Chapter 3 - Promotion commotion-

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Bold means yelling
Italics means thoughts
(YN) means your name
(LN) means your last name
(HC) means your hair colour
(SC) means your skin colour
(FC) means your favourite colour
(NN) means nickname
———Alright let's begin———
~(YN) POV~
Like a blink of an eye a year just seemed to go by. I've learning spells so I could go on jobs with Jen, speaking of she's been going on so many jobs lately, I bet if there were promotions in guilds she would get one.

Today master has all brought us to a small stage area near the bar. "Well my children, normally this time of year, we pick candidates for the s-class trial but this year only one has been chosen and will immediately become s-class, come over here Jennifer (LN)." Woah I was kidding about the promotion but I won't stop it. "What bear claws!?!" Of course Mira has to say something. "I should be s-class not her." "On the contrary Mirajane, she's been working her butt off for this and didn't even know there were promoting."

~Jen POV~

Yes I never had heard about it, I definitely didn't hear people talk about and start to work more because of it

~(YN) POV~

"Number boy you're coming with me." "Huh w-why me?" "Cause I said so now sit down" I comply not wanting to end up dead or on a hospital bed. Mira then sits on me and forces me to put my hands around her and I blush madly. "M-Mira w-what a-are y-you doing?" "can't you see how upset I'am, I need comforting." "Uh M-Mira don't people h-hug each other when they're upset?" "Oh so now you wanna hug me? What's next? Cuddling." I was stuck everyone including Jennifer was distracted by becoming s-class, those who weren't saw me and only gave me a look of pity. No you have to help me dang it!

~Time skip brought to you by chibi (YN) doing practicing magic and cry about hurting himself~

Time for another s class promotion and time for Mira to hopefully get promoted. Please master do me this one favour and spare me from the embarrassment of last year. This year I played things smarter I sat in the corner next to Lisanna so that if Mira doesn't get picked I can fall back and talk to Lisanna and Mira won't do like last year.

Mira had a notorious history of flirting with me, one time when I finished working and Jen was out on a job she ran up and kissed me on the cheek then laughed at me as I became a blushing, stuttering mess.

~Mira POV~

I was looking around for (YN) so that I could sit on him like last year if I don't get promoted. Fat chance of that happening. While thinking that Erza came to me "ready for me to become the youngest s-class wizard ever." "In your dreams red." We were about to start fight when master walked in.

"Well children it's that time of year again the s-class promotion ceremony!" Among the list of names I wasn't one of them so I left for (YN) the biggest insult was Erza is in the running.


Ok so Mira didn't get pick time to fall back on plan B. "S-so Lisanna who do you think will be the new s-class wizard?" "Well since Mira isn't a candidate I'm putting my money on Erza." Just then Mira came up to us. "Oh hi big sis, sorry you're not getting promoted me and (NN) were" she was cut off by Mira sitting on me. No after all the planning it happened again why? "Big sis? What are you doing to (NN)?" "It's more what he's doing for me. He's comforting me." Couldn't I comfort you in a more comfortable and less embarrassing way? "Ah young love." A man smoking says walking by. Take me with you! I spent the rest of the day stuck under Mira.

~time skip brought to you by chibi Mira making chibi (YN) flustered~

It's time for the S-class promotion again, not wanting fight against what I know what's going to happen I sit down on a stool and wait for the inevitable. "Well my children as you know it's s-class promotion time, I will now list off the participants." I listen intently to master's list, then he said the golden word "Mirajane Strauss" I'm free from this cycle. Mira walked up to me smiling. Creepy. Then she sat on my lap. Are you serious! Then she pecks me on the cheek. I don't understand girls!

~Time skip brought to you by chibi fairy tail guild members making kissy faces at chibi Mira and chibi (YN)~

It's been three years since I joined fairy tail, who ever said lucky number three is a liar. This year I was the only candidate for s-class. To celebrate, Jen and I were joining the Strauss' first s-class mission. It's pretty simple stop a beast that's been terrorizing a village. "This gonna be a cake walk with all this take over wizards, eh (YN). Jen says confidently. "It sure will sis."

We meet up with Strausses at the train station. I hate vehicles! I always get motion sickness. As I was about to throw up Mira called me over "hey number boy I have trick for motion sickness." "R-really you do what is it?" She then punches me in the gut knocking me out.

~Mira POV~

He's pretty cute when he's asleep. As the train pulls into the station (YN) wakes up. "Huh how much further?" "We're here dummy." "No need to be mean." "So (NN) are you finally gonna use that new spell?" Lisanna asks "Yep I bet it could take down the beast no problem I'd just have to charge and use it on it." (YN) says excitedly. geez he's a dork.

We make it to where the beast is. Elfman, Jen and I fight the beast so (YN) can charge his attack, while we do that Lisanna evacuates the village.

Elfman decides against our plan and trys to take over the beast, it worked for a while until the beast took control of Elfman. I try and fight him off but it's no use maybe Jennifer could beat him. Before Jennifer could do anything Lisanna flew in.

~(YN) POV~

I was so focused on beating the beast I can barely understand what's happening until a see Lisanna's body be fling across the forest. I have to attack now or someone else will get hurt "Earth dragon slayers tectonics blast!" But I was paying attention, I was to worried about Lisanna until I notice who I hit, it was the beast it was Jennifer. My rage boils over and I rush in with one swift punch I knock the beast down who starts to glow and reveal Elfman. I don't care anymore rush to Jen.

"4 is that you?" "Yeah it's me big sis." "You've gotten so strong, I can barely believe you're the same kid I protected so many times before in the lab." "Yeah and you can protect me more when we go home." "(YN) I'm not going to make it." "Stop talking like that you're just fine all little scraps here and there  you just need to be patched up." "Get stronger and be good little brother." She starts to glow and fade away. "Jennifer!" I cry out as if I was the one hurt by the attack. I see Mira and Elfman walk up clearly they had been crying "Where's Lisanna?" "(YN) she died." "No she can't, I lost my sister I can't lose my friend too." We all sob and mourn the dead. Later we had a funeral for the two and it was just the two families.

"Hello son."

———chapter end———
My first cliffhanger and sad part talk about two birds with one stone.
Once again I know it's supposed to a flashback in a later episode but I wanted to balance out all the sweet stuff I wrote either the next chapter or the one after we'll be in the anime timeline.

~Hobo writer

Fairy tail Mirajane x shy male readerWhere stories live. Discover now