Chapter 5 -Mission Ignitable-

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Bold means yelling
Italics means thoughts
(YN) means your name
(LN) means your last name
(HC) means your hair colour
(SC) means your skin colour
(FC) means your favourite colour
(NN) means nickname
———Alright let's begin———

~(YN) POV~

It's been a week since the dance and Mira must've taken what I said about her dress to the heart, because she's been wearing dresses ever since. I noticed that her bangs have been given her trouble when she works at the bar.

"H-hey Mira." "Yes (YN)?" "Here's a hair tie for your bang." "That's sweet of you." Mira then puts her hair up in a reverse ponytail.

Mira sure has changed, taking suggestions on what to wear, working at the bar and accepting help from me. "Hey (YN)?" I was cut out of thought by Mira. "Do you think I should do modelling for sorcerer weekly?" "I-I mean if you want to." "Ok! Master told me about it, so I wanted your opinion."  She wanted my opinion?

"You know 4, you should pick someone stronger to mate with." Father I've told you a million times Mira is just a friend. "Who needs friends? Pick that red haired girl she seems to be the strongest girl here." Father that isn't how we do things, did you act this way with mother? "Yes, she was the strongest female so i chose her to breed with, then the youngest who had a really small magic container killed her. Then all the kids went off to betray me, the youngest killed his sister who was the strongest." If you disliked me so much why put your mind in me? "Convenience." I had to go and do something this man is insufferable.

"H-hey Natsu do you have any jobs we could do together? I'm pretty bored." "Perfect timing (YN), Happy and I were hearing rumours about some Salamander who uses a rare type of magic and Komodo who's supposed to be as strong as Salamander, we're hoping he's Igneel and maybe he has a dragon friend." "Sounds good to me."

Happy said we'd have to take the train even though Natsu and I hated the idea. "H-hey Natsu do me a favour and knock me out." "Sure thing man."

~Natsu POV~

I punched (YN) hard so he wouldn't have to suffer. "Wait! Who's gonna knock me out now?"  Now I had to endure the train ride while Happy tries to knock me out.

"Hey is your friends gonna be alright." "Yeah they get that way when they travel." But as I say that the doors slam shut. "No!" (YN) and I were stuck for another ride. "Are we there yet?" (YN) asked as he woke up. "We were." "Wait you found him?" "No the train was there and we were to slow to get off so it's time for another trip." I say unenthusiastically.

~time skip brought to you by Chibi (YN) barfing rainbows~

~(YN) POV~

Natsu and I finally got off that demon train and we were walking down some alleyway looking for Igneel. "You guys really need to get over that motion sickness." Happy says

~Lucy POV~

That greedy old man he barely dropped the price for the key. "Salamander! Komodo!" A mob of girls yell. "Wait, the salamander and Komodo? They're super powerful wizards with magic you can't buy in stores." The mob of girls turn into a circle surrounding Salamander and Komodo.

"Ladies, ladies please calm down." "It's a pleasure to meet you all." The two attractive men say. Suddenly, my hearts starts beating really fast. Is this love? What! They look at me? Then a pink haired guy runs up and I snap out love "Igneel hey it's me Natsu." The pink haired guy and some other guy came running up to Salamander. "Wait you're not him." He then walks away. The girls tackle him down but they couldn't knock his friend down. "P-please I'm n-not a fan of being touched." Wait that's his problem!?!

"Ladies, please don't hut those boys, we're sure they didn't me to offend you." "Here." Salamander gives his signature to the pink haired boy and Komodo turned a rock in the walkway into a stone tablet with his signature on it and gave it to the other guy. "No thanks." The pink haired boy said. "I'll save this for later." The other boy says.

~(YN) POV~

What a bummer no dragon. "Hey thanks you two." A blonde girl says "Huh what did we do." "That creep had a charm ring on I couldn't control myself." The blonde says.

That girl was so thankful she brought us to a diner for lunch. "You know there's no rush." She says Natsu and Happy were scarfing down food. "Why aren't you eating?" She asked me "w-well you s-see I'm not really hungry." "Don't mind him (YN) is always acting shy around new people." Happy says. "You know that wizards aren't considered wizards until they join a guild, that's why I want to join the most popular one, Fairy Tail. But all this talk about wizards must be so you said something about a guy named Igneel who looks like a dragon?" "No, no, no, You got it all wrong Igneel doesn't just look like a dragon, he is one." Natsu explains. "Huh?" She exclaims. "Yep, Natsu, (YN) and I were looking for him."

"So you're name is (YN), yours is Natsu and you're is Happy, well my name is Lucy, now if you excuse me I'll keep on looking for Fairy tail." Natsu and Happy went on the floor thanking Lucy, while I put my own money and give her back hers. "You guys do know, I owed you right, you don't have to this." "Wait I know what I can give you." The Natsu pulls out Salamander's signature "I don't want that."

Natsu, Happy and I decided to stay a bit longer seeing as we didn't do much, until Natsu notices Salamander's boat, then We heard girls talking about how he was from Fairy tail. Natsu flew to the boat with Happy, while I launched myself with rocks. We crashed in trying to look cool only to feel sick from the boat. "You guys are so lame!" Lucy exclaims. Happy then flew away with Lucy. Natsu and I started fighting but we weren't as good because we weren't feeling good. When suddenly a giant wave pushed the boat into the shore. What the heck! We felt much better after the boat stopped moving and Natsu looked really angry at Salamander and Komodo for being fakes. Suddenly they set Natsu on fire and tried to pummel me with rocks. We both started to eat "Now I've got a fire in my belly." Natsu exclaims "Fire dragon roar." While Natsu was fighting I was trying to clean up the messes.

I felt rocks being thrown at me. "Do you mind I'm trying to clean up." But I turned around to see Komodo throwing boulders with his magic. "Just stop you're annoying me." But he kept throwing them. "Hey boss I know this kid, his the real Komodo." The fake Komodo's eye opened wide he was annoying so I knocked him out with a punch and kept trying to clean up.

~Lucy POV~

Those guys are Fairy tail wizards, they're so powerful but "they over did it!" Natsu grabs my hand and says "if you want to join fairy tail follow us!"
———chapter end———
Woah that was a longer chapter than usual.
So yeah I decided that (YN)'s wizard nick name will be Komodo
Also cheers only took 4 chapters but now we finally start up the show
~Hobo writer

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