said. Okay let's see how this will go. "I will take you to discipline committee"he said.

"But....... I'm the one who took it Euphiemia shouldn't go"Jahrid said. I can't take this anymore.

"You should go too, Senior"I said while raising my head. "What?"he asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"You asked me to do it because you chose to date your girlfriend out there and you blamed me to this? You're the one who started this. You shouldn't have asked me if your real motive is to scold me like this. I'm not the kind of person who'll just let this slide. Besides the patient is alive!"I shouted causing everyone to silent.

"So..... You will report us, I will report you too"I said looking serious. "Tsk, fine I won't report you"he said while looking away.

"Now go out you two"he said. Then we went out. I walked to my office dumb-founded at myself. "What am I doing?"I said while sitting down at the floor.

"Tsk, I know you didn't mean it. I know you won't let it slide a situation like that but you are not reckless"Jahrid said. I messed my bunned hair.

"I must be crazy"I said while hitting my forehead. "Yah why are you hitting your head, stop it"he said while grabbing my hands away.

His hand is soft. But It meant to let go. However he made my heart beats like crazy again.

"Just let it go. You're right anyway, he shouldn't have asked you if he didn't trust you"he said.

I pouted then nodded. My phone is vibrating. I pulled it from my pocket of the gown.

Chong Hua Emergency.

I answered it. "This is the surgeon in charge of Desiree Arcadejas has been going to a critical condition. I suggest we should get an operation now all we need is your persmission"someone said.

C...critical condition?

"Yes please operate her"I said. "Thanks for the permission, Mam"he said. He hung up.

"What was that?"Jahrid asked. I bit my lip. "They just asked permission to operate mom"I said. He looks worried because of it.

"Shall we go there?"He asked. I want to go there and wait how will it go. But if something is wrong I might regret it.

"I'll call my dad first"I said. I dialed dad's number then he answered it.

"Is something wrong, Euphie?"he asked. "Mom is in critical condition and they operated on her now, you shall go dad"I suggested. "Yes I'll go within 30 minutes"he said.

"Bye dad, see you"I said and I heard him nodded. Jahrid looked at me. "Shall we go now, I'll ask the Senior in the phone while we're going there"he suggested.

I can't function really well. Because of mom's condition. I'm too shocked right now.

He held my hand.

"It's okay, Euphie. Your mother hadn't have gone this far to give up like that she will fight now so get your senses and let's go"he said. His eyes........ Is worried.

My heart is beating like crazy and I really can't function right because of him now.

He dragged me to the parking lot and went in to his car.

That is traumatic for someone like that. Jahrid really is worrying at Euphie or her mother or what? Even myself the one who wrote this can't tell. See you.

Written by: annexbunny

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