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Chapter Ten
~*~Parker POV~*~
"Tiffany!" I yelled out to her. I heard Lucas do the same. What was he doing?! I started forward as Lucas ran towards the bleachers, ready to pull her away and be the knight in shining armor myself.
"Green! Outside!" two teachers pulled me back and I moved to the doors through the croud. I looked back and almost smiled as I saw lucas throw a punch and hit Mr. Granite. Done in this school for sure! I was pushed through the crowd and a minute later I saw Lucas come out, shirtless, holding onto the hand of - no! - Tiffany! I teied to push through the crowd but I was pushed back deeper in. She had to be alive! If she was dead - no. I couldn't even think about that! One of the many ambulances had her lifted in, and I felt anger run through my body as Lucas, still clutching her hand, climbed in. The doors were closed, and the sirens wailed as they left the parking lot. I saw Davin and grabbed his arm as he walked by.
"Tell the teachers i'm going to the hospital. I'm there to make sure tiff's okay."
"No problem, man. Marc'll be takin Lindy probably." he nodded and I ran off to my blue sports car. There was no way Lucas could take her from me. No way in hell.
~*~Lucas POV~*~
I paced back and fourth in the room where they'd made me wait for her. The cold room was almost all white - white tile floor, and only a few landscape pictures on the wall. They'd given me a short hospital gown that fit like a tshirt. I guessed it was made for children, but oh well. I punched the wall, fighting the urge to yell. There was a dent in the wall. I hadn't hit it quite hard enough to break the plaster. I collasped in a chair, holding my head in my hands, fingers gripping my hair roughly.
Ten minutes passed, and I was about to go mad, but the door opened and a stretcher was wheeled in.
"Mr. Welt?"
"Yes!" I jumped up, hearing the nurse's voice. She was a tall African American woman with a kind face and voice.
"Shes going to be fine." she smile at me, placing a warm hand on my shoulder. "She has stitches in her arm and left thigh. It's a good thing you tried to stop the bleeding, because if you hadn't shed be in a worse condition. I have her bandaged up, so she'll have a limp for a while."
"When can I take her home?" I asked.
"Give it a day. I want to make sure she'll be okay with the bloodloss. She had the iv and that should do, but just to be safe. And she's unconscience, but that dosent concern me. Just give me a buz," she pointed to the beeper on the bedside table. "a minute or so after she wakes up. I'll have some more pain medication for her."
"Okay. Will do." the nurse got to the door, an I stoppe her. "Excuse me, but don't any of her family want to see her?"
"Urm, I told her parents she was okay. Her brothers are trapped at school along with her sister, and they've been notified. They should be here in, say, fifteen minutes or so though." she smiled and nodded. I turned back to the bed and looked down at her beautiful body. I pulled over a chair and took her hand once again. I held it up to my face, feeling her could fingers on my warm cheek.
"Lucas?" her eyelids fluttered and her lips moved.
"Tiffany? Oh, god! You really are okay!" I held tight to her hand, and I dust realize I was crying until she laughed, and sat up.
"Dont cry, Lucas." she kissed the top of my head, and propped herself back against the headboard of her bed. "Whats going on?"
"Dont you remember?" I asked, scared shed forgotten everything but my name.
"the bleachers fell and I fell through. I don't remember anything else." I brushed back her blond hair as she gingery cradled her stitched up are.
"You were unconscience."
"He saved your life." Mr. Granite came into the room with the man who'd tried to get me away from her. I was shocked, wincing at Mr. Granite's brusing eye and cheek bone.
"What?" she asked.
"When you fell he came after you. When I tried to get him back I got a little sonething in return." he smiled and pointed to his giant bruise. "Dont worry, after all that happened I'm bot punnishing him."
"He moved the metal from you're body and tried to stop your bleeding." the other man said.
~*~Tiffany POV~*~
I looked I've at Lucas, my eyes flooding.
"Lucas." I murmered. He smiled at me, shyly. "Thanks." I choaked. I honestly didn't know what to say. This man had just saved my life.
We thanked the men as they left. I turned to Lucas again, and pulled him closer to me, kissing him gently on the lips.
"Lucas this is way out of line, too early, and I'm probably going to scare you off but-"
"But what?" he asked softly.
"I love you." he smiled at me.
"I love you too." he whispered. Our lips met when there was a nock on the door and the nurse came in. We each jerked back. She hadn't noticed though. She was talking to someone over her shoulder.
"Here you are." she said. Parker came into the room and somethng like hurt stun in my chest. "Take this sweetie, and here's some water. Whenever your ready to sleep you can take the blue pill. It will help you sleep better. I'll be back in a few."
"Thank you." I took the water and pills from her, smiling kindly to the woman. When she left I turned to Parker. "Where the fuck were you." I stated. It wasn't a question.
"Lucas went through all that and you just LEFT?" I asked. I swallowed the pills just barely. I also noticed that Lucas was still holding onto my hand. I squeezed it, holding on tighter.
"Tiffany, I got pulled out!"
"Mr. Granite tried to stop Lucas!" I countered.
"Well two teachers is different than one! Tif-" I didn't wan to hear anything from him. He'd just left me. I mean, I know he couldn't possibly have done everything, but Lucas was my superhero now. Not the slightly British accented Parker that I adored. Now it was Lucas that I loved.
"I don't want to hear it." me hand hovered over the button to get the nurse.
"Please, Tiffany. I love you!"
"Well Lucas loves me more." my fist dropped on the bottom and the nurse came right in. Aparently she'd been outside the door, speaking with a fellow nurse.
"Mr. Green would like to leave." I growled.
"Sure thing honey." she opened the door for him. "Come on."
"Tiffany you don't get it! I promise-"
"Its time to go." the nurse cut him off. She grabbed his arm and pulled him from the room.
"Shut up." I spat. She came back in a moment later.
"Mr. Welt, will you be staying the night?" she asked I looked at Lucas.
"Would you like me to?" he asked quietly.
"I'd love it, but you have things to do and family to see." I said.
"Ill stay." he said.
"Ill have someone bring you both some dinner, then, and the remote for the tv is on the stand if you like." she smiled.
"Thank you." we both said.
We ate and the others all vistited, bringing news that about fifteen students had been hurt, and three killed. Stacy Jack, Marie West, and J.T. Stuart. I hadn't known any of them. They left and mom and dad came with Dennis. When they left Lucas and I alone, I moved over in the bed and had him climb up with me. We watched movies until my pill kicked in, and I fell asleep in the soft white sheets, my good arm around him, head lying on his chest. The pain killers had worked, and I hoped that I'd be healing soon. Guickly as possible, please.

The Pretty And The Popular
Teen FictionTiffany's mom got a new job, moving them from miami, Florida to New York. Boyfriends, revenge and modeling for her mom at Louis Vuitton all wait for Tiffany. But not everyone loves the rich and beautiful.