Chapter five

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Recap; proposal of Suraj.

Chakor was admiring her new ring. She was happy as she was Suraj now. Suraj was still upset bcz of the cancelled deal but Chakor knows how to change his mood.

She was downstairs. Maa how do u make malai kofte???

They all looked at her. What did u say??. Kasturi asked her in disbelief.

Chakor pouts. I said how do u make malai kofte...

Teju; y?!.

Chakor was lowing her gaze. Woh Suraj he is upset I thought his fav dish might change his mood. So tell me how u make it.

Kasturi n Teju both stood up n went into the kitchen. Chakor was watching them as she didn't wanted to make any effort to it.

Teju n Kasturi were done. U saw it's easy.

Chakor was playing on her mobile. They both got tricked by her.

Kasturi; Chakor... what will u do after 5 years?!

Chakor; nothing he is there na he will cook. She took the plate n vanished with a bright smile.

Suraj Chakor I have to take revenge from u. U have scared the hell out of me with that freaky look. Hope after the wedding I won't have to see u in that look... he shakes in scare n disgust.

Chakor; Suraj look what I have for u!!! It's special made by our moms.

Suraj looked at her. She comes with the plate n placed it on the table.

Suraj made big eyes his mood changed in sec n he was eating his fav dish.

Chakor; see I know how to make u happy.

Suraj nods while eating. So true...

Chakor; now U have to take me out!!!! Please!!!!

Suraj looked at her. What is this? U didn't cooked it still I have to give u a treat?!.

Chakor nods. Yes!!!!

Suraj nods. Okay fine! Tonight?!.

Chakor smiles. Haan!!!

Suraj smiles back. He eats n asked for permission to take her out.

Vivaan; Bhai u r planning something right?!

Suraj; what no!

Tina; hmm where r u taking her??

Suraj; to the jungle!

TiVaan; jungle?!

Suraj nods. Too see the stars...

TiVaan; Oh...

Suraj was smirking. Chakor comes down in

Suraj was mesmerised by her

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Suraj was mesmerised by her.

Chakor; I'm so happy... let's go!

Suraj nods with a smirk. They took the car n drove a part...

Chakor; hmm I love the night... she stood up n spread her arms... to feel the air.

Suraj stopped the car. They both stepped out of it n Chakor was a little bit afraid.

Chakor; Suraj y r we here?!.

Suraj smiles. Chakor relax... look the clear sky. I want to show u some stars...

Chakor; aaawww 😍🤩.

Suraj n Chakor went into the jungle. He stopped n pushes her. Have fun...!

He runs away.

Chakor was shocked. SURAJ!!!!! SURAJ!!!!

She hears a sound. Suraj was hiding behind a tree with his mobile phone he made sounds of wild animals....

Chakor frighten. SURAJ!!! 😭😭😭

Suraj Oh no this was a big prank she will kill me. Suraj comes out of his hideout n he mistakenly made a notice of cracking wood.

Chakor screams. Aaahhh n runs into the deep jungle.

Suraj; Chakor no! Wait it's me!!

He follows her... Chakor was crying bitterly under a big tree....

Suraj went near. Chakor... hey Chakor... I'm sorry! Please forgive me! It was a bad prank...

Chakor; u know I'm scared of wild animals.

Suraj nods. Funny as u r a wild cat 😉.

Chakor hits him, Suraj lifts her up n they went to the place he wanted to show her after his prank...

Chakor; where r u taking me?!.

Suraj; I have prepared something... don't be scared I won't hurt u...!

Chakor; after what u did... I can't trust u!

Suraj smiles. U r too much.

Chakor was looking at it

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Chakor was looking at it. It was a small tent in the middle of the jungle...

Suraj; hmm u like?! No?!. Okay wait...

He made her stand n took a blanket from the tent. He places it on the grass n lies down. He spread his arm on his side n Chakor slowly comes down. She lies her head on his spread arm n looked at him. But Suraj points up...

 But Suraj points up

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Chakor; Wow... Suraj... it's beautiful.

Suraj turns to her. But not more than u... my Jungli Billi!!!

Chakor turns to him. I love U...

Suraj; I love U too...



Nothing happened

Back at home farmhouse done

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