Chapter 6 -Introduction malfunction-

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Bold means yelling
Italics means thoughts
(YN) means your name
(LN) means your last name
(HC) means your hair colour
(SC) means your skin colour
(FC) means your favourite colour
(NN) means nickname
———Alright let's begin———

~Lucy POV~
I can't believe I'm going to fairy tail! Wait a second I know Happy and Natsu's magic but no one told me about (YN). "Hey (YN) what magic do you use?" "Oh I-I'm an earth dragon slayer." "Oh so did you know a dragon who taught you your magic?" "N-no, my dad put a lacrima in my back when I was a kid." What a weird guy!

"S-so Lucy, why do you want to join fairy tail so badly?" (YN) asked. "Because they're the number one guild in Fiore, also my idol Mirajane Strauss is a part of the guild, she's so beautiful too bad she's single." (YN) starts to blush "ohh now you've done it Lucy, you mentioned Mirajane, her and (YN) are in loooove." Happy chimes in. "S-shut up stupid cat." (YN) says blushing more. (YN) then pulls out the rock slab the fake Komodo made looks at it then bites into it "(YN)! That's so weird!" "How's it weird? Everyone needs to eat?"

~time skip brought to you by chibi (YN) eating rocks~

~(YN) POV~
Natsu, Happy and I were standing proudly as Lucy looked at the guild hall excitedly. "I can't believe I'm actually here!" Natsu kicks the door open "we're back!" "Hey Natsu was that rumour about Salamander I heard about true?" A buck toothed wizard chimed in. "What? You sent me out because of some stupid rumour?! It wasn't even true!" Natsu yells as punches the wizard half way across the room. "Is that Natsu I hear?" Gray says

"O-ok Lucy I guess I'll show you around, the guy in his underwear is Gray Fullbuster he's got a bad habit of stripping." "Gray! Your clothes! I swear there's no classy guys to date." Cana says as she starts drinking from a giant barrel. "She's Cana Alberona, Fairy tail's biggest drinker." "Gray, Natsu! You want me to show you how to be a real man!" Elfman yells. "That's Elfman Strauss, he thinks the solution to everything is manliness." "Don't worry ladies I'll protect you~." Loke says then he gets hit in the head with a mug then he falls to the floor. "That's Loke Fairy tail's playboy, he's ranked high on sorcer weekly's eligible bachelor list." "Well he's off my list." Lucy says.

"You guys better stop right now or else." Cana threatens with her cards. "Or what?" Gray says while making some ice. "C-come on guys let's not fight." As soon as I say that everyone starts using there magic. "Master isn't gonna like this." Master immediately came down in giant form. "You brats stop this right now!" He yells stopping the fight immediately, Natsu who was confident because everyone stopped was crushed by master's foot. I knew he'd be angry, I better try and calm him down. "Hi master, did you come to see the new member" Mira and I both say at the same time. Spooky. Master shrinks down and lifts his hand to her. "Nice to meet'cha." "He's so tiny!" Master then flips and hits his back . Ouch. "You've gone and done it again you bunch of clots! Look at the stack of paperwork the magic council sent me this time, this is the biggest pile yet! Have you lost your minds! All you kids are good at is getting the higher ups mad at me! However I say to heck with the magic council. Now listen up, any power that surpasses reason, still comes from reason, right? Magic isn't some kind of miraculous power. It is a talent that only works when the flow of energy inside of us and the flow of energy in the natural world are in perfect synchronization. To perform magic one must have a strong mind and the ability to focus. It should take over your being and come pouring out of your soul! If all we do is worry about following rules, then our magic will never progress."

Mira then gave Lucy her mark and you could see the stars in her eyes. "(YN), Natsu look at my mark." "Oh yeah, that nice Legy." "It's Lucy! What are you looking at anyway?" "This is the request board, people send there problems to us, we pick one we like, we complete the job and then they pay us." Natsu picked one and just as he was about to hand it in Romeo ran in. "Why can't you just go and help my daddy!" "Listen brat! You're dad picked that job that means he has to complete it and he has to come back."

~Lucy POV~

Jeez that mean. "I know the master seemed rude but it's because he thinks of every member as his child, he's actually worried sick about Macao right now." I heard a crack then I look over and see that Natsu punched the request into the request board and walked angrily out the guild with (YN) walking right next to him. "Lucy, you better go after them, the both have father issues. I bet Natsu told you this but he was raised by a dragon. (YN) wasn't so lucky him and his siblings were test subjects for his dad." "That's horrible. I'll go with them right away."

~time skip brought to you by Chibi (YN) being mad at his dad~

"You guys really have bad motion sickness, I guess it's another reason to pity you." "Pity? What are talking about Lucy?" "Nothing." We arrived and there first the I noticed was how cold it was. "How are you guys not frozen right now?" "Oh L-Lucy you're cold would you like a coat? Maybe a hot chocolat?" I took a coat and it was really warm. "(YN) you gotta stop packing so much stuff." Natsu complained. "One day you'll need something and I'll have it then won't you look silly." He talks like a child.

We kept walking until a giant monkey jumped from above so I summoned Horologium and jumped inside him. (YN) used rocks to hold down the monkey to try and interrogate him but (YN) couldn't sound tough. Natsu just punched the monkey sending him flying into a mountain. The monkey started glowing and he turned into a man who I could assume was Macao. After we nursed Macao back to health be brought him down to reunite him with Romeo. "Hey Romeo!" Natsu yelled "look who's back!" Romeo started crying and the leapt into Macao's arms. "Next time those kids start giving you trouble ask them if there dads can beat up 19 vulcans."

———chapter end———
Woah, Sorry it took so long to write I keep going through writers block and I can't decide what exactly I want to do (YN).
Also I changed the title so it could be smaller
~Hobo writer

Fairy tail Mirajane x shy male readerWhere stories live. Discover now