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Bold means yelling
Italics means thoughts
(YN) means your name
(LN) means your last name
(HC) means your hair colour
(SC) means your skin colour
———Alright let's begin———

~(YN) P.O.V~

When I woke up this morning i could only see darkness I always have been afraid of the dark maybe it's because my siblings would break into my cell and beat me up or maybe it was because my father would take me and do experiments on me to "make me stronger".
Today was no different except I was awake before anyone could do anything that's when I heard a loud creaking noise "4 you worthless piece of garbage daddy is gonna need you this morning." He said with a sickeningly sweet tone of voice with an as disturbing smile on his face. He always calls me 4 because I'm the 4th child everyone else gets this treatment the only difference is they have an actual name because or mother died giving birth to me I never got a real name and I guess that's why the kids mistreat me because our mother must have been the nicer parent. I don't have a choice but to listen to him because one way or another he'll get his way he always get his way.
I've always been the runt of the litter where all my siblings had gotten stronger thanks to my fathers "surgeries" but nothing works on me, so while my bullies get stronger I stay the same. They're not all bad though my oldest sister Jennifer or 1 always protects me when my brothers pick on me. In total I have 2 brothers who are twins and only 1 sister we're a lot but my father says he gets to experiment more now.
I was cut off my train of thought when I heard my father speak "Take your shirt off" I always hate taking my shirt off because my scrawny body is covered in scars from my father's earlier work on me. As I lay on the cold metal table I nervously ask him "F-Father aren't y-you going t-to put me asleep?" He chuckles "sweet innocent 4 if I did that you wouldn't get stronger". He pulls out a scalpel and carves into me, I start to cry but I muffle myself by biting into my hand, I know it could get worse. I hear and feel him pull all the skin off my back I look back even though I shouldn't and see a neatly cut out square from my back " ah ah ah no peeking." he says to me grinning. He pulls out a lacrima and says "I heard rumours around dark guilds about dragon slayers and that it's a very powerful type of magic." His grin darkens "so lets see if I can make you into one with this here lacrima, maybe it will make a wimpy pipsqueak like you into someone worth wild." His cruel words cut like a knife into my heart.
I felt the somewhat large lacrima being inserted into my back cavity and I felt tears rolling down my face "see"he says catching my attention "that didn't hurt at all well at least not to me." He says smugly
I felt him stitch up my back than he commanded "4 eat this rock." "Huh" I look at him questioningly "it's apart of dragon slayer magic you're an earth dragon slayer now you can eat rocks, dirt, sand and gravel to charge your lacrima."he said "you can easily beat your siblings up now with the magic your genius father gave you" he said proudly.
I nibbled the rock and felt a rush of energy sweep over me "take this book back to your cell and study" he tells me "ha ha it worked now I'll be able to make the whole guild into dragon slayers" he said ecstatically. But as soon as he said that the wall was cut up into a bunch of different squares and figure wearing a cape walked in "dr. (LN)" he says pointing towards father "as a member of fairy tail and an s class mage, I Gildarts Clive am here to take you and you guild down." He yells.
Father the ever paranoid genius presses a red button that locks mr. Clive, but mr. Clive just rips the mechanisms off himself "dr.(LN) for countless crimes against the magic council you are under arrest." He yells more "wait who's the kid?" Me and father sweat drop "h-he just now notices me?" I asked confused.
With one swift punch my father was knocked out mr. Clive came over to me and asked "hey kid what's your name?" "I-I'm 4 (LN)" I say nervously. "So did your dad just have you locked up here or what?" "N-no me and my s-siblings live here" "how many kids are down here?" "W-with me there's 3 boys and my big sister" "sounds like you have a big family, where's your mom" "I-I don't know I-I never met her" "how would you and your siblings like to be apart of a bigger family?" "I-I'd have to ask them" "well take me to them"
I put my white shirt back on and use my tiny feminine hands to grab mr. Clive's hands I walk down to everyones cells.
"I'm sorry mr. Clive, I don't know the password for the cells" I say teary eyed "woah there little buddy no need for the water works I have your password right here" Gildarts says while flexing his arms and I tilt my head in confusion "Uh mr. Clive I-I don't think" I was cut off by Gildarts punching through every metal cell doors "huh" I say with my jaw on the floor.
Soon after explaining everything to everyone they all agree to Gildarts proposal.
"Good job getting us out 4" 1 says to me as she lifts me onto here shoulders giving me piggyback ride "hey that's a smart idea" Gildarts picks up father who's still knocked out and gives him a piggyback ride "off to fairy tail." He shouts excitedly "you sure he's the one who knocked dad out in one punch?" 1 asked me

~Makarov P.O.V~
It was a peaceful day until a certain pink haired boy was jumping around "Gildarts back! Gildarts back!" He yells but who are those children following him, he was gone to take down a small dark guild? "Hey master I'm back from the job it was a complete success dr. (LN) is in jail and what's even better we got new members" he says pointing to eight kids.
"Guildarts who's children are these their parents must be worried sick?" "Nope the dad is dr.(LN) and we don't know what happened to the mother so it's a safe bet to say she's dead." "Alright nice to meet you what are all your names?"
"Well my names Jennifer and I'm the oldest this Tim, John and the youngest 4" "well you are all official members of the guild just step inside and get your mark, welcome to Fairy tail."

———Chapter end———

Thank you so much for reading my first chapter of my first book.
If you have any ideas on how I can improve please leave a comment and thank you for your help and interest.
Was this chapter too long or too short was the right amount? I honestly don't know these things.
Thank you again
~Hobo writer

Fairy tail Mirajane x shy male readerWhere stories live. Discover now