Chapter 33

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I stared at his deep eyes and chuckled. "I don't know that"I teased. He raised an eyebrow and dropped his eyes at my body.

I bit my lip and his eyes darkened. "Yeah right, because I just saw you today wearing these. Why are wearing such things like this, huh?"he asked while putting my hair to the back of my ear.

I bit my lip harder to hide my smile but I seem to lose. He narrowed his eyes and I chuckled. "Why not?"I asked.

He leaned a bit to whisper in my ear and I felt his fresh breathing again. Damn it!

"You're too sexy, baby. Your shoulders and collarbones is already fucking revealing for me"he said.

I widen my eyes and saw him smirked at me. He's right. I only wore spaghetti if it's day off because I only wore shirts or dresses but not revealing my neck because it's too much.

"It's......j-just today"I stuttered. What the hell? I'm too sexy? And it's already revealing for him. It's not that he saw my cleavage!

"What if guys will fall for you, huh?"he said erotically. Even his voice triggered me. It's sexy! Urgh, what the hell.

"They will fall but I won't"I said then smirked. Why, is he jealous? When Eustace and I hang out, is he also jealous?

"I know that but you know me, right? I won't know what will I do to them, baby"he said. My cheeks flushed. He's too possessive like fuck.

"Baby?"I asked while bitting my lip to stop smiling but I failed again. He smirked. "If that's so"he teased. I bit my lip.

I sat up. And he pouted. Am I really that pretty when my hair spreads on grass that now it affects him? Tsk, now I know.

"Shall we go to the office now? It's late"he said. I bit my lip because of my green mind. Damn it, what the fuck! Why am I thinking that it will happen to us? What the..

I nodded. I smiled to hide my green mind. I looked at the stars again.

And saw him at the corner of my eye that he is looking at me deeply. Like he was waiting for me and he finally got me and now he doesn't want to let go of me and take me out of his sight.

I turned to him. But before I could say something, he kissed me. How many times do I have to feel like this? My heart has almost leaped out when he did that. But he kissed me more and I also kissed him back.

I don't want to hurt and dissapoint him so I will give him my everything. 

I widen my eyes as he sucked my lower lip. I don't know what to feel like hell. I felt like I'm an angel who just fell and catched by this man in here.

I slowly let go and he smiled. He stood up and lend his hand to me. I bit my lip. "Let's go?"he asked. I smiled and nodded. I accepted his hands.

We went to the stairs still holding hands but I quickly let go when I saw Jandrick coming out of President's office.

He raised an eyebrow to us. My heart beats fast because of fear. He furrowed his eyebrow. "What the hell is wrong with the lips, Euphiemia? Jahrid?. I thought I saw cherry?"he asked.

I widen my eyes and put my hand on my lower lip. Damn it, Jahrid. Why does he have to kiss me endlessly!?

"Are you two wore some lipsticks or what?"Jandrick asked. I breathed heavily and sweat ran in my forehead. Damn!

Jandrick turned to me. "Really, it looks like it was sucked"he said. Damn it! Both of us were silent but Jahrid said something.

"Tsk, who would do that to her?"he innocently asked. I want to laugh because of his stupidness. Of course, it would be him! I bit my lip.

Jandrick nodded. I slowly walked away and Jahrid also followed. I ran when Jandrick is out of my sight. Jahrid cursed and murmured.

I opened my office and went to the under bed. I'm too tired to go up. Damn! I heard Jahrid chuckled. He lay down beside me and hugged me.

"Damn, it's really hard to lie because of you, Euphiemia"he stated. I turned to him. "Then you shouldn't have lied"I said while burying my head to his chest. I smiled.

Damn his heart!


It's been a week since I had this secret relationship with him. And it's kinda hard. I don't want to be his secret. But, Alisa caught us kissing at the elevator day ago.

And as we all think! He's too clingy. My cheeks flushed. Urgh, what the hell? He's everywhere! He's such a stalker. Well, it's not like I don't want it I only find it cheeky for him!

I arranged the bed of my patient at the ICU who got discharged a while ago. I pouted as I finished putting the comforters at the side. I turned around to the information desk.

And saw Jahrid looking at me dreamily. My cheeks felt hot again. I rolled my eyes. I went to a nurse and told him that I finished my job.

I walked out of ICU. I heard footsteps behind me. Oh, he followed me, huh? I smirked.

I felt his chest at my back, hugging me. I widen my eyes and looked around to see if there's people looking at us.

"Don't worry, no ones here"he whispered in my ear. I took a sigh of relief and smiled. Damn it, he's too clingy. I turned to him. I pouted.

As I first saw his sorrowful eyes or.... Face. I bit my lip. And caught him stared at my lips. What the hell?

He saw my reaction and chuckled. "That's too adorable, Euphiemia. Stop bitting your lip"he whispered again.

I blinked. "I-it's just my habit..."I said while looking away. He caressed my hair. "When you're nervous? Hmm?"he asked teasingly. Oh!

I glared at him while he's in too close in front of me. Well, I should get used to his clingy side. I bit my lip to stop smiling.

He cursed and suddenly kissed me. I also kissed him back. I want his soft and tender red-pinkish lips crash with mine, though

I smirked when we let go of our kisses. "I always want to be with you, baby. But I know you---"I put my index finger on his lips sexilly to tease him.

"I find you clingy? Don't worry you're too adorable for me to say"I teased. He held my hand. And put it down.

"Go to work now"he said chuckling. I rolled my eyes remembering he ordered me a while ago to arrange the bed.

"I'm still your Manager..."

He leaned to my ear. I felt like it was tickled by his breath.

"I'm the one who is in charge of you"he said. I groaned as I felt my cheeks flushed again and again.

Right, he's the one in charge of me. My heart and mind is always crazy of him. . . . . But if he is the one who is in charge. . . Can he also manage to break my heart?

Written by: annexbunny

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