Chapter 5

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{Baz's POV}

I held Ryan tightly and protectively.

" are the best friend I could ever have..."
The words I heard come out of his mouth. I smiled and my heart got warm as I put my face into his hair and rubbed his back.
"And you Ryan...are the best friend I've ever had.." I took a breath in and I could smell Ryan's hair...his hair was like a strong sweet coconut smell. I loved it. I adored it.

"I'm always here by the way." I told Ryan, "I'll always be here for you. You are safe. I'll keep you safe. I'm gonna be real honest with you...losing someone like you, losing just you, losing Raz and Lewis and everyone will hurt but not as much as it will when I lose you. I'm gonna protect you. Nothing will hurt you, got it?"

Ryan looked up at me. His eyes glew because of the light the moon was shining down on them through the curtains. He had little tears making their way out of his eyes at the moonlight hit them as well. Ryan nodded, "I got it.." He said as his lip quivered.
"A-Are you okay..? Did I do something? Is it something I said?" I panicked.

Ryan gently placed his index finger on my lips and slowly shook his head, "I'm just lucky...alright..? To have friends like you guys..You all make me make me feel What did I do to deserve it all..?" Ryan eyes reminded me of a waterfall. His tears were the water, flowing out slowly.
I frowned a bit but pat his back and I kissed his tears away and felt that his face was getting hotter, "You are sweet, helpful, you put smiles on everyones faces and you are there for everyone. Ryan you are amazing and you deserve everything like everyone does. I will die for you, I'll give you anything. You've made me laugh the hardest and smile the most. Don't let me down now My little Bitty boy..."
A little smile finally appeared on Ryan's face, "I won't at least...I won't try to let you down.."
"That's my Ryan. Now let's cuddle and get some rest, I don't want you to be tired when you wake up."
"Okay..goodnight RyRy."


Raz was up and in the shower. Lewis was stretched out across the whole bed since Raz wasn't on the bed anymore and was still asleep.
I was the first one awake. Raz was second. I had made made pancakes for everyone and put some of their favorite toppings on them and put the plates holding the pancakes on the table. Once Raz finished his shower and fixed himself up he came into the kitchen and walked up to me, "Good morning, Ginger." I chuckled and turned around to look at him, "And good morning to you old man." "Heeeey why'd you call me that?" "Your hair is gray. Like an old man's hair."
Raz made a kiss noise and glanced down at the floor, "Right right, Okay." "Sleep well?" I turned to a window and looked at my reflection and smiled, looking at my braces. "Yeah. Did you?" "Mhm."
"Yet, sleeping with Lewis was hilarious. He was trying to cuddle with me and then he'd stop himself and heat up."
"You know he loves you Raz." "I know.." "You shou-"
Ryan walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table, tired yet you could tell he was happy and at least got some good rest. "Good morning little Ryan!" I went over to him and hugged him from behind. He giggled quietly, "Good morning RyRy.." he said tiredly and softly, "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah I slept well. Did you?"

"Yes, I did. I felt protected thanks to you. You helped me last night and I just wanna say thank you a million times over and over...could we maybe hang out later after some videos and a livestream?" I smile at him, "Of course. But first..." I grabbed a plate that had four pancakes in a stack, soaked in syrup with whipped cream and strawberries and slid it over to him, "Eat."

Ryan's eyes and smile were so bright when he looked up at me when he saw the sight of the breakfast that was in front of him.

He started to giggle. That giggle was gonna be the death of me.
"Thank you!" "No deserve it.."

Once Lewis got up and me and everyone finished their breakfast, we recorded and did a livestream together.

(IM SORRY. I kinda went away from wattpad and writing this because I didn't do too well on it and I don't have enough confidence to write it but i'll still try my best for the people who like it and find it enjoyable)

Baz x Ryan (Bazamalam x 8-Bitryan)Where stories live. Discover now