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Chapter Seven
Monday. Gosh, they have to be the worst day! Always screaming: the weekend is over and I'm here to put you in a bad mood!
Well, Monday wasn't the only thing having me in a bad mood. Alecia had cleaned my room yesterday to earn some extra, and one of my dresses had gotten mixed up in the wrong laundry, the white stained with pink and blue. I pulled out a grey strapless shirt and a black cover to pull on over it with six inch heeled very leather boots. Our school had a two hour delay, and I was thankful a little, but still hating the fact it was a Monday. Lindy drove us both to school, and I found Parker waiting for me. We went in and sat togeather outside our first period classroom.
"So what time, exactly is the game on Friday?" I asked him. He looked down at me, kissing my lips softly.
"Four thirty." he said. He kissed me again.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I kissed him back. Someone came by and there was a snap as if a cell phone camera had gone off. I looked up to see what it had been. It actually was a phone camera. Some nerd I'd never seen defore in my lif was grinning as though Christmas had come early.
"Whats you're problem?" I demanded.
"This is another picture to add!" the nerdy dude said in his nasal voice. "Those nude pictures of you and you're boyfriend are super hot!"
"What?" parker and I both exploded at the same time. He was looking at me, and I was looking at the nerd, his eyes on my chest.
"What are you talking about!?" I reached up and snatched his phone away, and looked at his pictures. There were the very pictures I'd told Lilly about. Heath must have...but how? Just then I looked up and saw Alecia walk by with Lilly. She winked at me. She must have told Alecia. And Alecia must have swiped Heath's IM or Email from my computer when she cleaned my room! I wanted to kill myself for being so stupid! How could I have let his happen? And here, with a boyfriend I actually cared about!?
"I can't believe her." I threw the phone at the nerd. He actually manage to catch it, and walked off.
"Do explain." he demanded, slightly angry. "There are nude porn photos of my girlfriend banging another dude probably all over the school, and I want to know why!"
"That little bitch. I was IMing Lilly on Saturday and I told her about Heath. He's that guy, the one who's with my bestfriend now. She must have told Alecia and she mustve gotten his info from my computer when she cleaned my room!" I rested my elbows on my knees, my head in my hands, wanting to melt into the brick wall and never come back. "Are you ditching me now?" I stood up, looking down at Parker. He hesitated.
"No. I just..."
"You just don't want everyone seeig those. Parker, I was at a party, I was stupid and got drunk for the first time in my life. I swear to you that it hasn't happened since!"
"What? Banging dudes, or going to partys and getting drunk?" he asked.
"Ive never had sex with a guy since Heath. And I have never gotten drunk since that time. I swear, Parker. On my own and my siblings' lives!" it was true and I was desperate for him to believe me. He took my hand.
"Im sorry this had to happen." he said.
"Well it's not like Heath never sent them to anyone else. This happened at my old school. He sent them out when he got mad at me once. That little Jack ass. I wish I could slam his head into a brick wall."
"Id be there helping you." Parker said through his teeth. Lucas came running up with Davin.
"Oh my GAWD!" he ghasped. "Tiffany, did you-"
"We know. And it was Alecia." I said.
"Oh". The smile didn't fade.
"Just delete the pictures." parker said.
"Ohhh....fine." he looked at one of the pictures for over ten seconds and I snatched his droid out of his hands and deleted the whole album Heath delivered to Alecia. I stole davin's and did the same, then handed them back.
"Dont you dare ask anyone to send those to you". I growled.
"Id rather have the real thing." Davin said
"Yeah, but sorry." I said. "Parker still exists." Parker smiled for the first time since the nerd had taken our picture. "But friends are nice."
"Duh." Marc said to someone, coming up to us. "okay, I know I have a grilfriend-"
"Who is where?" I asked.
"Talking to her English teacher," I nodded. "but these photos-"
"Damn it!" I grabbed his cell and deleted them all. "Replace them with pictures of you're dog and family."
"We don't have a dog-"
"Go buy one." I was thinking. I saw a pink sharpie on the ground and picked it up, twirling it in my fingers.
"Uh oh." Parker said.
"Shes thinking." Lucas couldn't help but smile.
"ohhh goody." Davin rubbed his hands togeather.
"Can anyone get here early with me tomorrow? I have some 'extra credit' I need to set into action." I smiled evily at them.
"I would but I have to pick up my car." Parker said.
"I'll do it!" Lucas volunteered.
"Good." I said. I sat down, thinking that this day would be a lot more bearable once I figured out exactly what I was going to write on Lilly and Alecia's lockers.
After suffering from being stared at, people making cracks about it, and taking pictures of me, I managed to get through the day and speed home. New York was so complicated.

The Pretty And The Popular
Teen FictionTiffany's mom got a new job, moving them from miami, Florida to New York. Boyfriends, revenge and modeling for her mom at Louis Vuitton all wait for Tiffany. But not everyone loves the rich and beautiful.